b3d viewer + 3dsmax skin operator

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/b3d viewer + 3dsmax skin operator

vivaigiochi(Posted 2009) [#1]
hello. i use 3dsmax. when i use skin operator with BIPED i see correct animation into 3dsmax but when i see into b3dviewer i see many vertices don't move right ( i set RIGID VERTICES). any solution or tutorial?

Leon Drake(Posted 2009) [#2]
your using skin not physique right?

vivaigiochi(Posted 2009) [#3]
excuse me for my english but i wrote ...when i use skin operator.
phisique? too much for me...

Mr. Slat(Posted 2010) [#4]
I don't know if you solved it. But I had a problem like that. Well try this

Type Player
Field Entity
End Type

Type subanim
Field model_child
Field anim_Idle
End Type

Function CreateAnimatedCharacter(File$)
Local Model,x%
playa.Player = New Player
Playa\Entity = LoadAnimMesh(File$)
For x = 1 To CountChildren(Playa\Entity)
p.subanim= New subanim
p\model_child = GetChild(Playa\Entity,x)
Return Playa\Entity
End Function

Function AnimateB3D(Model, Mode, speed#)
Local sd
For p.subanim = Each subanim
If AnimLength(p\model_child)>=0 Then
Animate p\model_Child, Mode, speed#, p\anim_Idle
End Function
Graphics3D 800,600,32,2
c = CreateCamera()
PositionEntity(C, 0,0,-300)
Global w = CreateAnimatedCharacter("LoadYourModel.B3d")
While Not(KeyHit(1))



FreeEntity w
Delete each player
delete each subanim

Mr. Slat(Posted 2010) [#5]
I had lot of problems animating B3D Files from 3d max. I don't know which plug in you use, but there's one in the toolbox section, i think....
use that one.

It works with all B3D files I've exported from 3d max, using this code

Hope it solved ya problem :P Change it as you will :-) no credits needed :D

RGF(Posted 2010) [#6]
Short answer: Migrate to milkshape
Long answer: Look for trouble with 3d max exporter in the tools section


vivaigiochi(Posted 2010) [#7]
thanks to all people that try to help me.
I have studied some solutions and seems that the problem when i see error in blitzviewer it's because don't record the position of some vertices so skin fail. it's really complicated..thanks hovewer.

Gabriel(Posted 2010) [#8]
Make sure that all vertices are assigned to at least one bone. 3dsMax tends to "hide" problems where vertices are not assigned to a bone, but Blitz3D cannot.

If that doesn't do it, ensure that all vertices have a total weight of 1.0. I *think* Blitz3D normalizes automatically, but it might be worth a shot if you're stuck.

Kryzon(Posted 2010) [#9]
I wouldn't recommend Byped if you are using it just to get a humanoid skeleton ready to use.
I'd take the time to get acquainted with bones. They'll give you more freedom.

I also had a problem with vertices moving excessively more in the Pipeline's Preview window than when seen on the Max viewports - I found out that it was related to having bones being parented to animated objects (other than bones). It must be something doing a bad calculation of the resulting forces being applied at a vertex level.

Your vertices should only move by the bones' own animation, instead of the resulting animation between the bones' and its parent objects - in other words, make your bones only parented to other bones; if you happen to need to parent them to objects that are not bones (like Dummies, for instance), make sure these parents are not animated to prevent this kind of phenomenon from happening.

vivaigiochi(Posted 2010) [#10]
at this time the problem remain.
i made good model but when i add the skin operator i have several problem
with the export. I see good anim into 3dsmax but distort into b3dviewer.
So i ask, who help me to find best skinning editor with optimal export tool for b3d?

smilertoo(Posted 2010) [#11]
Physique is a max modifier, it wont export to a game usable format, use plain old skin.

vivaigiochi(Posted 2010) [#12]
Ok i think that Gabriel and Kryzon say right.
But how i can do it with 3dsmax?
I have see fragmotion but how i can do the same operation with 3dsmax?