GUI popup window menu
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/GUI popup window menu
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You know in some applications u click example settings theres a popup menu, with Ok, Cancel but my question is, this popup locks the main window u cant access the main window until u pressed(closed) ok or cancel on the setting menu, I need to do that and how do you put only a (X)"close icon" on the top bar thing....? I really need this, and simple example would really help Thanks in advance~ |
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they're called modal windows, I don't know anything about B+, but take a look under commands for creating windows and see if there is an option to set it to modal. |
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Have a look at the Proceed/Notify/Confirm commands. They open these types of requester windows and block the main window. You can create a window with just the 'X' by giving the window a tilebar and making it a 'tool' window. Use style flags 1+16 as in the example here: win=CreateWindow("Hello",150,150,200,150,0,16+1) result=Proceed("choose ..") WaitEvent End Notice out the "Hello" window is blocked whilst the requester window is open. |
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Thanks gonna try this right away |
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No good It just pops up 2 thing the tool window and the yes no cancel window and u cant click on the tool window... until u click yes, no cancel ... Not working.. while WaitEvent() ... Select EventData() Case 1 winproj=CreateWindow("Hello",150,150,200,150,0,16+1) result=Proceed("choose ..") ... Wend |
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Is this the sort of thing you want to do or are you trying to create a custom popup window?win=CreateWindow("Hello",150,150,170,80,0,1) button=CreateButton("Click me",20,20,100,18,win) quit=False Repeat ev=WaitEvent() Select ev Case $401 ; gadget If EventSource()=button result=Proceed("choose ..") Case $803 ; close window quit=True End Select Until quit=True End |
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Custom, but I think I figured it out, a simple win1 = CreateWindow("Hello",150,150,170,80,0,1) win2 = CreateWindow("Hello2",150,150,170,80,win1,1) seems to work o.o; |
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I was able to achive what i wanted from the begining its awesome if anyone wana see it reply to this post I'll make a source code that you can look at it :) |