making 'power flags'
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/making 'power flags'
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i think they are called power flags are something along those lines. anyhow, in my gui i'd like it so the user can choose a flag/falgs when creating a window 1 - Blank window 2 - Has Title bar 4 - Has minimize so they could basically do widnow(blah blah, 6) is that possible? if you still dotn get me, look up the documentation for load texture. acid2 |
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I know there is a slick way of doing this using binary controls however I can't remember off the top of my head... An easy way would be flag=6 if flag-4>0 then flag=flag-4: has minimize if flag-2>0 then flag=flag-2: has titlebar if flag-1>0 then flag=flag-1: blank window That will work... but as I said, you can do it with binary controls I'm sure someone will post after me with this solution. |
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cheers dr av, i think i'll use that method, but if you get the binary controls method do letme know :) |
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You could use AND to test each flag.a = 1 + 2 + 4 If a And 1 Then Print "1" Else Print "not 1" If a And 2 Then Print "2" Else Print "not 2" If a And 4 Then Print "4" Else Print "not 4" If a And 8 Then Print "8" Else Print "not 8" WaitKey() End |
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or simply use bit operations :)minimize=flag And 1 titlebar=flag Shr 1 And 1 blank =flag Shr 2 And 1 hope it help :) |
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You don't need to use bit shifting operations. This: blank = flag And 1 titlebar = flag Shr 1 And 1 minimize = flag Shr 2 And 1 effectively the same as this: blank = flag And 1 titlebar = flag And 2 minimize = flag And 4 ...except with more operations, and not quite so obvious. |
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blank = flag And 1 titlebar = flag And 2 minimize = flag And 4 That would only work if you wanted to set a single bit value(and clear out the rest) or to test if a bit has been set. typicaly the way to use bit flags is to define some constants to test/set them with: Const blank = 1 ;00000000000000000000000000000001 Const titlebar = 2 ;00000000000000000000000000000010 Const Minimize = 4 ;00000000000000000000000000000100 Then to set the bit value if it hasn't been set yet: Function setbit%(flag%,bit%) If NOT flag AND bit then flag = flag OR bit Return flag End Function To specificly clear a bit: Function clearbit%(flag%,bit%) If flag AND bit then flag = flag OR bit Return flag End Function To toggle a bit: Function togglebit%(flag%,bit%) flag = flag OR bit Return flag End Function To test a bit: Function testbit%(flag%,bit%) return flag AND bit End Function Then in your code you can just call on the functions: Flag% = 0 ;set the titlebar flag flag = setbit(flag,titlebar) ;toggle the blank flag flag = togglebit(flag,blank) ;test if minimize flag has been set If testflag(flag,minimize) Then Print "Minimize flag has been set!" ;test if both titlebar and blank flags have been set If testflag(flag,titlebar) And testflag(flag,blank) Then Print "titlebar And blank flags have been set!" ;toggle the blank flag (if off it turns it on, if on it turns it off) flag = togglebit(flag,blank) ;test if the blank flag is off If NOT testbit(flag,blank) Then Print "Blank flag is now off!" Pretty simple... |
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I've heard bit testing might work. Anyone know if that's true? |
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It's even simpler with functions that work ;opGraphics 400, 600, 0, 2 Const blank = 1 Const titlebar = 2 Const minimize = 4 Print "blank = " + Bin$(blank) Print "titlebar = " + Bin$(titlebar) Print "minimize = " + Bin$(minimize) Print flag = 0 Print "Begin" Print Bin$(flag) Print flag = setbit(flag, titlebar) Print "Set 'titlebar' bit" Print Bin$(flag) Print flag = togglebit(flag, blank) Print "Toggle 'blank' bit on" Print Bin$(flag) Print flag = togglebit(flag, blank) Print "Toggle 'blank' bit off" Print Bin$(flag) Print flag = setbit(flag, minimize) Print "Set 'minimize' bit" Print Bin$(flag) Print flag = setbit(flag, blank) Print "Set 'blank' bit" Print Bin$(flag) Print flag = clearbit(flag, titlebar) Print "Clear 'titlebar' bit" Print Bin$(flag) Print Print "Test 'blank' bit" Print testbit(flag, blank) Print Print "Test 'titlebar' bit" Print testbit(flag, titlebar) Print Print "Test 'minimize' bit" Print testbit(flag, minimize) Print WaitKey() End Function setbit(flag, bit) Return (flag Or bit) End Function Function clearbit(flag, bit) Return (flag And ~bit) End Function Function togglebit(flag, bit) Return (flag Xor bit) End Function Function testbit(flag, bit) If (flag And bit) Then Return 1 End Function Yan |
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It's even simpler with functions that work ;op [Homer Simpson voice] DOH! [/Homer Simpson voice] Thats what I get for starting the New Year celebrations early :P |
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anyway, get the one that fit your need :) |