Chat system

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Chat system

ala_samodi(Posted 2004) [#1]
how can I get a chat system were a player can write on the bottom left corner and be visible to unother person playing?!

WolRon(Posted 2004) [#2]
That's a big question with many possible answers.

I don't know a lot about the networking side of Blitz but...

First off, you would have to capture the keypresses with the KeyHit commands and then concatenate them into a string.
Draw the string to the screen using the Text command, or Drawimage command.
Send the string over the network (this is where I'm not totally familiar with) using a special 'code' that your program recognizes to mean that the following characters sent are a message.
Once received on the other side, Draw it to their screen.

Pretty simple, really, It's just the specifics that need to be worked out.

ala_samodi(Posted 2004) [#3]
;something like this?
LoadImage id ""
If KeyDown("a")
DrawImage id
EndIf ;dont understand the endif

GfK(Posted 2004) [#4]
Send the string over the network (this is where I'm not totally familiar with) using a special 'code' that your program recognizes to mean that the following characters sent are a message.
I'd hazard a guess that this is the bit he's having trouble with.....?

puki(Posted 2004) [#5]

ala_samodi(Posted 2004) [#6]
well i havent done it over a network and well im also haveing problems even puting images on the 3d game!! Im trying to have it where the user can input there text but in a print form and have it delete its self after a few seconds!?!!

WolRon(Posted 2004) [#7]
Heres an example
Dim key(50)
key(16) = 81
key(17) = 69
key(18) = 87
key(19) = 82
key(30) = 65
key(31) = 83
key(44) = 

while not keyhit(1)

  if keyhit(20) ;"T" go into text mode
    inputmess = true

  if inputmess = true
    for iter = 16 to 25 ;q to p
      if keyhit(iter) then message$ = message$ + chr$(key(iter))
    for iter = 30 to 38; a to l
      if keyhit(iter) then message$ = message$ + chr$(key(iter))
    for iter = 44 to 50; z to m
      if keyhit(iter) then message$ = message$ + chr$(key(iter))
    if keyhit(enter)
      displaymess = true
      inputmess = false
      messdispstart = millisecs()

  if inputmess = true or (displaymess = true and messdispstart + 5000 > millisecs())
    text 50, 450, message$

  if displaymess = true and millisecs() > messdispstart + 5000
    message$ = ""
    displaymess = false

ala_samodi(Posted 2004) [#8]
now how can i get it to auto delete

WolRon(Posted 2004) [#9]
  if inputmess = true or (displaymess = true and messdispstart + 5000 > millisecs())
    text 50, 450, message$
That code already does it.

WolRon(Posted 2004) [#10]
I updated the code some more. Check for differences.

wizzlefish(Posted 2004) [#11]
I tried making a chat system. I was using NGUI to make the buttons because I wanted it to look like it didn't run in MSDOS.

It didn't work.

Berserker [swe](Posted 2004) [#12]
Wouldnt it be esier to freeze the entire game while typing messages?

That way other players can se a sign over the head of the one typing (or whatever it now is that is speaking). The function can then make the player invunerble or something similar...

Also why not skip the timer (since to many can cause a lag) and just delete every fifth message that appears.

Just some thoughts didn't mean to be a whise-ass.

ala_samodi(Posted 2004) [#13]
yeah but you can You can't really freeze a Online game! and that was my other question how can I delete my print after 5 prints?!

WolRon(Posted 2004) [#14]
how can I delete my print after 5 prints?!
PLEASE try to explain better what you mean...

For instance, (this is what I am assuming you meant) you could have said:
"How can I get the previous messages that were printed to the screen to scroll up out of the way if more messages appear? Also, how do I get the previous messages to begin to disappear from the scrolling list if more than 5 messages are printed?"

If you want someone to take the time to answer your question, then take the time to phrase it as best as you can.

Is this what you are looking for?:
Graphics 640, 480

Dim key(53)
key(2) = 49
key(3) = 50
key(4) = 51
key(5) = 52
key(6) = 53
key(7) = 54
key(8) = 55
key(9) = 56
key(10) = 57
key(11) = 48
key(16) = 81
key(17) = 87
key(18) = 69
key(19) = 82
key(20) = 84
key(21) = 89
key(22) = 85
key(23) = 73
key(24) = 79
key(25) = 80
key(30) = 65
key(31) = 83
key(32) = 68
key(33) = 70
key(34) = 71
key(35) = 72
key(36) = 74
key(37) = 75
key(38) = 76
key(44) = 90
key(45) = 88
key(46) = 67
key(47) = 86
key(48) = 66
key(49) = 78
key(50) = 77
key(51) = 44
key(52) = 46
key(53) = 63

Dim message$(5)

While Not KeyHit(1)

  t_key = KeyHit(20)
  If t_key And inputmess = False;"T" go into text mode
    inputmess = True
    message$(0) = ""
    t_key = False

  If inputmess = True
    For iter = 2 To 11 ;1 to 0
      If KeyHit(iter) Then message$(0) = message$(0) + Chr$(key(iter))
    For iter = 16 To 25 ;q to p
      If KeyHit(iter) Then message$(0) = message$(0) + Chr$(key(iter))
    If t_key Then message$(0) = message$(0) + Chr$(key(20))
    For iter = 30 To 38; a to l
      If KeyHit(iter) Then message$(0) = message$(0) + Chr$(key(iter))
    For iter = 44 To 53; z to ?
      If KeyHit(iter) Then message$(0) = message$(0) + Chr$(key(iter))
    If KeyHit(57) Then message$(0) = message$(0) + Chr$(32) ;spacebar
    If KeyHit(14) Then message$(0) = Left$(message$(0), Len(message$(0)) - 1) ;backspace
    If KeyHit(28) ;enter
      inputmess = False
      For iter = 5 To 1 Step -1
        message$(iter) = message$(iter - 1)

  If MilliSecs() > messscroll + 5000
    For iter = 5 To 2 Step -1
      message$(iter) = message$(iter - 1)
    message$(1) = ""
    messscroll = MilliSecs()
  ;othermessage$ = CheckForMessageReceivedOverNetwork$()
  If othermessage$ <> ""
    For iter = 5 To 2 Step -1
      message$(iter) = message$(iter - 1)
    message$(1) = othermessage$
    othermessage$ = ""
    messscroll = MilliSecs()

  Color 255, 255, 255
  Rect 48, 373, 550, 79
  Color 255, 0, 0
  Rect 48, 453, 550, 19
  Color 0, 0, 0
  For iter = 0 To 5
    If iter = 0
      If Inputmess = True Then Text 50, 455, message$(0)
      Text 50, 450 - (15 * iter), message$(iter)


Note that you will have to supply the Network functions...

gpete(Posted 2004) [#15]
I have to admire your persistance, WolRon!

Berserker [swe](Posted 2004) [#16]
I didn't mean that you would freeze the network game only the game for the plyer that is typing the message...
But non of that wreally matter now since im sure you know how to do it now.

Good Job WolRon!

But i still think you could just skip the timer, if it's a busy server the messages will still dissapear as soon as someone writes a new one. Ofcourse most modern game have som kind of timer on their chatsystem.