Looking for a level Editor

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Looking for a level Editor

Hansie(Posted 2003) [#1]
Hi all

I am working on a platform/puzzle game in 2D - flipscreen, not a scrolling game.

For that purpose I need a level Editor which is simple to use, Blitz compatible, yet full of features etc.

help ...

semar(Posted 2003) [#2]
IMO every game should have its proper level editor, because every game is different from each other.

Usually happens that first comes the game level editor, and then the game itself...

However, I've already seen some level editor flying around, I'm confident you will find something useful here. Try also at:


Apollonius(Posted 2003) [#3]
Well many people use Mappy,
I'm building a 2D Map editor but ive started 1 day ago, I'm working on it 10 hour a day, but it wont be finished until a while :| but when it is ill let u know :)
Got no idea if its what ur looking for.
Note: mine is gonna be free.

However both mappy and mine use TILES.

eBusiness(Posted 2003) [#4]
In general there are two types of maps and editors, those using tiles, and those using individual pices of data, sounds like a tile job to me, the simplest way to have such data is in a bitmap file or something similar.

eBusiness(Posted 2003) [#5]
Got a program on my page using BMP-files for 2D-levels, think you can't make level editing much easier than that.