Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/maze
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I'm making a maze game, and I can't make it say,"You win!" every time the player reaches the finish. -me |
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I doubt anyone will answer if you don't post some code my friend, and prolly tell us exactly what you want to do.. |
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I'm trying to make a finish to my maze game,but it's not doing anything. Here's my code: Include "" Const TYPE_COL=1,TYPE_MAZE=10,TYPE_WATER=11,TYPE_B=10 Collisions TYPE_COL,TYPE_MAZE,2,2 Collisions TYPE_COL,TYPE_B,2,2 cam=CreateCamera() PositionEntity cam,0,4,0 EntityType cam,TYPE_COL CameraRange cam,1,45000 maze=LoadMesh("maze1.x") EntityType maze,TYPE_MAZE ScaleEntity maze,1.5,1.1,1.5 b=LoadMesh("b1.x") EntityType b,TYPE_B ScaleEntity b,1.5,1.1,1.5 PositionEntity b,0,-2,0 EntityAlpha b,0 water=LoadMesh("water1.x") EntityType water,TYPE_water PositionEntity water,0,-1.5,0 EntityAlpha water,0.5 ScaleEntity water,1.5,1.1,1.5 sky=CreateCube() ScaleEntity sky,-1000,-1000,-1000 EntityColor sky,0,255,255 l=CreateLight() LightColor l,255,255,255 l=CreateLight() LightColor l,255,255,255 TurnEntity l,45,45,0 l=CreateLight() LightColor l,255,255,255 TurnEntity l,90,90,0 l=CreateLight() LightColor l,255,255,255 TurnEntity l,135,135,0 l=CreateLight() LightColor l,255,255,255 TurnEntity l,180,0,180 While Not KeyHit(1) If KeyDown(200) MoveEntity cam,0,0,0.2 EndIf If KeyDown(208) MoveEntity cam,0,0,-0.2 EndIf If KeyHit(203) TurnEntity cam,0,45,0 EndIf If KeyHit(205) TurnEntity cam,0,-45,0 EndIf If Not EntityCollided(maze,cam) MoveEntity cam,0,-0.08,0 EndIf UpdateWorld RenderWorld Flip Wend End |
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It's hard to give a specific answer to this. You need some way to recognize when the maze is solved. Collisions are already working, so perhaps you could have a special object which marks the end of the maze. When the player collides with this the maze has been solved. |
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I can't get that to work, can you please give me an example? -me |
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Hey, create a cube with say an alpha of 0, the check for collisions between it. And give the camera a collision type and raduis :D This should do what you need :D Left and right arrow keys to turn, and up and down arrow keys to move back and forward. Graphics3D 800,600 SetBuffer BackBuffer() camera=CreateCamera() CameraRange camera,0.1,100 PositionEntity camera,0,0,-4 EntityType camera,1 light=createlight() ;------- create the walls and floor and set there entity types for collisions-------- cube=CreateCube() ScaleEntity cube,5,3,1 PositionEntity cube,0,0,6 EntityAlpha cube,0 EntityType cube,3 ground=CreateCube() ScaleEntity ground,5,1,10 PositionEntity ground,0,-3,0 EntityColor ground,100,100,250 exit1=CreateCube() PositionEntity exit1,0,-2.95,8 ScaleEntity exit1,5,1,3 wall1=CreateCube() PositionEntity wall1,-5,0,0 ScaleEntity wall1,1,3,10 EntityColor wall1,160,160,250 EntityType wall1,2 wall2=CreateCube() PositionEntity wall2,5,0,0 ScaleEntity wall2,1,3,10 EntityColor wall2,160,160,250 EntityType wall2,2 wall3=CreateCube() PositionEntity wall3,0,0,-10 ScaleEntity wall3,5,3,1 EntityColor wall3,160,160,250 EntityType wall3,2 Collisions 1,2,2,2; ------ collisions with walls Collisions 1,3,2,2; ------ collisions with invisble "exit" cube mode=1; ----- this variable determines which mode the game is in. MODE 1= normal walkabout mode ; ------ MODE 2= Finished maze and collided with the invisble cube ;------- Main Loop ------ While Not KeyHit(1) If MouseDown(1) And mode=2 Then; ------if left mouse button is hit then change back to mode 1 and reset camera mode=1 PositionEntity camera,0,0,-4 End If If mode=1 Then;---------- check keys if in mode 1 ------- If KeyDown(200) Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,0.1 If KeyDown(208) Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,-0.1 If KeyDown(203) Then TurnEntity camera,0,1,0 If KeyDown(205) Then TurnEntity camera,0,-1,0 If EntityCollided(camera,3) Then ;------ check to see if player collides with invisble cube to exit maze. mode=2; ------ if player has collided with with invisble cube then set to mode 2 End If End If UpdateWorld RenderWorld If mode=1 Then Text 0,0," Stand on the white floor to finish the maze!" If mode=2 Then Text 0,0," You've finished the maze!! Press the left mouse button to restart." Flip Wend End |
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It doesn't seem to detect the collision. Thanks for all the help. -me |
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Curious, it works fine for me. (Ross's code that is). If you are talking about your own code, have you made sure to set the entity types correctly and set up the collisions correctly also. |
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I got it to work!, but now I can't get the finish in the correct spot. -me Edit: Can somebody help me? |
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I got it to work! Here it is: Include "" Const TYPE_MAZE=10,TYPE_B=10,t1=10 Collisions 2,1,2,2 cam=CreateCamera() CameraRange cam,0.1,45000 PositionEntity cam,7,5,8 EntityType cam,2 maze=LoadMesh("maze2.x") ScaleEntity maze,1.5,1.1,1.5 EntityType maze,type_maze finish=CreateCube() PositionEntity finish,15,5,-77 ScaleEntity finish,5,5,5 EntityAlpha finish,0 EntityType finish,1 b=LoadMesh("b1.x") ScaleEntity b,1.5,1.1,1.5 EntityAlpha b,0 PositionEntity b,-2,-1,0 EntityType b,type_b water=LoadMesh("water1.x") PositionEntity water,-1.5,-1.5,0 EntityAlpha water,0.5 ScaleEntity water,1.5,1.1,1.5 sky=CreateSphere() ScaleEntity sky,-1000,-1000,-1000 EntityColor sky,20,10,30 l=CreateLight() LightRange l,45 TurnEntity l,45,45,0 LightColor l,90,90,90 While Not KeyHit(1) If EntityCollided(cam,1) EntityAlpha maze,0 EntityAlpha water,0 blank=CopyEntity(maze) EntityColor blank,0,0,0 Print "You Win!" Delay 1000 MoveEntity cam,0,-100000000,0 EntityType cam,3 Delay 1000 End EndIf If Not EntityCollided(cam,1) Collisions 2,TYPE_MAZE,2,2 Collisions 2,TYPE_B,2,2 MoveEntity cam,0,-0.1,0 If KeyDown(200) MoveEntity cam,0,0,0.2 EndIf If KeyDown(208) MoveEntity cam,0,0,-0.2 EndIf If KeyHit(203) TurnEntity cam,0,45,0 EndIf If KeyHit(205) TurnEntity cam,0,-45,0 EndIf EndIf UpdateWorld RenderWorld Flip Wend End Have fun! Thanks for the help! -me |