PhysX wrapper for Blitz3D
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Userlibs/PhysX wrapper for Blitz3D
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You all know Ageia PhysX as the best physical engine ever. So we decided develop wrapper for Ageia PhysX, this is how we start our RubuX Wrapper. RubuX Wrapper use all the features of Ageia PhysX (high speed, triggers, kinematics, magnets, water, soft bodies) and it will help you to perceive all the power of Ageia PhysX easyly! Video, how works RubuX Wrapper: ( low quality ) or - ( high quality ) Small demonstration: - some demonstration how works RubuX Wrapper All features ( * - only in Professional version ): High speed, Rigid body, Triangle Mesh, Terrain, Kinematic, Triggers*, Compound geometry, Materials, Anisotropic materials*, Joints (D6joint*), CCD Skeleton, RayCast, Forces and Acceleration, Collision group and collision mask, Contact report, Special Flags for control, Car (rayCast, Joint), Cloths*, Soft Body*, Tearable cloth*, Magnets*, Water and Keps*, Particle Emitters*, Special commands - full documentation - 54 examples (are distributed separately) For more information: ![]() |
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Looks neat, I got about 80fps, it's a bit low, seems the demo is a stress test or something. |
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As a side note, now B3D users have many phy engines to choose from: 1.ODE - JV-ODE - KODE - Devil Engine Physics 2.Tokamak - EasyTOK 3.Newton - Itmbin's Newton Wrapper 4.PhysX - This So anyone can make a comparsion chart? |
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This is demo present PhysX wrapper, but only some part features. And not show performance. In this demo uses simple body, TriangleMesh, triggers, kinematics, magnets, five clothes and particles. In scene average 400 bodies and on middle-PC show ~120-180 FPS. |
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Hi Render, seems you have a nice wrapper. Would you mind showing some in-blitz sample code, or if at least it would be comparable to say ode implementations? Probably too soon yet, but Eta and price? Thanks. |
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My PhysX wrapper is similar on the ODE and Newton. On site ( ), in section "FILES" you can find 54 samples with source codes, drivers and wrapper. Together with PhysX wrapper is distributed full documentation on all commands. |
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Very nice, i was going to invest in the newton wrapper but im gonna hold on a while and test everything before i make a decision or purchase. I really like the features of this physics engine. How does it compare with the other physics engines |
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Impressive! |
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How does licensing work for commercial projects? |
| || : The AGEIA PhysX SDK is free for non-commercial use. Standard pricing for commercial use is $50,000/title/platform. Licensed developers who implement PhysX accelerator support in their PC title are not required to pay this fee. wonder, what Mr. Render paid for it ;) |
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Barliesque, 3. There are 2 basic types of licenses issued for PhysX wrapper, these are: a. A single computer USAGE license. The user purchases ONE license to USE the PhysX wrapper on ONE computer. b. A Multiple USAGE license. The user purchases a number of USAGE licenses for use, by the purchaser, the purchaser's employees or accredited agents, on the same number of computers. -The number of licenses in network environment must not be less than the maximum possible amount of simultaneous users. You can distribute the ready program(game) together with registered wrapper in commercial and noncommercial use. It is forbidden to distribute a license key in an open type. It should is stored together with your program in the latent type. As it to make - you decide only. For the more information look the License. OJay, It is old information. Read the License Here speak about cost: Costs At present, the following two options are all that are available. We will likely never provide any sort of royalty-based license. Open-source usage is limited only to the most middleware-friendly license model--in other words, we retain full ownership and rights to our own IP, and what you ship of ours will still be specified by contract. Free: - Commercial & non-commercial use on PC - Must keep registration information currect - Must agree to the EULA at the time of download (pops up, but is copied below) - Available for Windows & Linux (soon) - No PhysX HW support requirement - PS3 platform (through Sony pre-purchase) - All platforms through some of our middleware partnerships, such as UE3, Gamebryo 2.2, and others $50k per platform: -Xbox 360 - Fee may be waived at our discretion for multi-platform developers providing PC HW support - Fee may be waived at our discretion for some Tools & Middleware providers |
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Im at a close decision on which to get in this and newton wrapper (already have an ode wrapper), just have a question, is their a character controller like in newton as i managed to port my game over to that wrapper and kept my character control system almost exactly like it was in the the non newton version. This physx engine seems to offer more and the demos knocked my socks off. |
