i found this demo lying around, it might help you Its vey messy and used source from someones ball physics.
; JP ball turn by rob
;ball is parented to ballpos, which is a pivot.
;moving mouse moves the ball. Vx and vY are the balls speed. used to calculate turn too.
Include "keys.bb"
SeedRnd MilliSecs()
Global ball,ballpos
Global Vx#=0,vY#=0.000001,vZ#=0
;display crap
Graphics3D 1024,768,0,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
Const TYPE_BALL = 1
CameraRange camera,1,20000
MoveEntity camera,0,600,-600
TurnEntity camera,45,0,0
MoveEntity light,1000,1000,1000
p=CreatePlane();:EntityAlpha p,0.9
EntityType p,TYPE_GROUND
t=CreateTexture(16,16):SetBuffer TextureBuffer(t)
ClsColor 255,0,0
Color 255,255,255
Rect 0,0,8,8,1
Rect 8,8,8,8,1
ScaleTexture t,110,110;.2,.2
EntityTexture p,t
FreeTexture t
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
;EntityColor p,0,0,255
Dim cube(3)
Dim bk_cube(3)
cube(0) = CreateCube()
NameEntity cube(0),"onebox"
ScaleEntity cube(0),280,60,80
PositionEntity cube(0),-30,0,0
EntityType cube(0),TYPE_GROUND
EntityColor cube(0),Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255):EntityAlpha cube(0),0.9
RotateEntity cube(0),0,0,35
Delay Rnd(0,1000)
cube(1) = CreateSphere()
ScaleEntity cube(1),80,80,80
PositionEntity cube(1),-480,40,180
EntityType cube(1),TYPE_GROUND
EntityColor cube(1),Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255):EntityAlpha cube(1),0.9
Delay Rnd(0,1000)
cube(2) = CreateCube()
ScaleEntity cube(2),80,80,80
PositionEntity cube(2),-880,40,380
EntityType cube(2),TYPE_GROUND
EntityColor cube(2),Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255):EntityAlpha cube(2),0.9
Delay Rnd(0,1000)
cube(3) = CreateCube()
ScaleEntity cube(3),80,80,80
PositionEntity cube(3),580,40,580
EntityType cube(3),TYPE_GROUND
EntityColor cube(3),Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255):EntityAlpha cube(3),0.9
;set up your balls etc. each ball has a pivot for movement.
ScaleEntity ball,20,20,20
PositionEntity ballpos,0,120,0
EntityType ballpos,TYPE_BALL
EntityRadius ballpos,20
;EntityAlpha ball,0.7
t=CreateTexture(16,16):SetBuffer TextureBuffer(t)
ClsColor 0,0,0
Color 255,255,255
Rect 0,0,8,8,1
Rect 8,8,8,8,1
ScaleTexture t,.2,.2
EntityTexture ball,t
FreeTexture t
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
Global Velocity#
Global Direction_X#,Direction_Y#,Direction_Z#
Global Air_Friction_Force#
Global Box_Movement#,adder# = 0.8
timer60 = CreateTimer(60)
While Not KeyHit(1)
WaitTimer timer60
Box_Movement = Box_Movement + adder;0.5
If Box_Movement >=200 adder = adder*-1
If Box_Movement <=-200 adder = adder*-1
If use
For i = 0 To 3
If bk_cube(i)>0 FreeEntity bk_cube(i)
MoveEntity cube(i),adder,0,0;Box_Movement,0,0
bk_cube(i) = CreateCube()
NameEntity bk_cube(i),"onebox"
ScaleEntity bk_cube(i),80,80,80
PositionEntity bk_cube(i),EntityX(cube(i)),EntityY(cube(i)),EntityZ(cube(i))
EntityType bk_cube(i),TYPE_GROUND
EntityAlpha bk_cube(i),0.0
If KeyHit(key_u) DebugLog Vy:Vy# = Vy# + 6:DebugLog Vy
If KeyDown(key_i) vx = vx + 20.01
Entity_Hit = EntityCollided(ballpos, TYPE_GROUND)
Velocity# = Sqr(Vx#^2 + Vy#^2 + Vz#^2)
; If the entity is moving, adjust it's velocity:
If Velocity# > 0 ;a
; Calculate the direction vector.
; The direction vector has a length of 1.
Direction_X# = Vx# / Velocity#
Direction_Y# = Vy# / Velocity#
Direction_Z# = Vz# / Velocity#
; Compute air friction.
; Air friction is dependent on the speed of the entity, and will prevent it from accelerting forever.
Air_Friction_Force# = AIR_FRICTION_CONSTANT# * Velocity#^2.0
Velocity# = Velocity# - (Air_Friction_Force#); * Time_Delta_Sec#)
; If the entity collided with the level, apply ground friction.
If Entity_Hit > 0 ;b
; Compute ground friction. Ground friction is not dependent on the speed of the entity.
Velocity# = Velocity# - (GROUND_FRICTION_CONSTANT#); * Time_Delta_Sec#)
; Make sure the entity's velocity doesn't go below 0.
; It is impossible to have a negative velocity in physics and "bad things" happen if you try to.
