Blitz3D DirectX 10?? C'mon!

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Blitz3D DirectX 10?? C'mon!

thelizardking(Posted 2006) [#1]
OK, this is a note for mark sibly: c'mon man! make directx 10 support! i would even pay for could just be an update, with like "DX10Graphics3D" and then just other commands with DirectX would be so freakin awsome!

Picklesworth(Posted 2006) [#2]
Queue "You must be new here" :P
(Yes, I know you're not new here; I'm just kidding!)

Sorry, it's almost definitely not going to happen. Mark Sibly said himself that the Blitz3D code is rather messy, so it's pretty unlikely that he would be doing such a major upgrade to that thing.

I'm pulling speculation out of thin air here, but it's more possible that he'll use BlitzMax as a base to construct a product as easy and as friendly as Blitz3D... or maybe he'll just tell people who want to pay for a DX10 B3D to switch to BlitzMax and use the eventual 3D module.
Said 3D module would be out long before a DX10 (or DX9) Blitz3D, and is cross-platform. Running on Mac is a big plus for any small game developer!

Stevie G(Posted 2006) [#3]
While he's doing this do you suggest he forgets about Max3d?

Come on, behave yourself and leave the man in peace as it 'aint gonna happen.


bytecode77(Posted 2006) [#4]
there is also a dx9 render thread below...
i dont think that mark will make a dx10 upgrade (also i dont know why he is not replying).

but he could do better on his IDE. i use protean, but for beginners, who dont know where to get one.

GfK(Posted 2006) [#5]
Can you explain to me how DX7 is holding you back?

vivaigiochi(Posted 2006) [#6]
I thing how stevieG.I ask me the same question of devils child.and i want the same upgrade of thelizardking!
Why thereisnt? I thing this because there are many developers group and anyone have the proper idea.
We work with this ambient(b3d..) and we want to be upgraded :-)

GfK(Posted 2006) [#7]
You can take this as funny as you want, but 99% of people here never finish anything anyway, so what exactly are you expecting a DirectX upgrade to do for you? People aren't going to magically start making great games just because of a Blitz3D update.

If people were capable, they'd be doing it anyway.

LineOf7s(Posted 2006) [#8]
Of course, not making games with DX10 technology is a lot cooler than not making games in crummy ole DX7, surely? :o)

Warren(Posted 2006) [#9] would be so freakin awsome!

Why? What is there in DX10 that you absolutely have to have?

vivaigiochi(Posted 2006) [#10]
many many years ago... man have used wheel of wood. Now (today...) man has just starting to use wheel made with other materials... but always wheel. Now since the wheel is it always a wheel why man have chanced the materials?
perhaps wheel made with new materials can make today's man more happy of use this?

GitTech(Posted 2006) [#11]
Yes, but how about somebody tries to create a wheel with modern materials, but isn't able to finish it? :-). I'd rather have a 100% finished wheel of wood, than a 50% finished wheel of another, more modern material :-)

GfK(Posted 2006) [#12]

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2006) [#13]
here we go again.

Honestly, Mark was teasing us massively, eg. with the "simplified shader system for dummies like jfk" (well, not a quote ;) ) and a number of screenies with harware shadow volume creation, physics and things.

You may add these things to Bitz3D in DX7 too, the one or the other way. But this patchwork won't be as stabile nor as fast or maintainable as something like Max3D.

But hey, there are still two weeks to newyear.

vivaigiochi(Posted 2006) [#14]
in all probability many user have a 50% wheel made with wood. GitTech is lucky because have one and onehalf wheel... (150%!!!). we will see in future (there are still two weeks to newyear!) but now GitTech do you want change your 50% modern wheel with my 400% wood wheel? I'm jocking :-) but i have some good piece of wheel...

GitTech(Posted 2006) [#15]
Nah, I already have enough wheels ;-)

GfK(Posted 2006) [#16]

Warren(Posted 2006) [#17]
Is that Max3D?

bregors(Posted 2006) [#18]

Warren(Posted 2006) [#19]

bregors(Posted 2006) [#20]

puki(Posted 2006) [#21]
I actually think the new goodies from either DX9 or 10 would actually motivate people.

There were a fair few people who wanted to buy Cobra as it had lots of eye-candy goodies. Cobra still seems to be coming, but I'm not sure how far away the 3D version is.

It's just fun to have new stuff to play with - it stimulates the mind.

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2006) [#22]
Max3D is, (probably my memory is fooling me again) the official 3D extension for Blitzmax. It was thought to support latest hardware features such as shaders etc. Not sure if it's based on DirectX9 or OpenGL or both. I also don't know if this will be a crossplatform thing.

puki(Posted 2006) [#23]
Problem is, daddy "Sibbo" has already revealed that he has no idea when Max3D is going to come - still seems to be a long way off to me.

Panno(Posted 2006) [#24]
i will wait for "dreck-x 11 " ok a german joke ;)

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2006) [#25]
weg mit de dreckliche zeuch, aber zz, ziemlich z�gich! :o)

bregors(Posted 2006) [#26]

cyberyoyo(Posted 2006) [#27]
Guys, we all know that 99% of Blitz (or any other language) users don't finish anything. But there's no relation with the original question, so why bring that up?
This is really not an intelligent argument, what if someone brought it up in every Blitz thread? (" You know ,99% of blitz users never finish anything so why are you even asking this question?"..."" You know ,99% of blitz users never finish anything so why would you want to sort that array of integers like that? just give up man!").

