Deleting Types.

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Deleting Types.

Jono(Posted 2003) [#1]
Ok I've just made my Types for my BreakOut game. Got it to loop and create them.

Type Box Field X,Y,Alive End Type ;Box

For X = 30 To 60 Step 15
For Y = 15 To 150 Step 15
Box.Box = New Box
Box\X = X
Box\Y = Y
Box\Alive = 1

Then display them.

For Box.Box = Each Box ; Show Box
If Box\Alive = 1 Then DrawImage BoxFN,Box\Y,Box\X

But using this code I've created myself. When a Object is hit, instead of it removing the one it hit. It removes the last object from memory created.

For Box.Box = Each Box
If Box\Alive = 1 And Ball\Direction = 4 And Box\X + ImageHeight(BoxFN) + 1 > Ball\X Then Ball\Direction = 3 : Box\Alive = 0 ; Bottom
If Box\Alive = 1 And Ball\Direction = 1 And Box\X + ImageHeight(BoxFN) + 1 > Ball\X Then Ball\Direction = 2 : Box\Alive = 0 ; Bottom

How can I get it to remove the Object it hit. And not the last Object in the que?, Thank you all in advance.

Jono(Posted 2003) [#2]
Ok that seems confusing, and the code is getting rather large to just copy and paste it all. So if you all would find it easier for me to cut down the code let me know, and if the above was just dribble I'll reply with more explaining. :D

Binary_Moon(Posted 2003) [#3]
For Box.Box = Each Box 
If Box\Alive = 1 And Ball\Direction = 4 And Box\X + ImageHeight(BoxFN) + 1 > Ball\X Then Ball\Direction = 3 : Box\Alive = 0 ; Bottom 
If Box\Alive = 1 And Ball\Direction = 1 And Box\X + ImageHeight(BoxFN) + 1 > Ball\X Then Ball\Direction = 2 : Box\Alive = 0 ; Bottom 
if Box\Alive=0 delete Box

Jono(Posted 2003) [#4]
Ok Ben thanks for that piece of code, but urm unfortunitly it doesn't seem to be working. Or I've done it wrong. :\

1 = Box Exists, 0 = Box Doesn't Exist! Just incase. :)

Ross C(Posted 2003) [#5]
Just copy and paste all you code. Can see whats wrong with it better then :)

Jono(Posted 2003) [#6]
Ok if you say so, lol:

; 1 = True : 0 = False.

; Setup Window.
AppTitle "Cubies: BreakIn! (beta)"
Local ScreenWidth = 180
Local ScreenHeight = 180
Graphics ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight,32,2

; Load Images into Memory, assign Transparency.
WideScreenFN = LoadImage("WideScreen.bmp") : MaskImage WideScreenFN,255,255,255

BoxFN = LoadImage("Box.bmp") : MaskImage BoxFN ,255,255,255
BallFN = LoadImage("Ball.bmp") : MaskImage BallFN,255,255,255
PadFN = LoadImage("Pad.bmp") : MaskImage PadFN ,255,255,255

ImageFont = LoadAnimImage("ImageFont.bmp",15,15,0,10) : MaskImage ImageFont,255,255,255

; Objects/Values
Type WideScreen Field X,Y End Type ;WideScreen

For X = 0 To 165 Step 165
WideScreen.WideScreen = New WideScreen
WideScreen\X = X
WideScreen\Y = 0

Type Box Field X,Y,Alive End Type ;Box

For X = 30 To 60 Step 15
For Y = 15 To 150 Step 15
Box.Box = New Box
Box\X = X
Box\Y = Y
Box\Alive = 1

Type Ball Field X,Y,Direction,Speed End Type Ball.Ball = New Ball : Ball\X = 127 : Ball\Y = 90 : Ball\Direction = 4 : Ball\Speed = 1 ;Ball
Type Pad Field X,Y End Type Pad.Pad = New Pad : Pad\X = 135 : Pad\Y = 67 ;Pad

; Local Variables.
Local Score = 3000
Local Lives = 5

; Buffer/Refresh Colour
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
ClsColor 250,250,250


