text vs. print
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/text vs. print
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I am correct here ... the command "print" is *not* for use in graphics modes, whereas "text" is? when I use a "print" command in a graphics 800,600 it opens a "console" windows ... can someone clarify to a beginner? |
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The Print command was used also in graphics mode, and it is still used too, but only in Blitz2D and Blitz3D. In Blitz+, as you spotted, that command opens a console style window, so it is no more supported as a 'pure' graphics command. The reason of this choice is that, as far as I know, the print command is slow in respect to the text one. So, even if the print command could be useful in a debugging session, it is strongly reccomended to use the text command instead. Sergio. |
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Sergio, Thanks for this input. That helped clarify things. and you are correct. I was testing using Blitz+. I own both Blitz2D, 3D and Blitz+, although I am sticking entirely to Blitz+ for Windows compatibility moving forward |
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can someone clarify to a beginner? Yeah. Don't use either. Use bitmap fonts / quad-texture-offset fonts instead. |
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--> guys - personal (Danish) note to Flameduck <-- Hej Mikkel Jeg forsøger at hente dine programeksempler ned fra dit .dk domaine men det lader til, at der er lidt ustabilitet hos din udbyder? |
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Hey, are you talking about me?! If you're talking about the incident with the lawnmower, that wasn't me! I thoroughly refute the allegations! |