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I did not see an example character controller in Newton. Therefore I can not assert precisely. In PhysX wrapper there are commands: pxBodySetLinearSpeed, pxBodySetAngularSpeed, pxBodyAddForce, pxBodyAddTorque which it is possible to make management of the character. In PhysX SDK there is a special module «character controller» which has many additional functions. But it is difficult in use. Probably, I shall add it in following version PhysX wrapper. If it is interesting to you, I can create demo in which management of the character is shown. You could see it in Video, «how works RubuX Wrapper» |
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Newton has the UpVecotrJoint which only allwos movement on the y-axis of a body thus keeping it upright. I converted my code over to newton using this and could easily do the same with physx if it has the same type of thing. Im gonna mess with the physx wrapper somemore and see what i can do. ps Id like to see the character controller stuff added. |
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In PhysX wrapper there are special commands for restriction of movement: pxBodySetFrozen, pxBodySetFrozenPos, pxBodySetFrozenRot. For example, that the body would be directed on axis Y it is necessary to set the following flags: pxBodySetFrozenRotX (body, 1), pxBodySetFrozenRot Z (body, 1). Also it is possible to put restrictions on movement on any of axes. For the more information see the documentation. In some cases it is possible to use a command pxBodySetAngularDamping. P.S. I shall try to add in the following update the controller of characters. |
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sounds good i'll give it test run. |
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Hi, Woaa !!!. The Cloths and Magnets examples are incrédible !!!. Why no .DECLS in the BLitz Userlib directory? JP ps : Error in the Sample1(PRO).bb Particle example. Function pxParticleEmitNumberParticles not found. ps : french people. |
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>Why no .DECLS in the BLitz Userlib directory? Should be on a place. And where it at you was? >ps : Error in the Sample1(PRO).bb Particle example. Function pxParticleEmitNumberParticles not found. It is old variant of function. A new variant is pxParticleEmitGetNumberParticles%(pEmitter %). It is new demo. I think it will be very interesting. |
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Hi Render, the new demo does not work - it quits with a MAV (Memory Access Violation) before anything is displayed. |
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">Why no .DECLS in the BLitz Userlib directory? Should be on a place. And where it at you was?" Ho! stupid me. Found. "Error in the Sample1(PRO).bb Particle example. Function pxParticleEmitNumberParticles not found." Found the new function in the .DECLS file. ( pxParticleEmitGetNumberParticles). Sample1(PRO).bb ok now. No pb with DemoLevel.rar |
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Semar, Similar It on problem Blitz3D. PhysX wrapper starts to work only after a window of a choice the resolution. Can write to me on e-mail physx-support@... or leave the message at a forum of my site ( I shall try to understand your problem. ZJP, Ok ;) P.S. If it is interesting to someone, I can show source code "DemoLevel" |
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A question before I thinking of purchase... How many DLL/Dirs we need to carry with the final app, ie, the runtime size, I hope it's as small as possible but just ask, it's really a good wrapper. |
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5 DLLs: Blitzpx.dll, PhysXLoader.dll, NxCooking.dll, PhysXCore.dll, PhysXCooking.dll. In archive is around 2.5 MB. It is more, but it is not possible less. If in a new update I shall add character controller one more is required DLL: NxCharacter.dll. in the size in 140 KB I recommend to see article I now lead negotiations with Ageia. If they will allow to load to me some functions directly in PhysX wrapper, PhysXLoader.dll and work with the register will be unnecessary. |
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Any chance of figuring out why every sample returns a Memory Access Violation, it's like hitting a wall. I'll buy it if it works LOL! |
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On what line of a code there is a mistake? My demos work? If the mistake arises on a line pxSetGravity (). Probably, you have incorrectly install the driver. Already once there was a similar mistake. It to be removed installation of official drivers or Also, turn one's attention to system requirements If the mistake has remained, write to me on the Å-mail physx-support@... |
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wow, i was just looking to buy ODE till i saw physx!! This rules man! Does it work in B3D as expected? Are there any users already? |
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hmmzzz, after shooting over 200+ theepots i got an Access Volation Error. But i did manage to tear the carpet. Very cool! Im defenlty gonne wait till i see this think work and know how easy it is (or not). |
