Physics again
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Physics again
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Ok i found this link on BlitzCoder. (scroll down for the code) It has some 2D basic physics code of a 2d cube. What would it take to convert this so i could move a 3D cube around using the createcube() command??? Thanks DESTROYER :) |
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Ok ive played about with the code and this is wot ive come up with :( (I think im getting there lol :) ) AppTitle "Verlet basics" Graphics3D 800,600,0,2 SetBuffer BackBuffer() ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Global cam = CreateCamera() Global cube = CreateCube() Global light = CreateLight() PositionEntity cube,1,1,10 EntityType cube,1 plane=CreatePlane() PositionEntity plane,0,-1,0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Global PHY_GRAVITY# = 9.8 ; Gravity decides how much the particles are pulled towards the ground. Global PHY_TIMESTEP# = 0.05 ; The timestep is how much the physics engine will progress per PHY_Update. Global PHY_ITERATIONS% = 5 ; More iterations gives more accuracy while less iterations give more speed. ; Constraints are the lines between the particles that keep them in a certain length from eachother. Type PHY_Constraint Field p1.PHY_Particle Field p2.PHY_Particle Field length# End Type ; Particles are points that move based on their old positions, gravity and mass. Type PHY_Particle Field x#,y#,z# Field ox#,oy#,oz# Field mass# End Type ; Create all particles (Normally this should be done in a function to avoid so much creation code.) p1.PHY_Particle = New PHY_Particle p1\x = 368 p1\y = 268 p1\z = 168 p1\ox = 368 p1\oy = 268 p1\oz = 168 p1\mass = 1.0 p2.PHY_Particle = New PHY_Particle p2\x = 432 p2\y = 268 p2\z = 68 p2\ox = 432 p2\oy = 268 p2\oz = 68 p2\mass = 1.0 p3.PHY_Particle = New PHY_Particle p3\x = 368 p3\y = 332 p3\ox = 368 p3\oy = 332 p3\mass = 1.0 p4.PHY_Particle = New PHY_Particle p4\x = 432 p4\y = 332 p4\ox = 432 p4\oy = 332 p4\mass = 1.0 ; Create all constraints. c.PHY_Constraint = New PHY_Constraint c\p1 = p1 c\p2 = p2 c\length = 64 c.PHY_Constraint = New PHY_Constraint c\p1 = p1 c\p2 = p3 c\length = 64 c.PHY_Constraint = New PHY_Constraint c\p1 = p2 c\p2 = p4 c\length = 64 c.PHY_Constraint = New PHY_Constraint c\p1 = p3 c\p2 = p4 c\length = 64 ; Diagonal lengths are Sqr(64 * 64 + 64 * 64) c.PHY_Constraint = New PHY_Constraint c\p1 = p1 c\p2 = p4 c\length = 90.5097 c.PHY_Constraint = New PHY_Constraint c\p1 = p2 c\p2 = p3 c\length = 90.5097 While Not KeyHit(1) Cls ; Let the user control one of the particles with the arrow keys. If KeyDown(57) Then p1\y = p1\y - 5 ;space If KeyDown(200) Then p1\z = p1\z + 5 ;up If KeyDown(208) Then p1\z = p1\z - 5 ;down If KeyDown(203) Then p1\x = p1\x - 5 ;left If KeyDown(205) Then p1\x = p1\x + 5 ;right ; Apply forces to all the particles. PHY_Verlet ; Make sure no particle leaves the screen. For p.PHY_Particle = Each PHY_Particle If p\x < 10 Then p\x = 10 ElseIf p\x > 790 Then p\x = 790 If p\y < 10 Then p\y = 10 ElseIf p\y > 590 Then p\y = 590 Next ; Enforce lengths of constraints. PHY_SatisfyConstraints ; Draw all the constraints. For c.PHY_Constraint = Each PHY_Constraint Line c\p1\x,c\p1\y,c\p2\x,c\p2\y Next ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; AlignToVector cube,p1\x,p1\y,p1\z,1 PointEntity cam,cube UpdateWorld() RenderWorld() UpdateNormals cube Text 0,0,"P1\X = "+p1\x Text 0,12,"P1\Y = "+p1\Y Text 0,24,"P1\Z = "+p1\z Text 300,0,"Use Spacebar + Cursor keys" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Flip Wend End ; This function will make sure that all constraints try to keep their length. It will be better the higher PHY_ITERATIONS is. Function PHY_SatisfyConstraints() Local c.PHY_Constraint,p1.PHY_Particle,p2.PHY_Particle Local m1#,m2#,dx#,dy#,dz#,deltalength#,diff# Local i% ; Do everything PHY_ITERATIONS times. For i = 1 To PHY_ITERATIONS For c = Each PHY_Constraint p1 = c\p1 p2 = c\p2 ; Get difference in distance between the two particles. dx = p2\x - p1\x dy = p2\y - p1\y dz = p2\z - p1\z ; Get the masses of the particles. m1 = -p1\mass m2 = -p2\mass ; Get the length between the particles. deltalength = Sqr(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) If deltalength <> 0.0 ; Avoid division by 0 ; Get a factor of how much to move the particles from eachother. diff = (deltalength - c\length) / (deltalength * (m1 + m2)) ; Move the particles. p1\x = p1\x + dx * m1 * diff p1\y = p1\y + dy * m1 * diff p1\z = p1\z + dz * m1 * diff p2\x = p2\x - dx * m2 * diff p2\y = p2\y - dy * m2 * diff p2\z = p2\z - dz * m2 * diff EndIf Next Next End Function ; This function will move the particles. Function PHY_Verlet() Local p.PHY_Particle Local x#,y#,z#,dx#,dy#,dz# For p = Each PHY_Particle ; Save current position. x = p\x y = p\y z = p\z ; Get the difference between the old and new positions. dx = x - p\ox dy = y - p\oy dz = z - p\oz ; Move the particle based on the difference. p\x = p\x + dx p\z = p\z + dz If p\mass > 0.0 ; Avoid division by zero p\y = p\y + dy + PHY_GRAVITY / p\mass * PHY_TIMESTEP * PHY_TIMESTEP Else p\y = p\y + dy EndIf ; Keep the previous position. p\ox = x p\oy = y p\oz = z Next End Function Can any body help out on this i just want the physics attached to the cube so it acts properly. Thanks DESTROYER |