Image Fonts

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Image Fonts

Jono(Posted 2003) [#1]
Ok Image Fonts are used alot in video games, so does BlitzBasicPlus come with some kind of gispmo or command to load a set of images as a font. Instead of doing If var = 1 then load and display image for 1. Thank you all in advance.

SoggyP(Posted 2003) [#2]
Hi Folks,

Jono, you can use LoadImage (with a parameter giving the number of frames) to load a strip of images and just use the anim index when you want to display it, so

; Something like
frames = 32 ; number of frames in strip
font_pic = loadimage("fontpic.bmp",width,height,frames)

index = 5
DrawImage font_pic, 0,0,index ; would draw 'E' if using the A=1

Something like that, anyway.



QuickSilva(Posted 2003) [#3]
There are many libraries that do this kind of thing such as FontText (in the links section) and there is also a free one on BlitzCoder called FontLib. (I think)


darklordz(Posted 2003) [#4]
lil sample code by moi...
If your gonna work on demo's n stuff plz use ur own fonts...And not the one below...IT'S MINE all MINE!

Graphics 320,110,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Global FNTHEIGHT% = 8
Global FNTNAME% = LoadAnimImage("fnt_64x64W.png",8,FNTHEIGHT%,0,64):MaskImage(FNTNAME%,255,0,255)

While Not KeyHit(1)
	DrawFnt(20,20,"Hello World!"+Chr(13)+"Hey this is cool..."+Chr(13)+Chr(13)+"The font was made with FonText.")
	DrawFnt(20,45,Chr(13)+Chr(13)+Chr(13)+Chr(13)+"Created by darklordz")

;Draw BMFonts
Function DrawFnt(Start_X,Start_Y,TextString$)
	StartX = Start_X
	StartY = Start_Y
	TextString$ = Upper(TextString$)
	While Len(TextString$) > 0
		TextLength  = Len(TextString$)
		Tmp$ = Left(TextString$,1)
		If TextLength-1 < 0
		TextString$ = Right(TextString$,TextLength-1)
		Frame = Asc(Tmp$)-33
		If Tmp$ = Chr(32) ; SPACE
			StartX = StartX + FNTHEIGHT%
			Goto Redo
		ElseIf Tmp$ = Chr(13) Then ; LINEBREAK
			StartY = StartY + FNTHEIGHT%
			StartX = Start_X
			DrawImage FNTNAME,StartX,StartY,Frame
			StartX = StartX + FNTHEIGHT%
End Function

use this image with the demo :

Hansie(Posted 2003) [#5]
darklordz, nice sample :-D

Paradox7(Posted 2003) [#6]
Thanks for the code and font...

/me runs off to make ungodly demos of which the likes you've never seen! muhahahahhahahahahahaha

darklordz(Posted 2003) [#7]
lol@ paradox.