Point to Cursor using Angles - Bug?
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Beginners Area/Point to Cursor using Angles - Bug?
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Hi, I have some code where I have a dial in the middle and I need it to point towards the cursor and also calculate which direction is fastest, clockwise or anti/counter clockwise. I have it working but as soon as I put the cursor exactly on 0degrees or 180 degrees it goes to the exact opposite angle. I had this working in C++ but porting it to Blitz seems to have broken somewhere, any see what is wrong? Here is the code:- AppTitle "angle test" Graphics 640,480,0,2 Function GetTurnDir%(x1#, y1#, x2#, y2#, current_angle#) Local angle# = (ATan( (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2) ) - 90); Text 0,100,x1 Text 0,110,y1 Text 0,120,x2 Text 0,130,y2 Text 0,140,current_angle If (x1 > x2) Then angle = angle + 180 angle = angle - current_angle While ( angle < 0 ) angle = angle + 360 Wend If (angle > 180 ) Return -1 Else Return 1 EndIf End Function Function GetAngle#(x1#, y1#, x2#, y2#) Local angle# = ATan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) - 90; ) * 180 / bPi)*RAD2DEG ;If ( x1 > x2 ) Then angle = angle + 180 ; While ( angle < 0 ) angle = angle + 360 Wend ; Return (angle); End Function Global posx1 = MouseX() Global posy1 = MouseY() Global posx2 = 320 Global posy2 = 240 Global the_angle# Global DEG2RAD# = 57.27272727 Global RAD2DEG# = 0.01746031 Global bPi = 3.142 Repeat Cls posx1 = MouseX() posy1 = MouseY() Oval posx1-20,posy1-20,40,40,0 Text 10,10,posx1 Text 10,20,posy1 Text MouseX()-10,MouseY()-40,GetAngle(posx1, posy1, posx2, posy2) Color 255,0,255 Line posx1, posy1, posx2, posy2 Color 255,255,255 the_angle = the_angle + GetTurnDir(posx1, posy1, posx2, posy2, the_angle) Line posx2,posy2, posx2 + (Cos((the_angle-90)))*64, posy2 + (Sin((the_angle-90)))*64 If (the_angle > 360) Then the_angle = the_angle - 360 If (the_angle < 0) Then the_angle = the_angle + 360 Text 310,180,the_angle Oval posx2-20,posy2-20,40,40,0 Flip Until KeyHit(1) Last edited 2012 |
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One of the problems is the angle is being turned in increments of 1.0, so your getting a juddering as the angle the line is at, is a floating point number. The two will never match up. To solve your current problem though: Function GetTurnDir%(x1#, y1#, x2#, y2#, current_angle#) Local angle# = (ATan( (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2) ) - 90); Text 0,100,x1 Text 0,110,y1 Text 0,120,x2 Text 0,130,y2 Text 0,140,current_angle If (x1 > x2) Then angle = angle + 180 angle = angle - current_angle While ( angle < 0 ) angle = angle + 360 Wend If (angle > 180 ) Return -1 Else Return 1 EndIf End Function This line: If (x1 > x2) Then angle = angle + 180 Should be: If (x1 => x2) Then angle = angle + 180 This fixes the problem. But, i'm assuming your wanting the line to travel at a linear speed? |
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Ok man, after some thought:Function GetTurnDir#(x1#, y1#, x2#, y2#, current_angle#) Local angle# = (ATan( (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2) ) - 90); Text 0,100,x1 Text 0,110,y1 Text 0,120,x2 Text 0,130,y2 Text 0,140,current_angle If (x1 => x2) Then angle = angle + 180 If Abs(angle - current_angle) Mod 360 < 1 Then Return 0 End If angle = angle - current_angle While ( angle < 0 ) angle = angle + 360 Wend If (angle > 180 ) Return -1 Else Return 1 EndIf End Function I have added: If Abs(angle - current_angle) Mod 360 < 1 Then Return 0 End If It will basically detect if the angle is less than one, don't return a turning value. This will stop it gittering. |
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Many thanks for the help guys :) All I wanted basically is the fastest route to where the mouse is. Nothing special. This is basically my "gradually turn to face player" AI code. As it was, sometimes the AI would do a full spin to align with the player even if the player was about 3 degrees away. |