If (Velocity# < 0) Then Velocity# = 0
; Convert the entity's velocity and direction back into a motion vector.
Vx# = Direction_X# * Velocity#
Vy# = Direction_Y# * Velocity#
Vz# = Direction_Z# * Velocity#
; If the entity collided with the level, make it bounce.
If Entity_Hit > 0 ;c
; Calculate bounce:
; Get the normal of the surface which the entity collided with.
Nx# = CollisionNX(ballpos, 1)
Ny# = CollisionNY(ballpos, 1)
Nz# = CollisionNZ(ballpos, 1)
;;If Nx<>0 Or Nz<>0 DebugLog EntityName(Entity_hit)
; Compute the dot product of the entity's motion vector and the normal of the surface collided with.
VdotN# = Vx#*Nx# + Vy#*Ny# + Vz#*Nz#
; Calculate the normal force.
NFx# = -1.8 * Nx# * VdotN#
NFy# = -1.725 * Ny# * VdotN#
NFz# = -1.8 * Nz# * VdotN#
; Add the normal force to the direction vector.
Vx# = Vx# + NFx#
Vy# = Vy# + NFy#
Vz# = Vz# + NFz#
; Do not allow the entity to move vertically.
;If Vy# <> 0 Vy# = Abs(Vy#);0
;If Vy#>-0.051 Vy# = 0
;;Vy# = Abs(Vy#)*.8
;;If Vy# < 0.0 Vy# = 0.0;Abs(Vy#);0
; Apply gravity:
Vy# = Vy# - (GRAVITY#);-Yspin#); * Time_Delta_Sec#)
;Yspin# = -0.05
;If Vy# > 0 Vy# = Abs(Vy#);0
; Move and rotate the entity:
; We rotate the entity by the actual distance moved and not by the velocity because if we rotate according
; to the velocity then the entity will roll when it's up against a wall and not moving.
OldX# = NewX#
OldZ# = NewZ#
OldY# = NewY#
TFormVector Vx,Vy,Vz,0,ballpos
;MoveEntity ballpos,TFormedX(),TFormedY(),TFormedZ()
TranslateEntity ballpos, Vx,Vy,Vz,1;Vx#*Time_Delta_Sec#, Vy#*Time_Delta_Sec#, Vz#*Time_Delta_Sec#, True
NewX# = EntityX#(ballpos, True)
NewZ# = EntityZ#(ballpos, True)
NewY# = EntityY#(ballpos, True)
If NewX = OldX Vx = 0
If NewZ = OldZ Vz = 0
If NewY = Oldy Vy = 0
Mx# = (NewX# - OldX#)
Mz# = (NewZ# - OldZ#)
; Rotate the entity the right amount for it's radius and the distance it has moved along the X and Z axis.
; This is kinda a hack and only designed for rolling on planes but you won't notice the diffrence.
XAngleAdjust# = (Mx# / 20.0) * (180.0/Pi)
ZAngleAdjust# = (Mz# / 20.0) * (180.0/Pi)
TurnEntity ball,ZAngleAdjust#,0,-XAngleAdjust#,True
;DebugLog "vy "+Vy
;Text 0,10,"ballposX "+EntityX#(ballpos)
;Text 0,20,"ballposy "+EntityY#(ballpos)
;Text 0,30,"ballposz "+EntityZ#(ballpos)
;Color 0,0,255
Text 10,10,"speeds vx "+Vx+" vy "+vy+" vz "+vz+" entity hit "+Entity_hit
Text 10,20,EntityX(ballpos)+" "+EntityY(ballpos)+" "+EntityZ(ballpos)
;If KeyHit(key_t) DebugLog (Vx*10000)+" e "+Abs(vz)
Flip 0
Function updateball()
accel# = 0.0251;1;055;10.1;055
MaxSp# = 16.0
If KeyDown(key_d)
Vx = Vx + accel
ElseIf KeyDown(key_a)
Vx = Vx - accel
If KeyDown(key_w)
vZ = vZ + accel
ElseIf KeyDown(key_s)
vZ = vZ - accel
If Vx<-MaxSp Vx = -MaxSp
If Vx>MaxSp Vx = MaxSp
If vZ<-MaxSp vZ = -MaxSp
If vZ>MaxSp vZ = MaxSp
;If Abs(Vx) <= 0.1 Vx = 0.0
;If Abs(vZ) <= 0.1 vZ = 0.0
If Abs(mx) <= accel#*.9 mx = 0.0
If Abs(mz) <= accel#*.9 mz = 0.0
;control the ball o death
If MouseHit(1)
;MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2
;TranslateEntity ballpos,Vx,vY,vZ
;reset turnentity
;RotateEntity ball,0,0,0
;turn it how you want.
;TurnEntity ball,vZ*2,0,-Vx*2
;reset the coordinate system for the ball! (secret frosties recipe)
;RotateMesh ball,EntityPitch(ball),EntityYaw(ball),EntityRoll(ball)
;Vx = Vx*.995
;vZ = vZ*.995
;vY = vY*.995
If MouseHit(2) PositionEntity ballpos,0,20,0
;If vY>0 vY = vY -.2
End Function