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>Does it work in B3D as expected? There are 140 functions of the wrapper are available now. They repeat the complete functionality ODE and Newton and even more. >hmmzzz, after shooting over 200+ theepots I got an Access Volation Error. This is the limit of the version without the key. In the version without the key you can only create 600 bodies, 60 spheres and it works for 5 minutes |
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Okay thanks Render, I'll check it over. What kind of a job would this be to convert over to BlitzMax? I'm hoping this hasn't been asked before. |
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It is necessary for which purposes? For Irrlicht from Gman, for MiniB3d, etc. Or it is simple for 2D graphics. PhysX wrapper it is good works on BlitzMax. Special commands and cloths do not work. |
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It's just that there are many amazing things been written for Blitzmax now and it just seems a shame that PhysiX is only written for Blitz3D which is old. Can't the special commands and cloth be converted over? |
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I'm getting a Memory Access Violation on every example poitning topxSetGravity(0,-10,0) |
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>It's just that there are many amazing things been written for Blitzmax now and it just seems a shame that PhysiX is only written for Blitz3D which is old. Can't the special commands and cloth be converted over? I can transform all necessary functions under a concrete engine. Creation of a cloth is very complex process. For simplification of a problem I carry out it directly in wrapper on beforehand certain structure. As, structure Blitz3d differ from BlitzMax cloths will not work. Therefore I should know for which engine to you it is necessary. I can try to make universal function of creation and updating of cloths. But it will slowly work. >I'm getting a Memory Access Violation on every example poitning to pxSetGravity(0,-10,0) It is a mistake with drivers. Install the official version. My demos work? |
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I think even a basic version covering the most common physics features would be appreciated by all Blitzmax users, cloth isn't that important. I'm astonished that Blitz3D is still supported with this kind of technology. Do you know if this could be used within an Object Oriented structure in BlitzMax. The reason I say is that the JV-ODE Wrapper seems unstable in an OOP structure. |
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I'm astonished that Blitz3D is still supported with this kind of technology. Mwhahah! Go Blitz3D Go Blitz3D Go Blitz3D Oehoeh Oehoe!! |
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LOL!!! Oy. I think B3D is still very good, it's just there are so many cool features in BMax that it should be encouraged to make BMax versions of these modules. Plus there are some awesome mods already written for BMax making B3D look very dated. |
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Ok. I shall try to make PhysX wrapper for Blitzmax. About results of my work I shall inform later. One more interesting demo from Rams. Shift – gear up 2 – add sphere Arrows - control |
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hey, physx for bmax would be very very nice. I found a thesis comparing a few physics engines on the web: and as for myself, i'm quite impressed on what i've seen so far with the physx wrapper. |
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Well, you all wanted to see the testing of the 3-eh physics -engines. As the basis of these tests there was an example from the PhysX developed by Render. Here are results: ![]() ![]() Here is an archive with tests: You will see Joints and RayCast test… but a bit latter :) P.S. you know I used to working with Newton… but afterwards I’ve to admit that PhysX is much better :) |
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The ONLY way for a newbee to choose a physic engine is.... EXAMPLES EXAMPLES AND EXAMPLES. Documentation and support are "welcomes" too. ;-) ;-) JP |
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Cool, im going with PhysX!! all i need is some good support cause im a total n00b when it comes to physics. Is there anyone having experiance with the PhysX support of rubber? |
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Agent_J, Very interestingly. Good work!!! Gobbo and ZJP, We have good support. Here a forum ( ) on which you can ask any questions. On all questions receive the full and substantial answer. Also questions can set in this thread. Together with PhysX wrapper you receive the full documentation. |
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heh, i cant wait to start actualy xD. one more thing.. is it possible to explode objects? like crates? or barels or other things usings "spliters". Or does that have to make my own particles for that? |
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You need tomake preparations. Such technique apply in all physical engines. An example This example can be found together with examples to PhysX wrapper |
