Anyone here use Giles?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Anyone here use Giles?

Dicon(Posted 2008) [#1]
If anyone here can show me some simple tutorial on how to use Gile, I would be most greatful. As far as I can see, there arn't any, and that's after looking around the web.

Matty(Posted 2008) [#2]
The documentation provides an example to get you started. Download the trial, if you haven't already, and look at the documentation.

IPete2(Posted 2008) [#3]

Gile[s] is a very straight forward product to use.

Load in your scene.
Add additional objects if you wish.
Set lights.
Set light texture sizes for each light.
Calculate the lighting.
Export to B3d.
Load model into B3d - and be awamzed at how wow it looks.


Dicon(Posted 2008) [#4]
click on help in Giles Menu.

All my documentation says is......

Really, not a lot of help right now!

Head on over to the forums and ask away!

Which I did, which wasn't much help at all.
In my download / trial there IS NO documentation. And belive me I have been through all the files.
What I did..........
make simple cube in 3d Max. Texture it. Export as 3ds.
Load in scene to giles from max as 3ds.. fine. But it's all black.
Load in texture ... looks good in the box. How to get texture to mesh?
go on www and google for a long time.. nothing. Try every button. Nope. Nothing.
Add lights ...good done that.
Export to b3d.
Nice black box. No texture obviously.
There was no documentation and I cannot find tutorials.

Thanks for your help.

Dicon(Posted 2008) [#5]
Just found "Carpmans Introduction to Giles". Very good, though a little longer Ipete2s.
ninteen pages so far.


IPete2(Posted 2008) [#6]

Oh - which version of Gile[s] are you using? I'm talking about version 1.36 here...

Go here:

Look at - read up on and download B3D Pipeline, and NEVER use .3ds ever again! Seriously .3ds is a poor export format. Using B3d Pipeline will change you life for the better.

BTW You did applay UV Mapping inside Max didnt you? You have to so go back and add UV Mapping to the cube in whatever format you like. Once you export as a .B3D model, alter you b3d code too.

You always have to have the model and the textures in the same folder too, load the model into gile[s] and light it and create lightmaps using render.

Export that model and lightmaps, load these into blitz and you should be fine.

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#7]
Gile[s] rocks, as a lightmap and an editor.

Sph!nx(Posted 2008) [#8]
I mostly make my maps in 3D World Studio, but I have Gile[s] to see the full 'object' lists, to edit and use in the code of my game.

Just that single option makes Gile[s] worth it!

Dicon(Posted 2008) [#9]
The story so far..........
I have found a use for Giles, though it's a bit of an insult to
the programmers.
( And yes, the whole thing, meshes, images, etc are in one file. )

In Max, texture & map, the usual way & apply mapping and hit render to texture.
Thats all.
Export to 3Ds
Load mesh intio Giles.
Load texture into Giles.
Do not do anything else.
Export to B3d.

I have done this once, whether by accident or good luck. I hope I can repeat the success of this one.

I use Swift Shadowing system to load & view 3DS to B3D
( I am tweaking the code to my own ends. Works fine.
( I have only use one complex mesh with mapped meshes so far. )
Seems to work. Will post later.

I did try Pipeline but my computer won't accept the file b3dexe.dle.
I have checked all the right files are in the right folders, but....... nope wont work.
If Giles can do what I want , I will pay out for this, soley as a conversion program.

PS. Still looking around

Naughty Alien(Posted 2008) [#10]
giles will suit you well in most cases..however, from the moment you cross 100K will experience serious problems with it..crashing and export least thats my experience with it..i havent try newest version of Giles..

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#11]
Nice to know naughty, thanks.