Errors, where?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Errors, where?

Apollonius(Posted 2003) [#1]
Well, I'm trying to create somekind of Algorithms for my character however as you can see below
it doesn't draw the right frame it draws the StandR frame not frame 22, see anything wrong?

Full Code Below
Graphics 640,480,16,2

Global Draw_Samus = 1
Global quit = False
Global Frames
Global TheTimer
Global AnimDelay

Global SamusSprites=LoadAnimImage("images\MR_Samus.png",56,56,0,55)
MaskImage SamusSprites,255,255,255

SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Frames    =  12
AnimDelay = 100

While Not KeyDown(1) Or quit = True 
; Samus SYS
If Draw_Samus = 1 Then


Type Player
	Field Name$
	Field HealthBanks%
	Field Healt%
	Field x%,y%
	Field jump%
	Field gravity%
End Type

Type Weapon
	Field Name$
	Field MinDam%
	Field MaxDam%
	Field Info$
End Type

Function ini_Samus(Dir$)
Select Dir$
	Case StandR ; Stand Right
		Frames = 11
		DrawImage SamusSprites,sX,sY,Frames
	Case StandL ; Stand Left
		Frames = 22
		DrawImage SamusSprites,sX,sY,Frames
	Case RWalk ; Walking Right without Gun Point
		If Frames = 22 Then Frames = 12
		DrawImage SamusSprites,sX,sY,Frames
			sX = sX + 1
		If TheTimer+AnimDelay < MilliSecs() Then
  			TheTimer = MilliSecs()
  			Frames = Frames + 1
		End If
	Case LWalk ; Walking Left without Gun Point
		Notify "Theres an error in the Player Routines." : End
End Select
End Function

Paradox7(Posted 2003) [#2]
whats wrong is that your using a string varible, but you arn't passing string statments,
You have, ini_Samus(StandL)
your own function requires a String (Dir$)
well what you just passed was a varible, a empty varible to be exact, 0, anyways, if your function is going to be setup to take in a string, then you need to pass strings ;)


PLUS your case select also needs to be setup in strings,
gotta use them " .. Quotes ;)

Case "StandR" ; Stand Right

Case "StandL" ; Stand Left

soja(Posted 2003) [#3]
StandR, StandL, RWalk, and LWalk are all 0!

The easiest thing is to make some constants:
Const StandR = 1
Const StandL = 2
Const RWalk = 3
Const LWalk = 4

Now you can pass them in just like you're doing (like "ini_Samus(StandL)").

<EDIT: Paradox beat me to it>
<EDIT: I didn't even notice it was taking a string. Probably easier to make the function take an int % instead of a string $... and just use the consts.

Paradox7(Posted 2003) [#4]
yes exactly what I was going to say also Soja :) just wanted to point out his problem first, rather then say a different way to do it. But Yes, I would use Consts, and Int varibles instead, much nicer then strings ;)

Apollonius(Posted 2003) [#5]
less readable then string no?

Plus its using var u cant use in the future :(

Wasting Var no?

Paradox7(Posted 2003) [#6]
no... if you plan on using varibles named the same as strings, then you in for trouble :P now that would be less readable

if StandL then ini_Samus("StandL")

not good..

and about.. wasting a Var?... don't you worry, there are plenty of Vars for you to play with ;P

Oh and working with numbers is faster then working with strings.