Camra Move Enity
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Camra Move Enity
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When moving my camra It seems to not move at all.. Is there a reason I can not move the camra with move enity or position enity. I can move the camra fine by using the standard buttons for up and down. If KeyDown( 205 )=True Then TurnEntity camera,0,-2,0; <- Basic navigateiong Testing If KeyDown( 203 )=True Then TurnEntity camera,0,2,0; <- Basic navigateiong Testing If KeyDown( 208 )=True Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,-2; <- Basic navigateiong Testing If KeyDown( 200 )=True Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,2; <- Basic navigateiong Testing But What i am doins if checking to see if the camra / me has jumped out of bounds. I have a 3d tile map i have layed down over the area. Then i have a function I call ;This is the World Positing Checker Function COL(col) If col >= 1024 And col <= 1536 Then col = 5 ElseIf col >= 512 And col <= 1024 col = 4 ElseIf col >= 0 And col <= 512 col = 3 ElseIf col >= -512 And col <= 0 col = 2 ElseIf col >= -1024 And col <= -512 col = 1 End If Return col End Function Function ROW(ROW) If row >= 1024 And row <= 1536 Then row = 1 ElseIf row >= 512 And row <= 1024 row = 2 ElseIf row >= 0 And row <= 512 row = 3 ElseIf row >= -512 And row <= 0 row = 4 ElseIf row >= -1024 And row <= -512 row = 5 End If Return row End Function Then Say you are standing on block row(z) = 3 and col(x) =3 then fine. now when you jump to the next row say you trevel forword on the tile. I have managed to shift the whole world,evrything. But for some reason the Camra wont move using a stardared positing enity. ;Set Landblock If col(x) = 3 And row(z) = 3 Then Else If col(x) = 3 And row(z) = 2 ;Users has moved forword ;Physical Layer Tracker - Update Layer Big Large CODE currentblock = P13 ; Set Camra to center landblock MoveEntity camera,x#,y#,z# - 512 ; Player has moved to far on the Z axis so we need to pull him back the length of one tile where we have redrawn the world. Else currentblock = nb End If If currentblock <> nb Then terra_y#=TerrainY(currentblock,x#,y#,z#)+10 Else terra_y# = 150 ; FLY LIKE A Eagle End If PositionEntity camera,x#,terra_y#,z# |
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Are you taking into account thatmove and positionentity work in different ways? Move entity moves it from it's current location and positionentity moves it to a worl location. Is your camera parented also? If it is, at the end of positionentity you'll need to have a global flag PositionEntity camera,x#,terra_y#,z#,TRUE Another question. Are you making sure x#,terra_y#,z#, and all other camera position co-ords, are GLOBAL? If not, that might be your problem. Locl variables from the main part of the program, don't carry across to functions, so check that out also. :) |
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Have you solved this? Please paste more of your code, as I think I can clean a lot up for you. |