scaling in one direction
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/scaling in one direction
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I want to scale a cube in one direction only, along the Z axis. Normally when you scale something it scales in the positive and negative directions along the axis. If I could put the pivot of a cube at one end of the cube it would work, OR if I could create a cube in a 3D art package (wings 3D) and make it exactly 1 blitz unit long. Either would do TA! |
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Try to do iy by picking the face vertices and move it towards the direction you want, you can use the Blitz surfaces commands to perform this.. |
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difficult laddie, it would be easier to do it the WIngs3D way,I have no experience with those commands |
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ok |
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Wouldnt FitMesh do the job? |
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Yeah, fitmesh seems to fit the bill :) |
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I think it is positionmesh you are after:Graphics3D 640,480 cam=CreateCamera() PositionEntity cam,4,4,-4 cube=CreateCube() PositionMesh cube,0,0,1 PointEntity cam,cube sc#=1 Repeat ScaleEntity cube,1,1,sc sc=sc+0.01 RenderWorld Flip Until KeyDown(1) End |
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ah yeh thats the same as doing it in Wings3d but better, thanks! |