Object / Handle

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Object / Handle

Yue(Posted 2015) [#1]
Whenever I have something to learn, in this case understand that the keyword Handle keeps a indixe according to the created object (if it is not that way correct please), but do not understand the "Objetc", what does to receive the handle, what does?

	Field whatever
End Type

Global a_custom_type.MY_TYPE = New MY_TYPE ; This could also be a local type pointer.

integer_variable% = Handle( a_custom_type.MY_TYPE )

Print integer_variable%

a_custom_type.MY_TYPE = Object.MY_TYPE( integer_variable% )

Print a_custom_type.MY_TYPE\whatever


RemiD(Posted 2015) [#2]
the command Handle(instance of a type) allows you to get the reference of this instance of a "Type"

the command Object.Type(reference) allows you to access directly the instance of a "Type" having this reference (some people also call this reference, an "handle", an "id") without using a for next loop

You usually store the reference of the instance in the name of an entity (collidable, pickable) of this instance with NameEntity()

After a collision or a linepick, you can get the name of a collided/picked entity with EntityName()
reference% = Int(EntityName(Entity))
then you can directly access and then read/write/modify this instance of a Type
i.Type = Object.Type(reference)
i\life# = i\life - 1

See this code example :

virtlands(Posted 2015) [#3]
; If you let the concept evolve, eventually you can use the OBJECT and HANDLE
; commands to create abstract data types.
; Sorry I don't really have any great examples yet....

For z=1 To 20
this = Object.path(z)
If this = Null Then Exit
Print" object("+z+") :: "+pathname$(this)

Type CustomFolder
; place various fields here.
; ...
Field self ; store a copy of its own handle
End Type