While Not KeyDown(1)

; Calculate Ball Moving.
If Ball\Direction = 1 Then Ball\Y = Ball\Y + Ball\Speed : Ball\X = Ball\X - Ball\Speed ; Top Right
If Ball\Direction = 2 Then Ball\Y = Ball\Y + Ball\Speed : Ball\X = Ball\X + Ball\Speed ; Bottom Right
If Ball\Direction = 3 Then Ball\Y = Ball\Y - Ball\Speed : Ball\X = Ball\X + Ball\Speed ; Bottom Left
If Ball\Direction = 4 Then Ball\Y = Ball\Y - Ball\Speed : Ball\X = Ball\X - Ball\Speed ; Top Left

; Calculate Wall Collision Detection.
If Ball\Direction = 1 And Ball\X < ImageHeight(WideScreenFN) + 1 Then Ball\Direction = 2 ; Top
If Ball\Direction = 4 And Ball\X < ImageHeight(WideScreenFN) + 1 Then Ball\Direction = 3 ; Top
If Ball\Direction = 1 And Ball\Y + ImageWidth(BallFN) > ScreenWidth - 1 Then Ball\Direction = 4 ; Right
If Ball\Direction = 2 And Ball\Y + ImageWidth(BallFN) > ScreenWidth - 1 Then Ball\Direction = 3 ; Right
If Ball\Direction = 2 And Ball\X + ImageHeight(BallFN) > ScreenHeight - ImageHeight(WideScreenFN) - 1 Then Ball\Direction = 1 ; Top
If Ball\Direction = 3 And Ball\X + ImageHeight(BallFN) > ScreenHeight - ImageHeight(WideScreenFN) - 1 Then Ball\Direction = 4 ; Top
If Ball\Direction = 4 And Ball\Y < 1 Then Ball\Direction = 1 ; Left
If Ball\Direction = 3 And Ball\Y < 1 Then Ball\Direction = 2 ; Left

; Calculate Pad Collision Detection.
If Ball\Direction = 2 And Ball\X + ImageHeight(BallFN) > Pad\X - 1 And Ball\Y + ImageWidth(BallFN) > Pad\Y And Ball\Y < Pad\Y + ImageWidth(PadFN) Then Ball\Direction = 1 ; Top
If Ball\Direction = 3 And Ball\X + ImageHeight(BallFN) > Pad\X - 1 And Ball\Y + ImageWidth(BallFN) > Pad\Y And Ball\Y < Pad\Y + ImageWidth(PadFN) Then Ball\Direction = 4 ; Top

For Box.Box = Each Box
If Box\Alive = 1 And Ball\Direction = 4 And Box\X + ImageHeight(BoxFN) + 1 > Ball\X Then Ball\Direction = 3 : Box\Alive = 0 ; Bottom
If Box\Alive = 1 And Ball\Direction = 1 And Box\X + ImageHeight(BoxFN) + 1 > Ball\X Then Ball\Direction = 2 : Box\Alive = 0 ; Bottom
If Box\Alive = 0 Delete Box


; Show Main Graphics.
For WideScreen.WideScreen = Each WideScreen DrawImage WideScreenFN,WideScreen\Y,WideScreen\X Next ; Show WideScreen
For Box.Box = Each Box ; Show Box
If Box\Alive = 1 Then DrawImage BoxFN,Box\Y,Box\X
DrawImage BallFN,Ball\Y,Ball\X ; Show Ball
DrawImage PadFN,Pad\Y,Pad\X ; Show Pad

; Show Score.
For A = 0 To 9
If Score1 = A Then DrawImage ImageFont,165,0,A
If Score2 = A Then DrawImage ImageFont,150,0,A
If Score3 = A Then DrawImage ImageFont,135,0,A
If Score4 = A Then DrawImage ImageFont,120,0,A
If Score5 = A Then DrawImage ImageFont,105,0,A

; Show Lives.
For A = 0 To 9
If Lives1 = A Then DrawImage ImageFont,165,165,A
If Lives2 = A Then DrawImage ImageFont,150,165,A


; Move Pad Left:Right
If KeyDown(203) And Pad\Y => 1 Then Pad\Y = Pad\Y - 1 ; Pad Left
If KeyDown(205) And Pad\Y <= ScreenWidth - ImageWidth(PadFN) - 1 Then Pad\Y = Pad\Y + 1 ; Pad Right



CnfuzedCoder(Posted 2003) [#7]
Here is a basic breakout game that does nothing but let you hit blocks and delete them. The blocks are made with types and shows you how to delete them.

