Starforce Problems...

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Starforce Problems...

Barton(Posted 2007) [#1]
We’ve tried to add StarForce copy protection to our EXE file , but somehow the protected file crashes with “Unhandled_ Exception_Interrupt”. Any ideas on why this could be?

GfK(Posted 2007) [#2]
Don't use Starforce. There's a list and you'll end up on it.

Hambone(Posted 2007) [#3]
Starforce is crap. You must really, really not want to sell your stuff.

Gabriel(Posted 2007) [#4]
If you check his post history, he says his publisher requested it. So in fact, quite the opposite, he does want to sell his stuff and he's realistic enough to accept that it's the publisher's decision since they're putting all the money into it.

As to why you're getting an Unhandled Exception Interrupt, being that ( I imagine ) most of us don't have the slightest clue how StarForce is integrated into a game ( IIRC it's a DLL but beyond that, I haven't a clue ) and considering that you don't provide any information such as where it crashes, why it crashes, when it crashes, how often it crashes, what you're doing when it crashes etc, I think you're unlikely to get much assistance.

If you're not able to provide more information because of the secretive nature of the copy protection system involved, I would suggest that you should be contacting the people who make Starforce. Your publisher is ( presumably ) paying a lot of money for said protection, so I'd say you're entitled to som support with integrating it.

Carolinaaa(Posted 2007) [#5]
What is your opinion of execryptor?

Is it ok or it causes too much problems to users? By the way, i don't fully understand how it works and how it prevent users from making copies.

Dreamora(Posted 2007) [#6]
Problem is that the "option to sell" drops to zero with StarForce. Don't know how large the list of active non-buyers must get until Publishers use a different protection sheme, which is accepted (like the one Gellyware uses etc don't remember its name)

I dropped at least 2 games the last 12 months because they used SF ... I have Alcohol and other apps on my system that heavily interfer with it and thus won't risk my system for an illegal copy protection (illegal because SF makers provide torrents to software denying to use their crap, illegal because it uses rootkit tricks without my ok, so if my system is broken afterwards, YOU are the one in charge even if you deny that in the EULA, as its your rootkit causing the problems! *at least in EU you will have to pay*)

Barton(Posted 2007) [#7]
it is the decision of the Publishers. I would self not use any SF. But the problem is funny. Why works the B3d exe file not with SF copy protection?

The Publisher used the SF Protection Studio, select the exe file and generate a CD-Key. These do everything correctly.

After starting the Protected EXE File crashed it with "“Unhandled Exception Interrupt”.

Barliesque(Posted 2007) [#8]
I'm new to this issue, but having read info at the following site, I'd suggest urging your publisher to consider an alternative--as UbiSoft has recently done.

Dreamora(Posted 2007) [#9]
Sure it is the decision of the publisher.
But unless you get a fixed amount of money for your work and thats it (ie if you get a percentage), SF is the worst choice you could make (even selling it only to linux would be a better solution even thought that won't sell you many copies. but at least it won't give you money back invoices and filled bug boards and angry costumer mails).

A publisher enforcing this copy protection is a bad choice unless the game is true crap (which I don't think :) ).
I'm sure you will find one who is accepting the fact that destroying costumers systems isn't acceptable in 07 anymore.

Gabriel(Posted 2007) [#10]
it is the decision of the Publishers. I would self not use any SF. But the problem is funny. Why works the B3d exe file not with SF copy protection?

The Publisher used the SF Protection Studio, select the exe file and generate a CD-Key. These do everything correctly.

After starting the Protected EXE File crashed it with "“Unhandled Exception Interrupt”.

You're still providing almost no information and expecting an answer. I know you probably don't *have* any information, but without knowing what Starforce does, the best we can do is guess.

Evidently StarForce works by tapping into the EXE and intercepting certain calls to ensure various things ( that a debugger isn't being used, for example ) and evidently B3D exe's don't like it. Some of the stronger protection options in Armadillo cause B3D games to crash too.

My best guess ( because that's all I can possibly offer ) is that your publisher either needs to experiment with disabling advanced protection options or if that's not possible, it may be that Starforce just won't work with a B3D game.

For one thing, it might be that Blitz3D statically links FMod and it's own runtime libraries into a B3D exe whereas most game will dynamically link to those libraries. That alone could cause problems with advanced copy protection systems. B3D tries to call an FMod function in the statically linked code and Starforce is futzing around with it? Kaboom! Dunno. Like I said, just guessing.

Barton(Posted 2007) [#11]
Starforce support will take care of the Problem now.
Starforce seems to damage something.