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Would it be possible to see a nice ragdoll demo? Maybe an animated .b3d model that can be controlled and turned into a ragdoll? |
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My old example. Very useful in studying RagDolls - Source codes - Exe and source codes |
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Hi Render! Please, can you put the code of the "demolevel.rar"?, serious of great help. Thank you |
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Thanks Render, great demo! Just what I was looking for. |
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this is beautiful...I'm going to use this...excellent work buddy |
| || seems that I cant find any documentation, with commands explanations even examples is quite easy to get...where is the documentation files stored ? |
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..I'm dumb..its updated B3D documentation...sorryyyy |
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msx123, In archive is only source code Copy them in a folder with a demo |
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Render, Thank you very much by this code and by this magnificent wrapper |
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I downloaded the demo but the EXE file just hangs with a black screen on Windows 98 |
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Ageia PhysX does not support Windows 98. It so, that wrapper not work in Windows 98 |
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First example PhysX wrapper for BlitzMax In archive be found all necessary files and an example with a source code. The example is written on MiniB3D. All functions except for cloths and particles at present work. Next time I download an example with Hull and Trimesh. Also I shall make loading all functions. |
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If make a game or example with your wrapper is necessary that the client has installed the “PhysX_7.03.21_SystemSoftware.exe” in his computer so that works?. Cannot be compiled an example without the client must install nothing in his computer? |
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My demos work without drivers. You can place all necessary files together with game. In this case installation of drivers is unnecessary. As it to make read in article |
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Has finished an example from Hull and Trimesh. (the Example is written on MiniB3D). All functions PhysX wrapper has added in file PhysX_func.bmx. Now it can be connected to the project and to use all functions PhysX wrapper. Cloths do not work. Further I plan to write the special module for creation of cloths in BlitzMax. |
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This looks AWESOME. How do you think it compares to darkphysics? Is the hardware PhysX card used if available? Thanks P.S. I got 430fps on the demo :) (FX57+7800gtx) |
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I did not test darkphysics. I can not precisely tell. I know, that there are no magnets and systems of particles. Also I am not confident about cloths and triggers. At present PhysX wrapper does not work with PPU (Physical Processor Unit). For today few people have PhysX accelerator. If support PPU is required to several people I shall add it in the following update. P.S. In archive wrapper with a mistake. The new version |
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What is the colision feedback like? With darkphysics you have to loop threw all the objects every time you want to test for a collision, is it the same with this wrapper? Also, can cloth be any size and deleted? DP seems not to allow a cloth object to be deleted. One more thing please, can particles be stopped without deleting the emitter? Thanks again |
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> What is the colision feedback like? With darkphysics you have to loop threw all the objects every time you want to test for a collision, is it the same with this wrapper? In PhysX wrapper the given collisions can be know at any moment. For example, you need to known with what bodies the current body contacts: BodyInContact = pxContactGetBody % (body %, coll %) Returns a physical body which has collision number coll % with the body body % It is possible find out any information on contact: force of contact (normal, tangential), a point of contact, a normal, a body and amount of contacts. For the more information see documentation «Cooperation of bodies». > Also, can cloth be any size and deleted? DP seems not to allow a cloth object to be deleted. You will be helped by a command pxClothDelete(Cloth %). I have forget to add it in the documentation. Also in a new update commands for loading / preservation of cloths in a file will appear. > One more thing please, can particles be stopped without deleting the emitter? For a particle it is possible to apply commands, as to usual bodies. pxBodySetFrozen (body %, stat %) - bans the motion of dynamic body. I recommend to wait Fluid Particles. They work in 10 times faster usual particles and possess the hugest performance. |
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I have a couple of questions. What are the different modes for pxMagnetActivate? And, is it possible to set different materials to be magnetic/non-magnetic? |