You will need to substitute in some graphics or let me know where to e-mail them to you.

Global GRAPHWIDTH = 800
Global GRAPHHEIGHT = 600

AutoMidHandle True
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

SeedRnd MilliSecs()

;load graphics
Global playerimage = LoadImage("gfx/player.bmp")   ;player paddle
Global playerimage1 = LoadImage("gfx/player1.bmp") ;alternate player image
Global ballimage = LoadImage("gfx/ball.bmp")       ;game ball
Global block1image = LoadImage("gfx/block1.bmp")   ;block type 1

;load sounds
Global ballmisssnd = LoadSound("sounds/ballmisssnd.wav")  ;if ball gets by the player sound
Global ballwallsnd = LoadSound("sounds/ballwallsnd.wav")  ;if ball hits the wall sound
Global ballpadsnd = LoadSound("sounds/ballpadsnd.wav")    ;if ball hits the paddle sound
Global blocksnd = LoadSound("sounds/blocksnd.wav")      ;if ball hits a block sound

;creates a player type
Type paddle
	Field x,y
End Type

;creates a ball type
Type ball
	Field x,y
End Type

;creates a block type
Type block
	Field x,y
End Type

;creates the player paddle in memory and sets coordinates to the bottom/middle of the screen
Global player.paddle = New paddle
player\x = GRAPHWIDTH/2
player\y = GRAPHHEIGHT-10

;creates a new ball at a semi-random starting loaction
Global gameball.ball = New ball
gameball\x = Rnd(50,250)
gameball\y = Rnd(200,230)

;offsets where we start drawing the blocks on the screen, 1st block starts at 100,100
xoffset = 100
yoffset = 100

For y=0 To 4
	For x=0 To 12
	b.block = New block
	b\x = x*51 + xoffset
	b\y = y*19 + yoffset

Global plyrspeed = 7  ;sets how fast the player paddle will move
Global ballspeedx = 5 ;sets how fast ball moves in x direction
Global ballspeedy = 5 ;sets how fast ball moves in y direction
Global padfliptimer   ;sets how long the player paddle image changes when ball hits it
Global Plyr_Score = 0 ;keeps the players score

Const ESCKEY = 1, LEFTKEY = 203, RIGHTKEY = 205, PAUSE = 25  ;set up constants for control keys

While Not KeyDown(ESCKEY)

UpdatePaddle()  ;function to update player paddle position
UpdateBall()    ;function to update ball movement and collisions
DrawBlocks()    ;function to draw blocks
DrawHUD()       ;function to draw the HUD

Flip:Cls  ;flip to the backbuffer to display all graphics and clear the new backbuffer

Function DrawHUD()  ;draws the walls around the outside of the screen

	Color 32,5,175 ;set wall color
	Rect 0,0,GRAPHWIDTH,10  ;draw top wall
	Rect 0,0,10,GRAPHWIDTH  ;draw left wall
	Rect GRAPHWIDTH-10,0,10,GRAPHHEIGHT  ;draw right wall
	Color 255,0,0  ;make the score red
	Text 50,25,"Score: " + Plyr_Score  ;display the score in upper left corner

End Function

;Function UpdatePaddle()
;moves player paddle, keeps it on the screen
Function UpdatePaddle()

;sets player left and right boundries, makes adjusting graphics, walls and player wraparound easier
plyrbndleft = ImageWidth(playerimage)/2+10
plyrbndright = GRAPHWIDTH-ImageWidth(playerimage)/2-10

