Max6 to BLitz3D wSmoothing Groups
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Max6 to BLitz3D wSmoothing Groups
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Anyone know of a path from 3ds max6 to Blitz3d that retains assigned smoothing groups? The .b3d exporter plugin listed on the utils page will not initialize. (Known bug?) I have tried to export from Max via .3ds format, then loaded into MilkShape, and then exported to .B3d, but that process also loses the smoothing information. |
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Most people seem to be very fond of B3d Pipeline which is a free plugin and set of extensions ( available here : ) My personal preference is for Unwrap3d ( available here : ) which is primarily a UV mapping tool, but in reality is so much more. It comes with an export plugin for 3dsMax which exports EVERYTHING ( including skeletal animtion, biped, skin, physique, etc ) in U3d format. You can then tweak all sorts of things within Unwrap3d, even paint vertex colours if you wish and export to b3d. It's utterly flawless ( and idiot proof, which is useful for me personally. ) Unwrap3d isn't free, so you'll probably want to play with Pipeline first. But don't overlook Ultimate Unwrap. It's right up there with the best things I've ever bought. |
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Hmm, I was talking about the onigirl pipeline. I dug around and figured out that the max6 patch .zip file was not unzipping the plugin to the plugins directory! (The full install was saved with paths intact, the patch was not.) [Edit] The plugin initializes now, but when I load the exported .b3d file into Blitz I still end up with a single completely smoothed out mesh/mess. Thanks anyway, |
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I don't have max, but blitz will automatically 'supersmooth' a .B3D file unless it contains embedded vertex normals. I had to calculate these for exported objects in the LightWave Convertor. Does max use smoothing groups or crease angle parameters as on Lightwave? |
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Sorry, I didn't realise PipeLine was on the links page, I thought Rob's plugin was on there. Well if Pipeline doesn't work, Ultimate Unwrap is clearly your best choice. It exports smoothing groups perfectly. Lee : Max uses smoothing groups. I don't know how Pipeline deals with them since I've never been able to get it to do everything right ( my fault, I'm quite certain ) but Ultimate Unwrap exports them as vertex normals. All the geometry in Anime Tennis Babes, including the stadia and the animated players was exported from Max with the U3d plugin and then tweaked in Ultimate Unwrap before converting to b3d. |