parententity + positionentity O_o
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/parententity + positionentity O_o
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I want a group of cubes (parented to another bigger cube) to move first in a way and, when they reach a certain x value, to invert their direction... and I want the same thing when they reach a -x value... Well this code makes weird things so... if you can help me... Graphics3D 800,600,32,2 SetBuffer BackBuffer() Global cam = CreateCamera() PositionEntity cam,0,0,0 Global lux = CreateLight() PositionEntity lux,0,10,0 Global cube = CreateCube() PositionEntity cube,0,0,10 Type mov Field obj Field x# Field y# Field z# End Type Global xinc#=-1.3 Global yinc#= 1 Global direction#=.01 For a = 0 To 19 = New mov mov1\obj = CreateCube() EntityColor mov1\obj,120,120,120 ScaleEntity mov1\obj,.1,.1,.1 If xinc > 2 Then yinc = yinc - 1 : xinc = -1.3 mov1\y = yinc mov1\x = 0.1 + xinc xinc = xinc + 1.0 mov1\z = -3 EntityParent mov1\obj,cube PositionEntity mov1\obj,mov1\x,mov1\y,mov1\z Next While Not KeyDown(1) If KeyDown(203) Then TurnEntity cube,0,-1,0 If KeyDown(205) Then TurnEntity cube,0,1,0 If KeyDown(200) Then MoveEntity cam,0,0,.1 If KeyDown(208) Then MoveEntity cam,0,0,-.1 MoveEntity cam,0,0,0 TurnEntity cube,0,0,0 For = Each mov PositionEntity mov1\obj,mov1\x,mov1\y,mov1\z If mov1\x > 3.9 Or mov1\x < -3.9 Then direction = -direction mov1\x = mov1\x + direction Next RenderWorld() UpdateWorld() Flip Wend End |
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The problem is, that the first cube flips the direction, then a second cube flips it again and so on, resulting in the cubes to go back and forth. The easiest solution is to replace the line "If mov1\x > 3.0 Or etc" with this: If mov1\x > 3.9 Then direction = -0.01 If mov1\x < -3.9 Then direction = 0.01 Another approach, with a different result, is to make "direction" a field of the "mov" type. That way, each cube has it's own direction. |
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ok... i tried it but... try to make direction higher... like 0.1... and instead of 3.9 and -3.9 write 1.9 and -1.9... look what happens... that's odd... how can I avoid that? |
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The offset occurs because the new direction is set, before all the cubes have moved. The way to solve this is to put this before the "For = Each mov" loop: newdirection# = direction And when the new direction is set, use: If mov1\x > 3.9 Then newdirection = -0.01 If mov1\x < -3.9 Then newdirection = 0.01 Finally, after the loop use: direction = newdirection |
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Doesn't work...Graphics3D 800,600,32,2 SetBuffer BackBuffer() Global cam = CreateCamera() PositionEntity cam,0,0,0 Global lux = CreateLight() PositionEntity lux,0,10,0 Global cube = CreateCube() PositionEntity cube,0,0,10 Type mov Field obj Field x# Field y# Field z# End Type Global xinc#=-1.3 Global yinc#= 1 Global direction#=.1 Global newdirection# For a = 0 To 19 = New mov mov1\obj = CreateCube() EntityColor mov1\obj,120,120,120 ScaleEntity mov1\obj,.1,.1,.1 If xinc > 2 Then yinc = yinc - 1 : xinc = -1.3 mov1\y = yinc mov1\x = 0.1 + xinc xinc = xinc + 1.0 mov1\z = -3 EntityParent mov1\obj,cube PositionEntity mov1\obj,mov1\x,mov1\y,mov1\z Next While Not KeyDown(1) If KeyDown(203) Then TurnEntity cube,0,-1,0 If KeyDown(205) Then TurnEntity cube,0,1,0 If KeyDown(200) Then MoveEntity cam,0,0,.1 If KeyDown(208) Then MoveEntity cam,0,0,-.1 MoveEntity cam,0,0,0 TurnEntity cube,0,0,0 newdirection = direction For = Each mov PositionEntity mov1\obj,mov1\x,mov1\y,mov1\z If mov1\x > 1.9 Then newdirection = -0.1 If mov1\x < -1.9 Then newdirection =0.1 mov1\x = mov1\x + newdirection Next direction = newdirection RenderWorld() UpdateWorld() Flip Wend |
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Aaaahhhhh I understand! Ok thanks... I AM AN IDIOT! |
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Ah, funny :D |