;if left arrow is pressed, move player left and keep it onscreen
	player\x = player\x - plyrspeed
	If player\x < plyrbndleft Then player\x = plyrbndleft
End If

;if right arrow is pressed, move player left and keep it onscreen
	player\x = player\x + plyrspeed
	If player\x > plyrbndright Then player\x = plyrbndright
End If

	;if the padfliptimer (ball hits paddle) is true, draw alternate paddle or else draw normal paddle
If padfliptimer > MilliSecs()
	DrawImage playerimage1,player\x,player\y  ;draw the alternate player paddle
	DrawImage playerimage,player\x,player\y  ;draw the player paddle

End Function

;Function UpdateBall()
;Updtes ball position and checks for collisions
Function UpdateBall()

;sets ball left/right/top boundries
boundleft = 18
boundright = GRAPHWIDTH-18
boundtop = 18

;if the ball collides with a block, change ball direction, delete block, play sound, update score
For e.block = Each block
	If ImagesCollide(ballimage,gameball\x,gameball\y,0,block1image,e.block\x,e.block\y,0)
		ballspeedy =- ballspeedy
		Delete e.block
		Plyr_Score = Plyr_Score + 10

;if the ball collides with the paddle, change ball direction, play sound and start padfliptimer
If ImagesCollide(playerimage,player\x,player\y,0,ballimage,gameball\x,gameball\y,0) 
	ballspeedy =- ballspeedy
	padfliptimer = MilliSecs() + 100
;if the ball hits a wall, reverse direction and play bounce sound
If gameball\y < boundtop 
	ballspeedy =- ballspeedy
ElseIf gameball\x < boundleft Or gameball\x > boundright 
	ballspeedx =- ballspeedx
;if the ball goes past player, reset it's speed and send a new ball out
If gameball\y > GRAPHHEIGHT 
	ballspeedx=5 ballspeedy=5 gameball\x=Rnd(50,250)  gameball\y=Rnd(200,230)
	Plyr_Score = Plyr_Score - 100  ;subtract 100 points for missing the ball
	If Plyr_Score < 0 Then Plyr_Score = 0 ;don't let score get below 0
;update ball movement
gameball\x = gameball\x + ballspeedx
gameball\y = gameball\y + ballspeedy
DrawImage ballimage, gameball\x,gameball\y  ;draw the ball

End Function

;Function DrawBlocks()
;draws the blocks
Function DrawBlocks()

	;draws each block on the screen
	For newblk.block = Each block
		DrawImage block1image,newblk.block\x,newblk.block\y
End Function

Ross C(Posted 2003) [#8]
Hmm, your code is pretty hard to read because you've stuck lots of things on the one line :S I don't think i can see what's wrong tho.... But i do notice that your not checking for collisions between the ball and the box, your meerly comparing x and y co-ords.

Jono(Posted 2003) [#9]
Yeah, thats how I do my collision detection. By using the X and Y co-ords. Works perfect. But all I want to do is remove the box I hit rather than the last box created. How would I do that?

Ross C(Posted 2003) [#10]
if Box\Alive = 1 And Ball\Direction = 4 And Box\X + ImageHeight(BoxFN) + 1 > Ball\X Then Ball\Direction = 3 : Box\Alive = 0 ; Bottom

The problem with this is any box that is beyond a certain x co-ord, will be deleted. You don't know which box your colliding with.

Jono(Posted 2003) [#11]
Yep, hence the post. So any suggestions?

Curtastic(Posted 2003) [#12]
Try replacing the collision detection with this

For Box.Box = Each Box 
	If Box\Alive =1 Then
		If ImagesCollide(BallFN,Ball\Y,Ball\X,BoxFN,Box\Y,Box\X) Then
			Select Ball\Direction
				Case 1: Ball\Direction = 4
				Case 2: Ball\Direction = 3
				Case 3: Ball\Direction = 2
				Case 4: Ball\Direction = 1
			End Select

Jono(Posted 2003) [#13]
Wow thats some nifty coding there Coorae, Cheers alot. :D