For loops?
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/For loops?
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Every math class I have, we always do a 10 minute division drill. Since I am rather slow at it, I thought I would make a program to help me out, but I am having troubles with for loops. On the drill, there is a grid of 90 squares, and on the left most colum, the teacher puts random numbers from 100 to 999. On the top colum he puts random numbers between 1 and 9. You divide the first small number by the first big number, and then you divide the first small number by the 2nd big number etc... The teacher told us that it would be easier to put a "." instead of a little "r" to signify a remainder. Here is the code I have so far: AppTitle "Math Drill" ;num_1=10/3 ;r=10 Mod 3 ;Print num_1+"."+r ;WaitKey() Graphics 800,600 font1=LoadFont("Arial",26,True,False) SetBuffer BackBuffer() SeedRnd MilliSecs() .start Time% = MilliSecs() + 600000 num_x=218 num_y2=218 ;big_numbers=Rnd(100,999) While Not KeyHit(1) Color 220,220,0 Rect 209,13,390,298,1 Color 0,0,0 Rect 214,18,380,288 For x=216 To 590 Step 42 For y=20 To 280 Step 26 Color 220,220,0 Rect x,y,40,24,1 Next Next Color 0,0,0 Oval 233,23,5,5,1 Rect 221,30,31,2,1 Oval 233,34,5,5,1 For big_numbers_for=1 To 10 big_numbers=Rnd(100,999) Next For num_y=46 To 300 Step 26 Color 0,0,0 Text num_x,num_y,big_numbers Next ;For small_numbers=1 To 10 ;small_numbers=Rnd(1,9) ;Next ;For num_x2=218 To 300 Step 40 ; ; Color 255,0,0 ; Text num_x2,num_y2,small_numbers ; ;Next SetFont font1 Color 255,0,0 Text 347,565,"Time: "+((Time-MilliSecs())/1000) If MilliSecs() > Time Then Goto time_up Flip Cls Wend .time_up End If I put the small numbers in, the screen goes black and I can't exit. Why is that? The big_numbers keeps on repeating in the while loop why is that? |
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This little loop makes it impossible for the program to quit. For small_numbers=1 To 10 small_numbers=Rnd(1,9) Next this is an evil loop that never ends. you better change the rnd ( or loop variable ) if you want this program to work. Btw nice games on your homepage, sea-shoot was pretty cool and it has nice graphics too =) |
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Bob the Blob runs WAAAY to fast to play on my machine! |
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Btw nice games on your homepage, sea-shoot was pretty cool and it has nice graphics too =) Thanks! Bob the Blob runs WAAAY to fast to play on my machine! It was? That's not good! How do you make it so that the speed is the same on all computers? |
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Yeah i hate when that happens to games, my cousins computer does that all the time when it run 2d games. Btw her is my "Math Drill" feel free to change the source. All@ bet you cant be better than "Not Good.." hehe ; Title AppTitle "Math Drill" ; Graphics Mode Graphics 640, 480, 16, 2 SetBuffer BackBuffer() ; Super Randomize SeedRnd MilliSecs() ; Small Number Dim Dim number_s(8) For x = 0 To 8 number_s(x) = Rnd( 1, 9 ) Next ; Big Number Dim Dim number_b(8) For x = 0 To 8 number_b(x) = Rnd( 100, 999 ) Next ; Anserw Type Type ans Field a.ans, ans_a Field ans_x, ans_y, ans_c End Type ; Start .start ; Set Right Anserws To Zero Global righta = 0 Global marker_x = 0, marker_y = 0 Global finished = False, count_answers = False Global time = 600, time_r = MilliSecs() ; Delete All Previous Anservs For a.ans = Each ans Delete a Next ; Create Anserw Types For x = 0 To 8 For y = 0 To 8 a.ans = New ans a\ans_x = x * 33 + 204 a\ans_y = y * 17 + 174 a\ans_a$ = 0 a\ans_c = 0 Next Next ; Program Lol While KeyHit(1) = False ; Time If MilliSecs() > time_r + 1000 Then If time > 0 Then time = time - 1 time_r = MilliSecs() EndIf ; Time Up ! If time < 1 Then finished = True EndIf ; Get ASCII key = GetKey() ; Number True If key > 47 And key < 58 Then For a.ans = Each ans If ( a\ans_x - 204 ) / 33 = marker_x And ( a\ans_y - 174 ) / 17 = marker_y Then If Len( a\ans_a$ ) < 4 Then a\ans_a$ = a\ans_a + Chr$( key ) EndIf Next EndIf ; Bakspace True If key = 8 Then For a.ans = Each ans If ( a\ans_x - 204 ) / 33 = marker_x And ( a\ans_y - 174 ) / 17 = marker_y Then a\ans_a$ = Left$( a\ans_a$, Len( a\ans_a$ ) - 1 ) EndIf Next EndIf ; Enter True If KeyHit(28) Then For a.ans = Each ans If ( a\ans_x - 204 ) / 33 = marker_x And ( a\ans_y - 174 ) / 17 = marker_y Then If number_b( marker_y ) / number_s( marker_x ) = a\ans_a$ Then a\ans_c = 1 marker_y = marker_y + 1 If marker_y > 8 Then marker_y = 0 : marker_x = marker_x + 1 If marker_x = 9 Then finished = True Goto q Else a\ans_c = 2 marker_y = marker_y + 1 If marker_y > 8 Then marker_y = 0 : marker_x = marker_x + 1 If marker_x = 9 Then finished = True Goto q EndIf EndIf Next EndIf .q ; Clear Screen Cls ; Draw Board Color 0, 255, 0 Text 320, 64, "* Math Drill *", 1 Color 255, 0, 0 Rect 154, 154, 33 * 10 + 1, 17 * 10 + 1, 1 Gosub drawboard ; Draw Small Numbers For x = 0 To 8 Color 0, 0, 0 Text x * 33 + 204, 157, number_s(x), 1 Next ; Draw Big Numbers For y = 0 To 8 Color 0, 0, 0 Text 171, y * 17 + 174, number_b(y), 1 Next ; Cheat Switch If key = 99 Then If cheat = True Then cheat = False : key = 0 If key = 99 Then If cheat = False Then cheat = True : key = 0 ; Cheat By Pressing [ C ] If cheat = True Then For a.ans = Each ans If ( a\ans_x - 204 ) / 33 = marker_x And ( a\ans_y - 174 ) / 17 = marker_y Then Color 0, 255, 0 Text 320, 90, number_b( marker_y ) / number_s( marker_x ), 1 EndIf Next EndIf ; Draw Marker Color 0, 0, 255 If marker_x < 9 Then Rect marker_x * 33 + 187, marker_y * 17 + 171, 34, 18, 0 ; Draw Anserw Types For a.ans = Each ans If a\ans_c = 0 Then Color 0, 0, 255 If a\ans_c = 1 Then Color 0, 255, 0 If a\ans_c = 2 Then Color 255, 0, 0 Text a\ans_x, a\ans_y, a\ans_a, 1 Next ; Draw Time Left Color 255, 0, 0 Text 320, 380, "Time Left " + time + " ( Sec ) ", 1 ; Display Results If finished = True Then If count_answers = False For a.ans = Each ans If a\ans_c = 1 Then righta = righta + 1 Next EndIf count_answers = True Text 320, 400, righta + " Right Anserw Of 81", 1 If righta < 21 Then Text 320, 420, " Very Bad ! ", 1 If righta > 20 And righta < 41 Then Text 320, 420, " Not Good.. ", 1 If righta > 40 And righta < 61 Then Text 320, 420, " Better Practice More ", 1 If righta > 60 And righta < 81 Then Text 320, 420, " Greate Work ", 1 If righta = 81 Then Text 320, 420, " Master Mind ! ", 1 Text 320, 440, " Try Again ? Y/N ", 1 If key = 121 Then Goto start If key = 110 Then Goto endp EndIf ; Of Course I Gotta Sign This =) Text 320, 460, "By Cermit =)", 1 ; Flip Buffer Flip ; Program End Wend .endp End ; Draw Board .drawboard For x = 0 To 9 For y = 0 To 9 Color 255, 128, 0 Rect x * 33 + 155, y * 17 + 155, 32, 16, 1 Next Next Return You can see the right answer by pressing "c" Cheating is not good i know but i just wanted to see that my math did work =) I hate when they do these 10 minutes tests in school so i didnt try it serious myself =) We'll say i got "Master Mind !" ( i didnt cheat i promise *ironic* ) |
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Wow, I wouldn't change a thing! Except that something is wrong in your ans type, I think. When the time ran out, my right answers went up and up and didn't stop. I don't know anything about types so I don't know. :) The FPS thing works, but now it is verrry slow and laggy. |
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Right i didnt fix the timer thing yet but i will fix it know.. Okey its fixed now =) i updated the code above. Yeah fps at 30 is very slow but try more like 60 or 50 then it should run faster. |
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How do you type in the remainder? |
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Oh thats the weak thing about it. You cant because i didnt have the strenght to do that.. so the computer just chops everyting off after the . 18.84 becomes 18 and so on.. |
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Have you tried MOD?a=372 b=5 Print a/b+"."+a Mod b WaitKey() |
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Do you have msn messenger ? It would be simpler than the forum. Can download it from |
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Yes, I have msn. it's p0ser_5@... a zero beside the p) |
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Any 13 year old who has an A-Team van on their website gets my vote. po for president! :) |
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Yeah! po for president! |
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Hehe. |