BTW speaking about people who don't achieve their projects, for how long has max3D been in preparation?...If I were a Bmax user I'm not sure I would have this much patience :(
At the moment B3D is the best solution for 3D (if I wanted to use an Ogre wrapper, I'd use another language than a basic)

The original question was why not an upgrade to DX10 for Blitz3D, and it's a very good question because not everybody wants to use the ways of BMax. I for one would pay for such an upgrade.

Rroff(Posted 2006) [#28]
I'd quite happily pay for a decent upgrade to b3d, BMax just doesn't "do it" for me... actually b3d does have most of the features I want, the only things that really need work on are proper 3D sound handling (hardware accelerated, etc.) and hardware real time shadows, the devil system is nice enough, but I'd rather something built into the language using full hardware support.

bregors(Posted 2006) [#29]

Curtastic(Posted 2006) [#30]
Excuse my ignorance but what does DX10 add?

Guys, we all know that 99% of Blitz (or any other language) users don't finish anything. But there's no relation with the original question, so why bring that up?
This is really not an intelligent argument, what if someone brought it up in every Blitz thread? (" You know ,99% of blitz users never finish anything so why are you even asking this question?"..."" You know ,99% of blitz users never finish anything so why would you want to sort that array of integers like that? just give up man!").

haha good point. Well I think the point is that its more important to just finish projects in the first place and DX10 won't help you get there, whereas adding other language features would (like a Strict mode)

bregors(Posted 2006) [#31]

thelizardking(Posted 2006) [#32]
sry i didn't reply....ya know, christmas stuff...
thnxs BrEgOrs (how do you spell that?!?!)

ShadowTurtle(Posted 2006) [#33]
if mark changes the renderer, the blitz3d renderer will work with opengl. I think this will be the best solution.

Vertigo(Posted 2006) [#34]
Yeah, honestly, there are so many things that can be improved upon... why not just make blitz3d a 2.0 and charge for the upgrade... makes a lot more sense than making everyone learn a new language to use a new system. Since the days of dx7 a lot can be done hardware-wise, that would be less strain on the processor if in the system natively. Granted you all have good points... I mean, why care about how something looks if you are never going to finish it... thing is though, if someone continues to work on a project and the platform they are developing on is in constant upgrade, new features can be added easily. Would any of the features of dx10 help me right now? No... but would then make my current project look nice and opperate faster when its finished in 6 months from now... yes, will I be porting to max3d by then... perhaps... haha.

Happy Sammy(Posted 2006) [#35]
I agree with you thelizardking, \/Ert|g0 and all.

Blitz3D is EASY and FAST.
Blitz3d could like 3ds max to provide upgrade from 1.0 to 9.0
Darkbasic provide upgrade.
Torque Game engine also provide upgrade.
Why not Blitz3D???

Some posts say...
1.Blitz3D source is a mess: Smart Mark could tackle this easily.
2. Lossing source code of maplet: this is not problem to Mark because he is the creator. He could start from scratch.

IMO, nothing could be done to change the fact "Blitz3D stops at Directx 7".
I give up to ask for new upgrade features now...
Please forget this topics :(

bregors(Posted 2006) [#36]

*(Posted 2006) [#37]
Get BMax and write your own module for DX10 :), waiting for B3d to go DX10 will be like waiting for a snowball fight in hell! For those that have 'reached the limitations' of Blitz3d I would like to see the games they are coming out with they must really be something amazing to require something higher?

AdrianT(Posted 2006) [#38]
To be honest I think your better off using one of the existing mature C++ render engines with Bmax.

When Max3D finaly comes out, it probably won't have a decent art pipeline till someone in the community makes the tools that supports all the new features that come with a next gen render engine.

Blitz3D took two years before Unwrap 3D and B3D pipeline made the engine viable for serious game dev. And DX7 is extremely simple compared to a modern DX9 engine. And thats before you start playing with shaders.

bregors(Posted 2006) [#39]

bregors(Posted 2006) [#40]

sonokong(Posted 2007) [#41]
As mentioned above, we would probably have to learn a completely new set of commands if there were to be a DX10 compatible Blitz3D. One of the great things about Blitz is that when updated, you don't have to learn a whole new language. And btw, what's max3D?

D4NM4N(Posted 2007) [#42]
I would really find DX10 animated directx support useful, so i could add it to my spriteforge app.
Unless theres another way of loading them...

As mentioned above, we would probably have to learn a completely new set of commands if there were to be a DX10 compatible Blitz3D. One of the great things about Blitz is that when updated, you don't have to learn a whole new language.

If you went from a 1982 Skoda to a brand new MERC with all the addons, would you really need to re-learn how to drive?
I doubt if the majority of actual commands would change much, more commands yes(please), and those that need would get more options to them(also good).
Which in my book is always a good thing.

I too would pay for an upgrade, even full price, mabe even more!
call it b3d 2.Ohh-yes! and slap a price tag on it. Im sure many-most wouldnt mind. As most can appriciate the work involved.

Failing that, id be happy with a nice stable DXlatest upgrade for BMAX :)