StarWars Scrolling Text - How To ?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/StarWars Scrolling Text - How To ?

semar(Posted 2006) [#1]

I would like to produce that nice text scrolling seen in Star Wars - does anybody know how to accomplish that ?

I guess it has to do with image/text streching, but how can I achieve it from within Blitz ?

Perhaps texturing a quad with text, and turning its pitch so to give the visual of a deep field ?

Thanks in advance,

Subirenihil(Posted 2006) [#2]
Graphics3D 800,600,16,1
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

PositionEntity cam,0,0,-5
SpriteViewMode scroll,2
TurnEntity scroll,30,0,0
ScaleSprite scroll,10,10
EntityTexture scroll,txttex
MoveEntity scroll,0,-15,0

SetBuffer TextureBuffer(txttex)
Text 256,0,"Scrolling Text",True,False
Text 256,40,"In a funky world of",True,False
Text 256,60,"Blitz design, our hero",True,False
Text 256,80,"Schmandro sets out to",True,False
Text 256,100,"conquer his fear of",True,False
Text 256,120,"heights. Little does",True,False
Text 256,140,"he know the his arch",True,False
Text 256,160,"enemy, Dork Raider is",True,False
Text 256,180,"plotting to toss him",True,False
Text 256,200,"off a cliff.",True,False
Text 256,260,"The text keeps going...",True,False
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

MoveEntity scroll,0,.01,0
Until KeyHit(1)

-----END CODE-----
Just make a texture with the text on it, apply it to a sprite, scale the sprite, tilt it, position it, and then scroll as desired. :)

semar(Posted 2006) [#3]
Brilliant ! Exactly what I need !

Thank you Subirenihil !


Subirenihil(Posted 2006) [#4]
Your welcome.

slenkar(Posted 2006) [#5]
put these lines after "setbuffer"

Color 255,255,0
font =LoadFont("times",30)
SetFont font

Chroma(Posted 2006) [#6]
Gimme about 15 min...haha.

Matthew Smith(Posted 2006) [#7]
Very cool!

big10p(Posted 2006) [#8]
You should note that some GFX cards are unable to draw text on texture buffers. Don't think you get a MAV - just now text gets drawn/shown.

Bobysait(Posted 2006) [#9]
I've made something like this for the BlitzFr contest Intro.

As it is opensource, you can use it !


The Star War fx is in the "Includes/" , you can launch it alone, just have to uncomment the first lines

semar(Posted 2006) [#10]
Thanks all again.

One question more though, how can I avoid/reduce the text 'flickering' that affect the text when the sprite is far away ?

I guess it has to do with camera LOD ? Should I add camera fog ?


semar(Posted 2006) [#11]
This makes the trick :

CameraFogMode cam, 1
CameraFogRange cam,-1,10

Danny(Posted 2006) [#12]
LOL! excellent!

That's exactly how the original company ILM (Industrial Light & Magic) did the effect! No fancy graphics back then; They had a x meter long sheet of black paper with white text simply lying on the floor. And moved the camera on a dolly over it - top to bottom, pointing the camera down to get that typical angle and just filmed it! Dead cheap ($10?) but massivily original & popular effect :)
