OGG Loop Points

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/OGG Loop Points

ClayPigeon(Posted 2010) [#1]
I've found that loop points can be created in .ogg's and this would be EXTREMELY helpful. Not only are .ogg's an excellent audio format with non-lossy compression, but they are the only format other than .wav that I know of that supports loop points AND is supported by Blitz natively. I just can't get Blitz to play the .ogg's with loop points. (using PlaySound OR PlayMusic) I've successfully used wave files with loop point and they will work just like a non looping sound; just load it with LoadSound, DON'T LoopSound it, and play it and it will loop infinitely using the points you specified. So, is there any way I can play ..But not .ogg's..? .ogg's with their loop points in Blitz?

_PJ_(Posted 2010) [#2]
I'm not 100% sure I am following you correctly, but are yyou saayiong that if you play files (like WAV or OGG) with loop pooints within the traack, they don't work at all?
I don't think I have any like that, or know how to add loop points, but I would hazard a guess that Blitz (whiuch I believe uses FMOD) is just not capable of recognising the Loop Points in playback...
So you either have the entire tune looping (if LoopSound is used) or the whole thing play through (unless stopped prematurely with Pause/Stop channel etc.)

Then again, I may be wrong....

ClayPigeon(Posted 2010) [#3]
I'm sorry if I wasn't clear enough. I meant that when I play a WAV with Blitz, it works perfectly. (loop points and all). BUT, if I use OGGs with loop points, they don't seem to have any effect on the playback. And I don't know if I'm adding the loop points correctly. I think it would be kind of odd for the FMOD engine to support loop points in WAVs but not OGGs.

p.s. In WAVs I add loop points using wavosaur then just resave it. WAVs seem to play with their loop points regardless of whether they have been LoopSound-ed or not.

_PJ_(Posted 2010) [#4]
Ah I see.

I still think it may be related to the deecoding of the OGG files perhaps, that Loop Points may not be recognised when decoding OGG files, but WAVS being more 'raw' and accessible mean that the Loopsare easily identified.

That's all just a guess, though, I don't have anything concrete to base that on.

There's another threead around here I noticed concerning looping and such, perhaps (hopefull) someone who posted there willbe able to help weith whether you're adding the Loop points correctly or not.. that's not something I've ever dealt with at all and I have never even heard of Wavosaur :)

ClayPigeon(Posted 2010) [#5]
From the source I looked at, it called it adding "loop comments" and it involved adding tags to the OGG called LOOP_START or something. Just google OGG loop points. Also, I took a look at that thread before posting this one. It's ancient. The only reason you've seen that thread is because I bumped it with something I wanted to add. Oops.. XD