Type Help!

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Type Help!

Jono(Posted 2003) [#1]
Ok, I'm getting annoyed and confused I've done this

AppTitle "BreakIn! (beta)"

Local ScreenWidth = 180
Local ScreenHeight = 182
Graphics ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight,32,2

Type WideScreen
Field FileName
Field X
Field Y
End Type

WideScreen.WideScreen = New WideScreen
WideScreen\FileName = LoadImage("WideScreen.bmp")
WideScreen\X = 50
WideScreen\Y = 50

WideScreen.WideScreen = New WideScreen
WideScreen\FileName = LoadImage("WideScreen.bmp")
WideScreen\X = 100
WideScreen\Y = 100

MaskImage WideScreen\FileName,250,250,250

ClsColor 250,250,250

SetBuffer BackBuffer()

While Not KeyDown(1)


For WideScreen.WideScreen = Each WideScreen
DrawImage WideScreen\FileName,WideScreen\X,WideScreen\Y



Now It doesn't seem to be making 2 WideScreen's, but instead trying to move the same 1 widescreen, any suggestions?

Stevie G(Posted 2003) [#2]
I don't recommend using 'Widescreen' as the pointer to a type of the same name and then using the same var name to iterate through the type instances. Not sure how blitz handles that but may be ok.

Have you tried naming the 1st type instance w1.Widescreen and the second w2.widescreen and then iterating using something like this??

for w.widescreen = each widescreen

Floyd(Posted 2003) [#3]
The code already does what it should.
It loads two copies of the same image and draws them in slightly different positions.

But is this really what you want? Were they supposed to be different images?

If not then there is no reason to load two copies.
Just load one and draw it in two places.

Jono(Posted 2003) [#4]
How would I go about loading the same image then drawing it into two differant places using Types. So I can use Collision Detecting on both images.

Jono(Posted 2003) [#5]
Oh and one last thing, is there any mIRC chat rooms for Blitz Basic Plus?

Ross C(Posted 2003) [#6]
Well, all you would do is load the image into a global handle, then draw the image using it's global handle as many times as you need.

Graphics 800,600
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Type img
   Field x#,y#
   Field speedx#
   Field speedy#
End Type

Global image=CreateImage(32,32)
SetBuffer ImageBuffer(image)
Rect 0,0,32,32
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

While Not KeyHit(1)

   If KeyHit(2) Then
   End If

   Text 0,0," press 1 to generate new type"

Function create_new_type()
   i.img=New img
End Function

Function update_types()
   For i.img= Each img
      If i\x>740 Or i\x <50 Then
      End If
      If i\y>540 Or i\y<50 Then
      End If
      DrawImage image,i\x,i\y
End Function

Jono(Posted 2003) [#7]
OMG, that is so confusing. :(

Ross C(Posted 2003) [#8]
Sorry, the main bit is the function update_types()

Function update_types()
   For i.img= Each img
      If i\x>740 Or i\x <50 Then
      End If
      If i\y>540 Or i\y<50 Then
      End If
      DrawImage image,i\x,i\y
End Function

If i take out all the movement crap, your left with :

Function update_types()
   For i.img= Each img
      DrawImage image,i\x,i\y
End Function

so your basically drawing the image called "image" to the screen at the types x and y pos.

Jono(Posted 2003) [#9]
Ok, need to keep this simple:

Firstly create a Type:

Type WideScreen
Field FileName
Field X
Field Y
End Type

Secondy then I want two of the same Type thingy me bob:

WideScreen.WideScreen = New WideScreen
WideScreen\FileName = LoadImage("WideScreen.bmp")
WideScreen\X = 0
WideScreen\Y = 0

WideScreen.WideScreen = New WideScreen
WideScreen\FileName = LoadImage("WideScreen.bmp")
WideScreen\X = 200
WideScreen\Y = 200

Then I want to display both of the images in differant locations:

For WideScreen.WideScreen = Each WideScreen
DrawImage WideScreen\FileName,WideScreen\Y,WideScreen\X

Is that right, sorry Ross your kinda confusing me, I've only just started using Types and in the headache point of getting them to work. But I do appriciate you helping me. :)

Ross C(Posted 2003) [#10]
Yeah, that's right. Tho i'd do something like w.widescreen, to keep it simple and not cinfuse anything. Makes it easier to type as well. :)

But, you can just as easily do


Type WideScreen 
Field X 
Field Y 
End Type 


WideScreen.WideScreen = New WideScreen 
WideScreen\X = 0 
WideScreen\Y = 0 

WideScreen.WideScreen = New WideScreen 
WideScreen\X = 200 
WideScreen\Y = 200 

Display both images:

For WideScreen.WideScreen = Each WideScreen 
DrawImage image,WideScreen\Y,WideScreen\X 

Jono(Posted 2003) [#11]
Whoohoo, that works. *Does funky monkey dance around Ross* :P

Ross C(Posted 2003) [#12]
*Looks strangely but smiles onwards* ;)

Jono(Posted 2003) [#13]
Ross, could I get your MSN Messenger e-mail address (so I can keep bugging you with newbie questions!) :p. only joking, but I would like to beable to ask for some advice from time to time, if you don't mind. :D