UniCode GUI

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/UniCode GUI

boomboom(Posted 2008) [#1]
Hi, are there any 3D GUI libs that support unicode? I am currently using Sprite Candy, and whilst its very nice, I fear for future projects I will need unicode.

Pinete(Posted 2008) [#2]
Yes, I agree completely...
I've been posting during years asking the same questions (or very similar)
It seems people, in general, doesn't take into account the importance of unicode...
The more similar thing is fasttext. It supports unicode, but you need, if I'm not wrong, a IDE that supports too, so you need -Ideal- and -Fasttext-.

I guess I've gave you the correct indications...

All the best!

boomboom(Posted 2008) [#3]
Yes, but that is not a full 3D GUI lib.

My plan was to build my own small 3D GUI lib using fasttext if there wasn't any other solution already out there?