
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/images.......

po(Posted 2003) [#1]
I am making a simple game that has an image of a track and an image of a car, everything works except the car goes under the track image when I want it to go over the image.
How do I solve this problem?


ford escort(Posted 2003) [#2]
you have to draw the track before draw the car so the car will be on top of the track

po(Posted 2003) [#3]
I hava tried that..... I have both the track and the car in the same while loop, the track doesn't move but the car does.
And I have the buffer set as back buffer.
It's like this:

SetBuffer BackBuffer()

While Not KeyHit(1)

DrawImage track,0,0


If KeyDown(203) Then car_x=car_x-1*car_speed
If KeyDown(205) Then car_x=car_x+1*car_speed
If KeyDown(200) Then car_y=car_y-1*car_speed
If KeyDown(208) Then car_y=car_y+1*car_speed
If car_x>750 Then car_x=750
If car_x<0 Then car_x=0
If car_y>550 Then car_y=550
If car_y<0 Then car_y=0
If KeyDown(203) Then DrawImage car_west,car_x,car_y
If KeyDown(205) Then DrawImage car_east,car_x,car_y
If KeyDown(200) Then DrawImage car_north,car_x,car_y
If KeyDown(208) Then DrawImage car_south,car_x,car_y


see a problem somewhere?

ford escort(Posted 2003) [#4]
in your code you draw the track then flip ten erase the screen then draw the car then in the next loop, draw the track on top of the car , flip , erase the screen
you may just change where you're flip the screen and erase it

SetBuffer BackBuffer() 
While Not KeyHit(1) 
DrawImage track,0,0 
If KeyDown(203) Then car_x=car_x-1*car_speed 
If KeyDown(205) Then car_x=car_x+1*car_speed 
If KeyDown(200) Then car_y=car_y-1*car_speed 
If KeyDown(208) Then car_y=car_y+1*car_speed 
If car_x>750 Then car_x=750 
If car_x<0 Then car_x=0 
If car_y>550 Then car_y=550 
If car_y<0 Then car_y=0 
If KeyDown(203) Then DrawImage car_west,car_x,car_y 
If KeyDown(205) Then DrawImage car_east,car_x,car_y 
If KeyDown(200) Then DrawImage car_north,car_x,car_y 
If KeyDown(208) Then DrawImage car_south,car_x,car_y 


hope it help and work (not tested but should work)

po(Posted 2003) [#5]
Thanks, it worked.

ford escort(Posted 2003) [#6]
and below the same but a bit optimised hope you like :)
you don't need to retest the keys to know what image of the car you have to draw.

SetBuffer BackBuffer() 
While Not KeyHit(1) 
DrawImage track,0,0 
If KeyDown(203) :car_x=car_x-1*car_speed:carframe=car_west:endif
If KeyDown(205) :car_x=car_x+1*car_speed:carframe=car_east:endif
If KeyDown(200) :car_y=car_y-1*car_speed:carframe=car_north:endif 
If KeyDown(208) :car_y=car_y+1*car_speed:carframe=car_south:endif
If car_x>750 Then car_x=750 
If car_x<0 Then car_x=0 
If car_y>550 Then car_y=550 
If car_y<0 Then car_y=0 
DrawImage carframe,car_x,car_y 

po(Posted 2003) [#7]
Problem..... The code above does not work.
Memory Access Violation.
Oh, and how do you make it so if two different keys were pressed, make it show an image?
Because I have a North East, North West, South East and South West image of the car now that I want to put on.
When you press the up cursor and left cursor at the same time I want it to show the North West image.

ford escort(Posted 2003) [#8]
Problem..... The code above does not work.
Memory Access Violation.

my bad, just add yjis line at the top of this part of the code

this give a default value to te carframe else when blitz goes on the drawimage command he can't found the image and do a memory access violation

Oh, and how do you make it so if two different keys were pressed, make it show an image?
Because I have a North East, North West, South East and South West image of the car now that I want to put on.
When you press the up cursor and left cursor at the same time I want it to show the North West image.

it's already in your question, use AND .

If KeyDown(203) and keydown(200) :car_x=car_x-1*car_speed:car_y=car_y-1*car_speed:carframe=car_southwest:endif
If KeyDown(205) and keydown(200) :car_x=car_x+1*car_speed:car_y=car_y-1*car_speed:carframe=car_southeast:endif
If KeyDown(203) and keydown(208) :car_x=car_x-1*car_speed:car_y=car_y+1*car_speed:carframe=car_northwest:endif
If KeyDown(205) and keydown(208) :car_x=car_x+1*car_speed:car_y=car_y+1*car_speed:carframe=car_northeast:endif

note that your first code draw the car only if a key is pressed so if you don't move te car the car disapear of the screen

Ross C(Posted 2003) [#9]
It's always good to put the

while not keyhit(1)

  draw stuff

cls at the top or just after the flip, and put the flip right at the end of the loop :D

po(Posted 2003) [#10]
Everything works fine now except I can't think of a way to keep the image when no keys are pressed.
Because when no keys are pressed it will automatically show the car_north image. :(
I don't think this: DrawImage carframe,car_x,car_y
works too well. :(
Anyone have a way of solving this?

ford escort(Posted 2003) [#11]
it's probably because you put the carframe=car_north IN the loop you have to put the command OUTSIDE THE LOOP
like below :)

SetBuffer BackBuffer() 
While Not KeyHit(1) 
DrawImage track,0,0 
If KeyDown(203) :car_x=car_x-1*car_speed:carframe=car_west:endif
If KeyDown(205) :car_x=car_x+1*car_speed:carframe=car_east:endif
If KeyDown(200) :car_y=car_y-1*car_speed:carframe=car_north:endif 
If KeyDown(208) :car_y=car_y+1*car_speed:carframe=car_south:endif
If KeyDown(203) and keydown(200) :car_x=car_x-1*car_speed:car_y=car_y-1*car_speed:carframe=car_southwest:endif
If KeyDown(205) and keydown(200) :car_x=car_x+1*car_speed:car_y=car_y-1*car_speed:carframe=car_southeast:endif
If KeyDown(203) and keydown(208) :car_x=car_x-1*car_speed:car_y=car_y+1*car_speed:carframe=car_northwest:endif
If KeyDown(205) and keydown(208) :car_x=car_x+1*car_speed:car_y=car_y+1*car_speed:carframe=car_northeast:endif
If car_x>750 Then car_x=750 
If car_x<0 Then car_x=0 
If car_y>550 Then car_y=550 
If car_y<0 Then car_y=0 
DrawImage carframe,car_x,car_y 

it's a default value just usefull before any key was pressed to avoid the Memory Access Violation. error, after that the value will stay the last key you pressed...

po(Posted 2003) [#12]
Thanks, I don't know if you can but is there any way you could make it so if a certain colour of an image overlaps another image it does something?
Like say if the image of the car overlaps the green part of the track image?