Oyi oyi penguins ahoy
Archives Forums/General Discussion/Oyi oyi penguins ahoy
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I wonder which one they will use: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/6506027.stm Should be interesting (dunno how accurate that data is :/ ie: Earlier this year, 100,000 people took part in a Dell survey. More than 70% of respondents said they would use Linux. Hopefully this will be the needed kick in the pants to HW manufacturers to make more compatable hardware, leading to friendlier 'out of the box' linux. |
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oops, sorry :( wrong forum!! can someone move it to general discus? ---edit--- oops II (the revenge of oops) when i wote this i hadnt seen this one: http://www.blitzbasic.com/Community/posts.php?topic=68357 i think ill go back to bed :X |
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I wonder if they will install it on their 'gaming' PCs. Currently Dell will not install Vista onto a 'gaming' PC. Funnily enough, Dell quote 'DELL RECOMMENDS WINDOWS VISTA HOME PREMIUM' in their magazine adverts for the XPS gaming system, however, they won't allow purchasers to pre-install Vista - you can only buy XPS systems with WinXP. http://www1.euro.dell.com/content/products/features.aspx/desktops_best?c=uk&cs=ukdhs1&l=en&s=dhs One of the reasons why I am not having Vista on my new PC. Secondly, I will not be installing Linux. So, this thread has concluded that WindowsXP rules the world. Glad I sorted that out. |
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With my first impressions of vista, i hope XP lives forever too puki :) (although personaly, i will just be using it for games and b3d stuff :P) |
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Yep, getting XP installed on my new PC. I've been impressed by the stability of XP I don't see much point switching to an OS which is unknown to me...if it ain't broke, don't fix it. |
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If I were to be a customer, I'd require they'd have the PCs dual-booted with both Linux and Windows. One for the usual stuff, the other for games. Either way though, if they sell well, that's good news for the Linux user-base. |