Memory Usage
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Memory Usage
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How can i tell memory usage thats not from video usage? Or total memory useage in my app? Also, when you do run a program like the following, how/why does your available video memory go up?? [code] Ax% = AvailVidMem()/1024 Type room Field roomname$ Field roomnumber# Field rcolor Field exitn Field exits Field exite Field exitw Field exitne Field exitnw Field Exitse Field exitsw Field exitu Field exitd Field rexits$ Field mvcost ;fields for doors?? ;roomarea#? ;field normal_light ;field current_light Field room1.alsohere[100] Field room2.lyinghere[100] End Type Type alsohere Field alsoname$ Field alsotype Field alsoId;? Field alsostream End Type Type lyinghere Field lyingname$ Field lyingtype Field lyingid End Type Type area Field areaname$ Field areanumber# Field[1000] Field weather End Type ;Read Each Line to Get How many Areas a=1 areafile=OpenFile("c:\mdbmud\areas\areas.dat") If areafile Then While Not Eof(areafile) b$=ReadLine(areafile) a=a+1 Wend CloseFile(areafile) Else Print "Areas.dat not found, terminating program" Delay 5000 End EndIf a=a-1 Print "Total Areas found: "+a ;dim Area Dim area.area(a) c=0 areafile=OpenFile("c:\mdbmud\areas\areas.dat") ;get each areas name While Not Eof(areafile) b$=ReadLine(areafile) area (c)=New area area(c)\areaname$=b$ c=c+1 Wend CloseFile(areafile) d=a-1 For x=0 To d Step 1 c=0 afile$=area(x)\areaname$+".dat" area(x)\areanumber#=x curr_file=OpenFile("c:\mdbmud\areas\"+afile$) If curr_file Then While Not Eof(curr_file) b$=ReadLine(curr_file) area(x)\ro[c]=New room area(x)\ro[c]\roomname$=b$ area(x)\ro[c]\roomnumber=c b$=ReadLine(curr_file) area(x)\ro[c]\rcolor=b$ b=ReadLine(curr_file) area(x)\ro[c]\exitn=b b=ReadLine(curr_file) area(x)\ro[c]\exits=b b=ReadLine(curr_file) area(x)\ro[c]\exite=b b=ReadLine(curr_file) area(x)\ro[c]\exitw=b b=ReadLine(curr_file) area(x)\ro[c]\exitne=b b=ReadLine(curr_file) area(x)\ro[c]\exitnw=b b=ReadLine(curr_file) area(x)\ro[c]\exitse=b b=ReadLine(curr_file) area(x)\ro[c]\exitsw=b b=ReadLine(curr_file) area(x)\ro[c]\exitu=b b=ReadLine(curr_file) area(x)\ro[c]\exitd=b b$=ReadLine(curr_file) area(x)\ro[c]\rexits$=b$ b$=ReadLine(curr_file) c=c+1 Wend Else Print "WARNING: Area file "+afile$+"Not found!!!" EndIf Next j=a-1 ;Print j For l=0 To j Step 1 arean$=area(l)\areaname$ Print "Area#: "+l+" "+arean$ p=0:e=0 While e=0 If area(l)\ro[p]<>Null Then Print "Room#: "+p+" "+area(l)\ro[p]\roomname$ p=p+1 Else e=1 EndIf Wend Next Bx% = AvailVidMem()/1024 Print ax% Print bx% Print "Video memory usage: " + (Ax - Bx) + "kb" WaitKey() |