B+ GUI - Window Closed.

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/B+ GUI - Window Closed.

Apollonius(Posted 2003) [#1]
Well this doesnt work how should it be done?
	wndMain = CreateWindow("Name I wont give yet :P", x, y, w, h)
wndTileTool = CreateWindow("              Tile Tool", x, y, 150, 400, wndMain, 17)
	Select EventID()
		Case evWindowClose
			Select EventData()
				Case wndMain
				Case wndTileTool
				Notify "Tile Tool?"
			End Select

Anyt ideas?

CS_TBL(Posted 2003) [#2]
wipe EventData() in the select, and use EventSource() ..

Apollonius(Posted 2003) [#3]
Thanks :D