Applying texture to animmesh
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Applying texture to animmesh
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How do you go about applying a texture to an animated mesh, I assume you have to do it to each individual child, are there any tricks to do this without having to go through and findchild all the children. |
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Is the texture likely to change over time? If not I'd be applying the texture in the 3D editor before it gets to Blitz, so it can be loaded with textures intact. |
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I want to be able to apply different costumes to the model during the game, and also blood and such. |
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it depends, first is each texture for each child seperate ie for arms, torso, head etc or single, or is the mesh segemented or a single boned(from your question, im guessing segmented or various mesh parts). if it's one texture, just use the child function in the archives and texture each child with the same load texture, which would then be the same for a single mesh too :) |
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worked great, thanks |