To see and not to see

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/To see and not to see

jigga619(Posted 2004) [#1]
I looked in the code archives and combined things and I have made a simple level editor which makes 3d levels that are saved as X files. The levels are saved in there own directory with there textures and even FPS source code . My problem is that when I constuct a level with the modeler and open the saved model in TrueSpace, or any other 3d modeler, the model comes out fine and complete, but when I load the level in blitz3d, I only see one piece of the level(for example one room) instead of the other 19 rooms. Do you know what the cause of this may be? I could post my source code(which is quite long) if needbe.

Hansie(Posted 2004) [#2]
Try posting the code. That always helps

Zethrax(Posted 2004) [#3]
Could it be a 'CameraRange' issue?

Perhaps the model is loading into Blitz as an excessively large model and part of it is sticking out beyond the maximum range (which is 1000 Blitz units by default, I think).

Try using 'ScaleEntity' or 'ScaleMesh' to scale the model down and see if that helps.