Animation and abit of gaming concept.
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Animation and abit of gaming concept.
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Hi all! Okay, so I loaded using LoadAnimImage an Image with several tiles of the animation. However, its not all Animation, theres only certains ones that have the walking animation of my character. How exactly would I go about to create this Animation? I tryed using the "For" methode however this is a loop right? and we can't have multiple loop no? To brake it down, how would I make it so whenever the player presses "D", frames 7 to 16 are drawn one after the other looping the Walking Animation, while other stuff are happening in the game? I'm not sure what Im doing this is my first time so if you think I'm not understanding something please tell me. |
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Well, a counter in your main loop:frame1=frame1+1 if frame1=17 then frame1=7 Then use an if section to determine what anim you should draw. if keydown(32) then drawanimimage blah blah ,frame1 Then add a similar counter for each movement. |
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I tryed using the "For" methode however this is a loop right? and we can't have multiple loop no? ??, Yes, you can have multiple loops if you desire. Theres no reason why you can't. |
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I need to delay my animation by 100 so I used "Delay 100" but that delays everything... the ESC button needs to be press a few time for it to work... is there another way? |
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You shouldn't use Delay in an event-based program (like one made with BlitzPlus). The program will stop responding to Windows and Windows will think it crashed. Instead, you should use a timer (either via Millisecs() or CreateTimer() & the $4001 Timer Tick event). Just keep playing the one frame until the requisite amount of time passes by, then switch it to the next frame. If you use Millisecs(), just do something like "if Millisecs() - oldtime% > 100 then". If you use the timer event, just create a timer that ticks however many times a second (like CreateTimer(10)) and then just put the command to change the animation in that event case ($4001). |
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You want to create your own timersif mytimer+delay < millisecs() then mytimer = millisecs() framenum = framenum + 1 end if DrawImage blah blah, framenum you should get the basic idea, say you have a delay of 100ms, then every 100ms, the frame will advance, giving you smooth animation. you should post your image. |
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I dont totally get the idea... I dont understand timing stuff yet :|SFrame=12 mytimer=100 ... ; loop If SFrame=17 Then SFrame=12 If mytimer+Delay < MilliSecs() Then mytimer = MilliSecs() SFrame = SFrame + 1 End If DrawImage SamusSprites,0,0,SFrame Flip Cls |
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHH *slap himself* Delay is already a blitz command conflic@@@! lol So i used removed mytimer, and added DelayNum = 100 works |
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![]() There seem to be somekind oh hik in the animation could you try to make it as perfect as possible? :( my code AppTitle "Samus Animation!?" Graphics 640,480,16,1 ; GLOBAL VAR ; IMAGES Global SamusSprites=LoadAnimImage("images\MR_Samus.png",56,56,0,55) If SamusSprites = 0 Then Notify "ERROR!" End EndIf MaskImage SamusSprites,255,255,255 ; TYPES Type Player Field HealthBanks Field Healt Field x#,y# Field jump Field gravity End Type ; SET BUFFER SetBuffer BackBuffer() SFrame=11 DelayNum = 200 ; MAIN LOOP While Not KeyDown(1) If SFrame=21 Then SFrame=11 DrawImage SamusSprites,0,0,SFrame If mytimer+DelayNum < MilliSecs() Then mytimer = MilliSecs() SFrame = SFrame + 1 End If Flip Cls Wend End |
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I haven't tried your code but you might try if SFrame = 22 then SFrame = 11 in your code you skip frame 21 before drawing it |
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If SFrame=22 Then SFrame=12 woot :) how do u set the ftp rate? |
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I guess you mean FPS. You should check the 'code archives'. There you will find what you need. look for timers |
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Well its I searched but didnt find it, its kind of hard to find stuff there. |
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One way you could set the fps rate is to put your whole main game loop inside a timer. Like for instance using the millisecs() command to controll animation framerate, you could try using this same method to set a fixed FPS for your game. :) |
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:o Maybe a good idea but I guess Im too newb to understand how I should proceed to do it :| |
