Ultimate Unwrap export quibble...

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Ultimate Unwrap export quibble...

Seivad Noj(Posted 2004) [#1]
Hello again, sorry for constant questions.

I'm having trouble exporting my models from 3D Studio MAX 5 to Ultimate Unwrap 3D to be used in Blitz3D. I'm exporting from 3DSMAX in .u3d format, then reassigning the textures in Ultimate Unwrap 3D to their corresponding surfaces. Now when I export into .x format, the model doesn't keep any of the texturemap references that I made for it in UU3D, so it appears textureless.

Is it a file location problem type thing, or am I doing something wrong in the process? I opened the CASTLE1.x file that's used in mak's Castle demo to see how that was done, and I can't seem to see what he/she did that I haven't..

Gabriel(Posted 2004) [#2]
Why would you export in .x format when Ultimate Unwrap saves b3d's?

Seivad Noj(Posted 2004) [#3]
That's a good point - but I think I still had the texture problems with .b3d files too. Let me just go and doublecheck.

Seivad Noj(Posted 2004) [#4]
Yep, I've exported it into all the supported file formats, and reassigned their texturemaps again (relative to their file directories), and the textures STILL aren't showing. .b3d doesn't appear to be any different.

Gabriel(Posted 2004) [#5]
Ok, well there's an option somewhere along the export process to allow pathnames or not. I can't recall if it's in Max, exporting as U3d or in Unwrap, exporting as B3d, but I think it's the latter.

I generally find it's best to save the b3d and the textures in the same folder and I think that's the only way I've ever done it. Does it work if you put them all in the same folder? ( Before you save to b3d )

Seivad Noj(Posted 2004) [#6]
Ah, textures are now appearing! Thank you for your help. I moved the files into the same folder as the models and it worked perfectly. Well, almost...

See, now I can't get any surfaces with a texture and an alpha texture to appear in Blitz3D with the transparency. I noticed that when the file is saved into .b3d format it compresses the two into a Composite texture in Ultimate Unwrap, but fiddling with that hasn't proved any more successful.

Would I be a pain if I asked about this little setback?

jhocking(Posted 2004) [#7]
I don't think Ultimate Unwrap can set the alpha transparency flag for exported textures. This is something to mention to Brad since it would be pretty simple for him to implement; he often adds simple suggestions to the next update of the software. In the meantime, you can get B3D Tweak (from http://home.iprimus.com.au/jamjr/tangental/tweakutility/ ) for setting flags on brushes and textures in b3d files.

Seivad Noj(Posted 2004) [#8]
Thanks jhocking - once again you come to the rescue. Were it not for you I'd still be sat with my model in 3D Studio MAX.

If you're ever in the neighbourhood I'll buy you a pint.

jhocking(Posted 2004) [#9]
From the way you spell neighborhood I imagine I'll never be able to take you up on that pint. Oh well, the guys to thank are really Brad and Michael, the ones writing the software. Mm, but a beer would be nice right now, and there's a bar just down the street...