Command animations

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Programming/Command animations

Yue(Posted 2012) [#1]
I have an issue, I have two animations one run and another to walk, do not know how to change animations smoothly and not be seen to be jumping each other, another thing is that I find the shape of these animations change when I press a key, then use KeyDown (W%) and the animation is skipped over and over again.

Bobysait(Posted 2012) [#2]
to blend animations, just add a "smooth value" on the last parameters
eg : Animate MyEntity,3, 1.0, Sequence, 10.0
(where @Sequence is the loaded/extracted animseq -> or "0" for the full internal animation of the mesh)

to answer your second question, use a key to test if animation has been started

If KeyDown(MyKey)
   If KeyAnim = 0
      ; loop the Run sequence and animate the entity
      Animate MyEntity, 1, 1.0, RunAnim, 10.0
      KeyAnim = 1
   If KeyAnim = 1
      KeyAnim = 0
      ; stop the animation if animating
      ;      modify this part if you want to blend with a standbye 
      ;      animation or else
      ;      -> simply replace Animate parameters to fit your needs
      if Animating(MyEntity)
         Animate MyEntity, 0

(coded on the fly, not tested, should probably work, but may contain mistakes)

Last edited 2012