2d help

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/2d help

Q(Posted 2005) [#1]
I am trying to make a 2d games in Blitz, but I am having a problem already. How do I make the image on the screen clear. When I used the LoadSprite command I had to adjust the camera to get it where I wanted it, but the image is still blurry. Can someone please help?

Here's my code so far:

Graphics3D 800, 600

SetBuffer BackBuffer()

camera = CreateCamera()
PositionEntity camera, 0, 0, -10

player = LoadSprite("c:\blitz\test\graphics\characters\demon.bmp")

While Not KeyHit(1)

If KeyDown(200)=True Then MoveEntity player, 0, .15, 0
If KeyDown(203)=True Then MoveEntity player, -.15, 0, 0
If KeyDown(205)=True Then MoveEntity player, .15, 0, 0
If KeyDown(208)=True Then MoveEntity player, 0, -.15, 0




Matty(Posted 2005) [#2]
skidracer's code archives entry should help:


tonyg(Posted 2005) [#3]
If you really want to do 2D games (rather than 2D in 3D). Use the 2D command set (loadimage, drawimage etc).
If you want to add effects (alpha etc) then you might want to look at NSpritePro/2, SpriteCandy, SwiftBobs, SpriteMaster