Can anyone optimise this code chunk?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Can anyone optimise this code chunk?

Hansie(Posted 2003) [#1]
; *****************************
; *****************************

Function print_debug_info()
r=0 : g=0 : b=0
Print "PlayField Width " + GraphicsWidth()
Print "PlayField Height " + GraphicsHeight()
Print "PlayField Depth " + GraphicsDepth()
Print "PlayField Memory " + GraphicsBuffer()
Print "PlayField Drawing Color (DEC) " + ColorRed() + " " + ColorGreen() + " " + ColorBlue()
Print "PlayField Drawing Color (HEX) " + Hex$(r) + " " + Hex$(g) + " " + Hex$(b)
End Function

WolRon(Posted 2003) [#2]
No reason to set r,g,b to zero. They are initialized zero.

No reason to call ColorRed(), ColorGreen(), ColorBlue() in your decimal (DEC) statement because the values are already stored in r, g, b.

So your function could look like:
Function print_debug_info() 
Print "PlayField Width " + GraphicsWidth() 
Print "PlayField Height " + GraphicsHeight() 
Print "PlayField Depth " + GraphicsDepth() 
Print "PlayField Memory " + GraphicsBuffer() 
Print "PlayField Drawing Color (DEC) " + r + " " + g + " " + b 
Print "PlayField Drawing Color (HEX) " + Hex$(r) + " " + Hex$(g) + " " + Hex$(b) 
End Function 

Hansie(Posted 2003) [#3]

Good input!

Haven't used the "hex$" command before. I find it interesting that it defaults to 16-bit hex-output, and not 8-bit hex-output. Since "any" color can only be between "$00-$FF", I guess you could just truncate the "R", "G", and "B" variables so they only include 2 hex-digits each. Ah well, you learn something new every day :-)

CyberPackRat(Posted 2003) [#4]

1) Don't use print, as it is slower. Instead use the Text command.

2) Are you using a back buffer ?
Depending on how the main loop is set up you might want to drop the CLS command. If the area where the debug text is being displayed (print always prints to the FrontBuffer, Text prints to the current active buffer)is always being redrawn by other images/blocks then CLS is probally not necessary. Just call your Debug function AFTER all other graphic drawing commands but BEFORE the Flip command.

3) After you create your Graphics screen do something like this:

Global screen_width = GraphicsWidth()
Global screen_height = GraphicsHeight()
Global screen_depth = GraphicsDepth()
Global screen_buffer = GraphicsBuffer()

Finally in your function:

[ oh, out of personnal preference, I opt to term my functions which output text with 'display' as oppossed to print... that's just me though ;^) ]

Function display_debug_info()
r = ColorRed()
g = ColorGreen()
b = ColorBlue()
Text 0,00,"PlayField Width: " + Screen_Width
Text 0,14,"PlayField Height: " + Screen_Height
Text 0,28,"PlayField Depth: " + Screen_Depth
Text 0,32,"PlayField Memory: " + Screen_Buffer
Text 0,46,"PlayField Drawing Color (DEC) " + r + " " + g + " " + b
Text 0,60,"PlayField Drawing Color (HEX) " + Hex$(r) + " " + Hex$(g) + " " + Hex$(b)
End Function

I only guessing that your playfield is the Screen Buffer, so change whatever you use accordingly.

Hope some of that helps. If I am wrong on anything, I am pretty sure it will get corrected.

Happy Coding !

Hansie(Posted 2003) [#5]
Dr. Delirium Tremens


Excellent feedback!

Hansie(Posted 2003) [#6]
The new version of the code actually looks like this - subject to change with the input from Delirium Tremens:
; *****************************
; *****************************

Function print_debug_info()
r_dec%=0 : g_dec%=0 : b_dec%=0
r_hex$=0 : g_hex$=0 : b_hex$=0
r_dec=ColorRed() : g_dec=ColorGreen() : b_dec=ColorBlue()
r_hex=Hex$(r_dec) : g_Hex=Hex$(g_dec) : b_Hex=Hex$(b_dec)

Print "Date : " + CurrentDate()
Print "Time : " + CurrentTime()
Print "PlayField Width : " + GraphicsWidth()
Print "PlayField Height : " + GraphicsHeight()
Print "PlayField Depth : " + GraphicsDepth()
Print "PlayField Memory : " + GraphicsBuffer()
Print "PlayField Drawing Color (DEC) : " + r_dec + " " + g_dec + " " + b_dec
Print "PlayField Drawing Color (HEX) : " + Right$(r_hex,2) + " " + Right$(g_hex,2) + " " + Right$(b_Hex,2)
Select JoyType()
Case 0
Print "Joystick : None"
Case 1
Print "Joystick : Digital"
Case 2
Print "Joystick : Analog"
End Select
For t = 1 To totalDrivers
Print "Installed GFX driver(s) : " + GfxDriverName$(t)
Print "Total GFX memory on card : " + TotalVidMem() + " " + "(Bytes)" + " " + (TotalVidMem() / 1024) + " " + "(Mb)"
Print "Avail GFX memory : " + AvailVidMem() + " " + "(Bytes)" + " " + (AvailVidMem() / 1024) + " " + "(Mb)"
Print "Operating system installed : " + SystemProperty("OS")
Print "CPU installed : " + SystemProperty("CPU")
End Function