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Kaisuo, I think you should use a different method to animate your sprite. The timing technique could be good as well, but is affected by the time passed; more, it uses Millisecs() and a bunch of other statements, which would consume resources which could be used in other departments instead. With no offense to anyone who have suggested you the time animation here, I would use a simple method, which I try to describe now. So you have your animated image, with some animation inside; that means, for example, that you have the walking animation which goes from frame 12 to frame 22; the standing animation which goes from frame 0 to frame 11; and so on. So, basically, if we had a generic function which would play an arbitrary animation between a given start and end frame, we have done our task, right ? That said, we need our f_start and f_end global variables, which stay for frame start and frame end. And we need a global variable where to store the current frame: f_current Then we need a function that loops between the two values, and resets to the starting one once reached the end frame. A rough example could be: Function update_frame() f_current = f_current + 1 ;add one frame if f_current > f_end then ;check if it is out of bounder f_current = f_start ;reset to start frame endif end function Then, in your main loop, you can have: . . update_frame() ;this call will update our global variable f_current drawimage sprite_image, x, y, f_current This code should work flawlessy. When you need another animation to be played - ex. standing animation - you just need to: - change the start and end frame values; - set the current frame to the new start frame value. For example, if you want that your sprite animation change from walking (12-22) to standing (0-11), then you just have to do: f_start = 0 f_end = 11 f_current = f_start Experiment now. Then read further. The method above works fine, but has a disavantage, that is, there's no control about the animation speed; the function will cycle through the frames, but there's at the moment no way to speed up or speed down the animation loop. Well, there are more than one way to solve this problem, and without the use of any timer or Millisecs() and neither time elapsed counter tricks. For example. You can decide to declare your f_current variable as float. In this way, you can use fractional value to increment the frames, so to have more control on the animation speed. In other words, let's take a look at the frame increment statement in the function above: f_current = f_current + 1 ;add one frame What if we do something like: f_current = f_current + 0.1 You see ? Your f_current variable - that should be declared as float in this case - will be slowly incremented, and you can vary the increment value as you like: 0.5, 0.001,2.5... you have an endless choice here, welcome in the world of Real Numbers ! The code should be slight changed, however, to be able to handle float values instead of integers. First of all, let's change our global declarations, and also add a new variable which can be used to change our animatiion speed dinamically: Global f_current# ;the # says that it's a float variable Global f_speed# ;the animation speed ;let's assign some initial value. You don't need the # sign anymore, once the variable has been declared. f_current = 0 f_speed = 0.5 Now let's change our update_frame function: Function update_frame() f_current = f_current + f_speed ;update f_current ;we use the Floor function here, to cast the float value of f_current to an integer value. This is needed, otherwise our animation will never use the last frame properly. If Floor(f_current) > f_end then ;check if it is out of bounder f_current = f_start ;reset to start frame endif end function And our main loop: update_frame() ;this call will update our global variable f_current drawimage sprite_image, x, y, Floor(f_current) ;note the Floor function. It will take the integer part of our float f_current variable Now, if you want to change the animation, as well as the animation speed, you know already what to do... More, you could make the whole thing even better, by using a type to store all the data (start and end frame, speed,..) for each animation, and pick the appropriate item each time you need to change the current animation to another one. Hope this has sense for you, Sergio. |
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Yup, as semar pointed out there are more ways to do one thing, which is true for ALOT of stuff in programming ;) This way is just fine if it works for you, I Personally always liked the millisec timers myself, but what works for you in your sitiuation, works. Go from there, and its good to learn as many ways as you can. Thats why we are always constantly learning ;) |
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Wow thats a cool way of doing it, I should have thought of it sooner :P |
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Wow. Looks like I am not the only one doing Metroid? Well, I am in a VERY giving is some of my "top secret" code. I actually have a very functional Metroid demo. If you are creating a Metroid clone, I will tell you you have a long road ahead. But, stick with it because noone has done a good platformer (clone-wise) that I know of....well, except me! hehehe j/k ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; AnimSamus -- Animates Samus according to action ;------------------------------------------------------------ Function AnimSamus() ;standing If INTRO_STANDING=True ;INTRO STANDING runtimer = runtimer - 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame < Samus\INTRO_STAND_START Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\INTRO_STAND_START If runtimer <= 0 runtimer = Samus\RUN_ANIM Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\CurrentFrame + 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame > Samus\INTRO_STAND_END Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\INTRO_STAND_START End If End If If STANDING And INTRO_STANDING=False If direction = dRIGHT ;STANDING, FACING RIGHT runtimer = runtimer - 1 If runtimer <= 0 runtimer = Samus\RUN_ANIM Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\CurrentFrame + 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame > Samus\STAND_RIGHT_END Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\STAND_RIGHT_START End If End If If direction = dLEFT ;STANDING, FACING LEFT runtimer = runtimer - 1 If runtimer <= 0 runtimer = Samus\RUN_ANIM Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\CurrentFrame + 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame > Samus\STAND_LEFT_END Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\STAND_LEFT_START End If End If End If ;pointing up If POINTING_UP And RUNNING=False And STANDING = True If direction = dRIGHT runtimer = runtimer - 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame < Samus\POINT_UP_RIGHT_START Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\POINT_UP_RIGHT_START If runtimer <= 0 runtimer = Samus\RUN_ANIM Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\CurrentFrame + 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame > Samus\POINT_UP_RIGHT_END Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\POINT_UP_RIGHT_START End If End If If direction = dLEFT runtimer = runtimer - 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame < Samus\POINT_UP_LEFT_START Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\POINT_UP_LEFT_START If runtimer <= 0 runtimer = Samus\RUN_ANIM Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\CurrentFrame + 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame > Samus\POINT_UP_LEFT_END Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\POINT_UP_LEFT_START End If End If End If If POINTING_UP And RUNNING=True And SPINNING=False If direction = dRIGHT runtimer = runtimer - 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame < Samus\POINT_UP_RIGHT_RUN_START Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\POINT_UP_RIGHT_RUN_START If runtimer <= 0 runtimer = Samus\RUN_ANIM Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\CurrentFrame + 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame > Samus\POINT_UP_RIGHT_RUN_END Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\POINT_UP_RIGHT_RUN_START End If End If If direction = dLEFT runtimer = runtimer - 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame < Samus\POINT_UP_LEFT_RUN_START Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\POINT_UP_LEFT_RUN_START If runtimer <= 0 runtimer = Samus\RUN_ANIM Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\CurrentFrame + 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame > Samus\POINT_UP_LEFT_RUN_END Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\POINT_UP_LEFT_RUN_START End If End If End If ;running If RUNNING And JUMPING=False And FALLING=False And MORPHING = False And POINTING_UP = False And SHOOTING=False If direction = dRIGHT ;RUNNING RIGHT runtimer = runtimer - 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame < Samus\RUN_RIGHT_START Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\RUN_RIGHT_START If runtimer <= 0 runtimer = Samus\RUN_ANIM Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\CurrentFrame + 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame > Samus\RUN_RIGHT_END Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\RUN_RIGHT_START End If End If If direction = dLEFT ;RUNNING LEFT runtimer = runtimer - 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame < Samus\RUN_LEFT_START Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\RUN_LEFT_START If runtimer <= 0 runtimer = Samus\RUN_ANIM Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\CurrentFrame + 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame > Samus\RUN_LEFT_END Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\RUN_LEFT_START End If End If End If If RUNNING And SHOOTING = True And POINTING_UP = False If direction = dRIGHT ;RUNNING RIGHT runtimer = runtimer - 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame < Samus\SHOOT_RIGHT_START Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\SHOOT_RIGHT_START If runtimer <= 0 runtimer = Samus\RUN_ANIM Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\CurrentFrame + 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame > Samus\SHOOT_RIGHT_END Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\SHOOT_RIGHT_START End If End If If direction = dLEFT ;RUNNING LEFT runtimer = runtimer - 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame < Samus\SHOOT_LEFT_START Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\SHOOT_LEFT_START If runtimer <= 0 runtimer = Samus\RUN_ANIM Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\CurrentFrame + 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame > Samus\SHOOT_LEFT_END Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\SHOOT_LEFT_START End If End If End If ;jumping If JUMPING And SPINNING = False And POINTING_UP=False ;NOT SPINNING If direction = dRIGHT ;JUMPING RIGHT NO LOOPING! runtimer = runtimer - 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame < Samus\JUMP_RIGHT_START Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\JUMP_RIGHT_START If runtimer <=0 runtimer = Samus\RUN_ANIM Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\CurrentFrame + 