3d file format revisited

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/3d file format revisited

Gord(Posted 2004) [#1]
I have seen a demo version of 3ds max. As far as I can see this uses mainly the 3ds file format. Am I right?

Beaker(Posted 2004) [#2]
Projects: max
Import: 3DS, ASE, ASC
Export: 3DS, ASE, ASC, B3D (with b3dpipeline), MD2 (plugin), X (plugin)

There are many more exporters (and importers, but you can't import MD2, X or B3D).

b3dpipeline is essential ( http://playerfactory.proboards25.com )
Ultimate Unwrap 3D is excellent as well for converting files.

Gabriel(Posted 2004) [#3]
No, 3dsMax does not use the 3ds format for much any more. Most of the things you can do in 3dsMax can't be stored in a 3ds file. The preferred format for shifting data between applications is probably FBX, and for Blitz, it's b3d ( either via pipeline or Ultimate Unwrap ( my choice ) ) or MD2 for relatively small animated characters where picking won't be an issue.

I hardly ever use 3ds and I own a full license for 3dsMax ( 5 )

Gord(Posted 2004) [#4]
Thanks I think I will stick with Cinema 4d after all

LostCargo(Posted 2004) [#5]
gord. how much do u use cinema 4d
Have u ever been able to export propper bone structures to 3ds? for use in blitz? and have u found any 3rd party exports?

Gord(Posted 2004) [#6]
I only bought Cinema 4d recently I have version ce+ 6 which is a reissue of 6xl at a cheaper price but without manuals. I am not advanced enough to know much about bones. I am pleased with Cinema 4d it gives quality results and is easy to use.But I could do with a written manual.