3D Types

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/3D Types

cermit(Posted 2004) [#1]
Now im not used to Blitz3D even that i got Blitz3D.
So in 1d, you can draw an image how many times you want.
But when it comes to 3d how do i do that with 3d entities?

Say i have a type called 3d.diamonds and i want a
field with those, how can i do that ?

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#2]
Not sure what exactly you're after... however...

type diamond
field mesh
end type

d.diamond = new diamond
d\mesh = loadmesh("diamond.3ds")

cermit(Posted 2004) [#3]
so i have to load ( or copy ) the mesh for each type i create okey

Shambler(Posted 2004) [#4]
Here's a little demo for you

;Cermit in the sky with diamonds
Graphics3D 800,600

;a camera
CameraClsColor cam,0,0,50
PositionEntity cam,0,60,0

;camera target
PositionEntity look,0,0,0
PointEntity cam,look

;a light
PositionEntity light,0,10,0
LightColor light,255,255,0

;a diamond
PositionEntity diamondmesh,100000,100000,100000
HideEntity diamondmesh

Type diamond
Field mesh
End Type

;create a field of diamonds
For x=-50 To 50 Step 10
For z=-50 To 50 Step 10
d.diamond=New diamond
PositionEntity d\mesh,x,0,z
EntityShininess d\mesh,1
EntityColor d\mesh,255,255,0

While Not KeyHit(1)

;twinkle twinkle
For d.diamond=Each diamond
TurnEntity d\mesh,Rnd(3),Rnd(3),Rnd(3)

Text 0,0,"Press Escape to exit"


cermit(Posted 2004) [#5]
That was what i meant thanks =)

Zethrax(Posted 2004) [#6]
Generally you'll find it better to use CopyEntity rather than CopyMesh, though. CopyMesh does a full copy of all the mesh data, whereas CopyEntity uses the mesh data of the original mesh, which saves memory and is probably much faster when copying.

cermit(Posted 2004) [#7]
Thanks for advise =), very bad spending
a lot of emory if not nesesary..

BlackJumper(Posted 2004) [#8]

slight error in your code.... should read:
;a faux-diamond