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame > Samus\JUMP_RIGHT_END Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\JUMP_RIGHT_END End If End If If direction = dLEFT ;JUMPING LEFT NO LOOPING! runtimer = runtimer - 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame < Samus\JUMP_LEFT_START Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\JUMP_LEFT_START If runtimer <=0 runtimer = Samus\RUN_ANIM Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\CurrentFrame + 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame > Samus\JUMP_LEFT_END Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\JUMP_LEFT_END End If End If End If If JUMPING And SPINNING = True And POINTING_UP=False ;SPINNING If direction = dRIGHT ;JUMPING RIGHT spintimer = spintimer - 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame < Samus\SPIN_RIGHT_START Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\SPIN_RIGHT_START If spintimer <=0 spintimer = Samus\SPIN_ANIM Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\CurrentFrame + 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame > Samus\SPIN_RIGHT_END Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\SPIN_RIGHT_START End If End If If direction = dLEFT ;JUMPING LEFT spintimer = spintimer - 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame < Samus\SPIN_LEFT_START Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\SPIN_LEFT_START If spintimer <=0 spintimer = Samus\SPIN_ANIM Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\CurrentFrame + 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame > Samus\SPIN_LEFT_END Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\SPIN_LEFT_START End If End If End If If JUMPING And POINTING_UP = True And SPINNING = False If direction = dRIGHT Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\POINT_UP_RIGHT_FALL End If If direction = dLEFT Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\POINT_UP_LEFT_FALL End If End If ;falling ;use the last frame of jumping...for now atleast If FALLING And SPINNING = False And MORPHING = False And POINTING_UP=False ;NOT SPINNING or morphing If direction = dRIGHT ;FALLING RIGHT NO LOOPING! Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\JUMP_RIGHT_END End If If direction = dLEFT ;FALLING LEFT NO LOOPING! Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\JUMP_LEFT_END End If End If If FALLING And SPINNING = False And MORPHING = False And POINTING_UP=True ;NOT SPINNING or morphing If direction = dRIGHT Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\POINT_UP_RIGHT_FALL End If If direction = dLEFT Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\POINT_UP_LEFT_FALL End If End If If FALLING And SPINNING = True And MORPHING = False ;SPINNING If direction = dRIGHT ;FALLING RIGHT spintimer = spintimer - 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame < Samus\SPIN_RIGHT_START Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\SPIN_RIGHT_START If spintimer <=0 spintimer = Samus\SPIN_ANIM Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\CurrentFrame + 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame > Samus\SPIN_RIGHT_END Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\SPIN_RIGHT_START End If End If If direction = dLEFT ;FALLING LEFT spintimer = spintimer - 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame < Samus\SPIN_LEFT_START Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\SPIN_LEFT_START If spintimer <=0 spintimer = Samus\SPIN_ANIM Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\CurrentFrame + 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame > Samus\SPIN_LEFT_END Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\SPIN_LEFT_START End If End If End If ;morphing If MORPHING = True If direction = dLEFT ;MORPHING RIGHT runtimer = runtimer - 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame < Samus\MORPHING_START Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\MORPHING_START If runtimer <=0 runtimer = Samus\MORPH_ANIM Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\CurrentFrame + 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame > Samus\MORPHING_END Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\MORPHING_START End If End If If direction = dRIGHT ;MORPHING LEFT runtimer = runtimer - 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame < Samus\MORPHING_START Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\MORPHING_START If runtimer <=0 runtimer = Samus\MORPH_ANIM Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\CurrentFrame - 1 If Samus\CurrentFrame < Samus\MORPHING_START Then Samus\CurrentFrame = Samus\MORPHING_END End If End If End If End Function Merry Christmas. cb |
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Thanks cb, however it wasn't really needed ;) I have a hard time reading other peoples' code. Without the Entire code its even harder. But thanks for trying ;) And anyway I'm not doing a Metroid Clone I'm just practicing, I wana make a Multiplayer RPG... However I don't know much about multiplayer and dont have money to spend on BlitzPlay :) |
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Thanks for the *Top Secret* Code **/me runs off to do evil things with the top secret codes, muhahahahahahahaha ;) |
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for someone thats making a "2D Side-Scrolling Platform Game Creator" You sure do have alot of references in your code to metroid.. interesting ;) |