Read and Write easy your INI files with Blitz3D
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Tutorials/Read and Write easy your INI files with Blitz3D
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With external DLL calls capability, Blitz can achieve an high grade of programmability. In this tutorial i try to explain how to manage easily you ini files. First you need to create in blitz 'userlibs' directory a decls file to import API routines. Save it as kernel32.decls ; Userlibs kernel32.decls .lib "kernel32.dll" GetPrivateProfileString%(lpApplicationName$,lpKeyName$,lpDefault$,lpReturnedString*,nSize%,lpFileName$):"GetPrivateProfileStringA" WritePrivateProfileString%(lpApplicationName$,lpKeyName$,lpString$,lpFileName$):"WritePrivateProfileStringA" Done? Well. Now you must include in your source code two functions to write and retrieve values in ini file: Function SetIniString%(FileINI$, Section$, Key$, Value$) ; FileINI = file (must include path, for current dir use .\) to write into (eg: ".\myinifile.ini") ; Section$ = section that will include your key and value (eg: "GeneralSetup") ; Key$ = Key's name for the value (eg: "BackColor") ; Value$ = Value to write in Key (eg: "ff00ff") ; If the function succedeed it return True otherwhise False ; result in myinifile.ini: ; [GeneralSetup] ; BackColor=ff00ff Ret%=WritePrivateProfileString(Section$, Key$, Value$, FileINI$) If Ret% <> 1 Then Return False Else Return True End If End Function Function GetIniString$(FileINI$,Section$,Key$,DefaultValue$) ; FileINI = file (must include path, for current dir use .\) to read (eg: "c:\windows\myinifile.ini") ; Section$ = section where search your key (eg: "GeneralSetup") ; Key$ = Key's name to search (eg: "BackColor") ; DefaultValue$ = Value to return if key or file or section is not found (eg: "ff00ff") ; Function return value retrieved from searched Key or the user's default value myString$="" myBank=CreateBank(255) LenString%=GetPrivateProfileString(Section$, Key$, DefaultValue$, myBank, 255, FileINI$) For x=1 To LenString% myString$=myString$+Chr(PeekByte(myBank,x-1)) Next FreeBank myBank Return myString$ End Function You can manage also integer or floating number, you dont need to convert it to string before writing or after read. That's all! |
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Use of these functions. Imagine to load at start you preferred program variables, previuosly saved in you ini file. Code may be: const INIFILE$=".\myini.ini" WindowsSize$=GetIniString(INIFILE,"Window","Size","Maximized") WindowsCoords$=GetIniString(INIFILE,"Window","Coords","0,0,640,480") MaxScore%=GetIniString(INIFILE,"Players","MaxScore","9999") MaxScorePlayerName$=GetIniString(INIFILE,"Players","MaxScoreName","????") ... and so on To write: SetIniString(INIFILE,"Window","Size",WindowsSize$) SetIniString(INIFILE,"Window","Coords",WindowsCoords$) SetIniString(INIFILE,"Players","MaxScore",MaxScore%) SetIniString(INIFILE,"Players","MaxScoreName",MaxScorePlayerName$) Note that you can control if the write operation was successeful with: if not SetIniString(INIFILE,"Window","Size",WindowsSize$) then ... (manage here your error) |