VertexAlpha problem!!! Plzz help
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/VertexAlpha problem!!! Plzz help
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Hi! I am making a world-editor, but i have a problem. Take a look at this: ![]() I use EntityFX(terr, 32+2) for this, but it seems to be a problem with the alpha. Please, can someone tell me the problem? |
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How many texture layers can your card support? It looks like you have 5 on there. I don't know the technical term, but multitexturing with more textures than the card can process in a single go, can cause very odd errors, z-ordering problems too. I had a problem where my top surface was being rendered below everything else. Try only using 4 layers and see what happens. |
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Presumably the problem area is highlighted by the red box, but I still can't see the problem you're having with vertex alpha. What am I looking at? It's late - need sleep. |
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The ground layer seems to be getting drawn in front of the hill at the part where another texture should be. I'm pretty sure this is down to the problem i described in my previous post. I assume the area is supposed to be like this, based on the texture scale. ![]() |
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i've got 4 mesh-terrains on same position, with 1 tex each. |
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... and i've found the reason to the problem.. Its the 32 flag in BrushFX for the layer brushes.. when i remove 32, it draws normally, but the vertex alpha doesnt work.. :( |
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It's the z buffer. If you get rid of one of those surfaces, it should render fine with the vertex alpha. It's a problem with your graphics card, not being able to handle all the surfaces in one pass i believe. |
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No its not my graphics card.. Because in T.ED. it will display all 4 surfaces good.. And i dont think a MSI GeForce 6800 will make such errors.. :P |
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Have you tried using EntityOrder or WBuffer true ? |
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both.. wont work.. :( |
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What are you doing exactly ? I've tried to recreate your problem, but I'm not sure how to do vertex shading on a terrain. |
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Hi Qimmer You say you've got 4 surfaces/layers. Have you got the base surface loaded normally ie without the vertexalpha flag of 32? If you have all your layers with the Entityfx of 34, then yes you will have unpredictable and yucky (sorry for the technical term) results. Try it with the base layer Entityfx 2 and all the layers above with Entityfx 34. Hope that helps. Cheers GrumpyOldMan |
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Thanks man! That was the problem.. Now i can continue.. ;) Check my worklog out: |