little info please

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/little info please

Labyrnth(Posted 2007) [#1]
Hey guys, i have been around this place looking and trying to learn. I have not posted before but now i am to the point i need to ask now.

I need some tutorial or something on tile mapping.
I have seen some stuff on it but no real good steps to follow.
Can anyone please point me to some and the tools preferred for making a tile map?

Im open for all suggestions.

I used to model maps with a tool called Radiant for a game Medal of Honor.
It can save to the .map format, but the modeler was intended for quake engine. Has anyone used this to make maps for blitz3d? If so i need some place to read up on that as well.

Also i would like some links to some site from active people here. Having one community to look in is just killing me...
Thank you.

Sledge(Posted 2007) [#2]
For tilemaps I tend to roll my own but there's stuff like Mappy out there -- scroll down and there are even some Blitz libraries for it.

GTKRadiant (now GPL & open source) is the variant you want for Q3 map construction... just compile to .bsp and B3D will load 'em.

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2007) [#3]
Do you really mean tilemaps (for 2d games) or are talking about seamless tiling texture maps? (since you mentioned quake)

Labyrnth(Posted 2007) [#4]
Sorry to confuse my question, I want to do 2d Tile maps.
I see no good info on doing so.
I need something to read and follow. Mappy i have looked at also tile studio and others, But this doesnt help me know how to go about coding a tile map. I want to do as you said Sledge "roll my own"

I dont really what to do q3, I already have done this for MOHAA, But to use it in blitz, that very cool.
I want to do 2d for now.
Sledge is GTKradiant the same as Radiant used in COD or MOHAA? It looks very similar, if thats true then im already good with that modeling software. But b3d will load a bsp from it? That is nice to hear, for when im ready.