Breakout Clone Problems
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Breakout Clone Problems
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Hi, I guess this could be defined as a type question. I have the following code ;Breakout Clone By Bluewolf ;Features Block Counter,Sounds,Sprites Graphics3D 800,600 ;Some Variables Global lvl1=15 ;the number of blocks in lvl1 Type Block ;Type for block Field x#,y# ;x,y positions of the blocks Field ifhit% ;0 if not hit 1 for every hit after Field red,green,blue ;RGB color values Field blck ;the block part End Type Type Ball ;Type for the bouncy ball Field x#,y# ;the x,y of the ball Field ifhit%;if hitting=1 otherwise=0 End Type Type Paddle ;the player type Field x#,y# ;the position of the ball Field Ifhit ;if touching ball=1 otherwise=0 End Type ;Do some functions CreateBlocks() ;CreatePaddle() ;CreateBall() While Not KeyDown(1) ;MovePaddle() ;UpdateBall() ;UpdatePaddle() UpdateWorld RenderWorld Flip Wend End Function CreateBlocks() tempx=0 tempy=300 For i=0 To lvl1 block.block=New Block block\x=tempx block\y=tempy block\ifhit=0 block\red=Rnd(0,255) block\green=Rnd(0,255) block\blue=Rnd(0,255) block\blck=LoadSprite("sprite.png") PositionEntity block\blck,block\x,block\y,0 EntityColor block\blck,block\red,block\green,block\blue Next End Function The problem is it does not display anything. Just a silly noobie question I know but any help will be appreciated. Thanks, BlueWolf |
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Your sprite are all at z=0... so is the default camera. PositionEntity block\blck,block\x,block\y,0<----- Try positioning your sprites at say z=20 and you should see 'em (or pull your camera back to say z=-20) |
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Hehe it was a joke...I knew that:-) Thanks MuffinRemnant |
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Np |
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Uh oh...I added the bit aboutcamera=createcamera() PositionEntity camera,0,0,-20and I still get nothing I tried moving the camera closer and scaling the sprites to no avail either [edit] I have tried replacing LoadSprite(...) with block\blck=LoadImage("sprite.png") DrawImage block\blck,block\x,block\ywhich still dosen't draw anything. Please could one of you blitz experts help out a poor newb so I can continue on my project.[/edit] |
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Sorry didn't look too closely first time round... All your sprites are at the same position... tempx=0 tempy=300 For i=0 To lvl1 block.block=New Block block\x=tempx block\y=tempy Since they have a Y value of 300 they'll be way out of view from your camera position (off the top of your screen). Set y to 0 and you should see them. Of course they're still all in the same place since you don't change 'tempx' or 'tempy' in the loop. |
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What does blitz measure in? I assumed it was 300 pixels but apparently not. Thanks though |