Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/GfxModeExists()
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all, is GfxModeExists() useful for anything at all? the code above does not print "error" as expected: **********' vh_scrwidth = 800 vh_scrheight = 7000 vh_scrdepth = 0 vh_scrmode = 0 vh_scrcheck=GfxModeExists(vh_scrwidth,vh_scrheight,vh_scrdepth) If vh_scrcheck=True Color $FF,$00,$00 Print "error" EndIf Graphics vh_scrwidth,vh_scrheight,vh_scrdepth,vh_scrmode ********* |
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Your code logic is incorrect, the last line Graphics vh_scrwidth,vh_scrheight,vh_scrdepth,vh_scrmode will always be executed regardless of the result of the test. vh_scrwidth = 641 vh_scrheight = 480 vh_scrdepth = 32 vh_scrmode = 0 vh_scrcheck=GfxModeExists(vh_scrwidth,vh_scrheight,vh_scrdepth) If vh_scrcheck=False Text 0,0,"error" Else Graphics vh_scrwidth,vh_scrheight,vh_scrdepth,vh_scrmode Text 0,0,"success" EndIf While Not KeyHit(1) Wend |
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Maybe you were going to ask or not but I will, when i try that is there a way to exit the console cause the console is still open while the game is also open :| ? |
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Just press Escape (Esc)While Not KeyHit(1) Wend |
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... I'm not that stupid Shambler >.> i meant the dos console the graphic enterface, need a picture? |
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Print and Input are mainly for debugging purposes, and use the console. Use Text () instead and you won't get the console... |
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Thanks guys for all the feedback. |