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Render, I will buy your wrapper, but not right now. I need to know soon thoe, how is it possible to save/load physics models of terrain and big structures? Is it fast? Can we generate those and use the generated physics models as load to speed up game level loading? Cheers. |
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JA2, pxMagnetActivate(mdata%, mmode%, fmode) mmode: 1 - magnet not having the region of stop 2 - with the region of stop 3 - bodies are attracted not by force, but by speed. fmode: 0 - puts a force simply, parameter has unit of mass * distance/time^2. 1 - puts an impulse, parameter has unit of mass * distance /time. 2 - change of speed, parameter has unit of distance/time. 3 - the impulse (SMOOTH IMPULSE ) smoothed out, is used in the concrete case. 4 - the change of speed (SMOOTH VELOCITY CHANGE)smoothed out, is used in the concrete case. 5 - acceleration, parameter has unit of distance/ time^2, i.e. an acceleration. It gets treated just like a force except the mass is not divided out before integration. ![]() _33, The small model is loaded quickly. So it is necessary very big model to cut on small. If you have identical models can use a command of bodies copying. Also it is possible to load all models preliminary, and then to include that are necessary at present. It is recommended to use Single Surface Mesh. |
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Thanks Render :) |
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This is a very exciting wrapper and seems very powerful - I would like to purchase but I would want the hardware support so B3d can get on without the over head of Physics. If many people request the PPU (hardware accelerated) support the author will consider adding it - which will be awesome Plus! Please make your views known here so we can encourage the author to add Hardware support. Thanks IPete2. |
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Render: 1) Is it possible to save and load physics mesh from a file? 2) My models are not single surface, the use at least 6 surfaces as they are all textured differently and software assembled. What you are asking me is to scrap my project and start over. And that will not happen. I already use Newton and it works, just that it can not load and save physics mesh. 3) I tought my question was simple. All I want to know is if you can load/save physics mesh in files. And if that is fast. Is PhysX going to solve my problem or not? If not, then I won't buy. If you are proposing what I need, then I will buy. Pleas I beg you not to ask me to redesign, it is out of the question. |
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Hey Render, please could you make an example of how to do a controllable charater including a jump. Thanks |
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JA2, >And, is it possible to set different materials to be magnetic/non-magnetic? Yes. See example and a command pxMagnetSetMask (mdata%, mask%). IPete2, You need to know, that testing under PPU will occupy a many time. If interested persons will be more than 1 person I shall engage in it. _33 1) Yes. I today have renewed the old functions to loading Mesh from a file. The result appeared unexpected. Trimesh on 54K poligons loading 0.04 seconds. Example+New wrapper 2) I recommend to make two models. One will be for visualization, the second (SingleSurface) for physics. I so made in DemoLevel. In this case you have advantage. You can edit physical model not changing the basic. So you can receive faster and correct physics. This operation occupies few time and is unnecessary to change a code of the program. I have function which makes from MultiSurface SingleSurface. If it is required to you, I can show. > Is PhysX going to solve my problem or not? PhysX, as any other program, has the features. They need to be taken into account. Unfortunately, I for everyone separately to make special functions. You should understand me. metal mackey, Example on management of the character together with source codes. The jump can be organized only one function: If Keyhit (57) pxBodyAddForce (body, 0, 100, 0, 1) |
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Thanks Render:) I'm gonna buy this for sure. |
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Hi Render - very nice work! Add PPU support to this and you've got another sale :) |
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I think the PPU would slow down the program on a lot of low to mid-range PCs because the gfx card wont cope with all the extra objects. Also, I dont think the PPu would make much difference without increasing the number of objects. Hope that makes sense:) |
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Metal Ok, I misunderstood - I was hoping the PPU would take ALL the physics calculations off the CPU, therefore freeing up the cpu to process game code and the PPU to focus on the physics. Like a 3D gfx card takes care of the 3d - I though a Physics card did the same for Physics. I am still VERY interested in this wrapper, the examples are very very nice - Render do not worry about the PPU then I don't want to distract you from more important development, like the fluid particles you mentioned earleir! :) IPete2. |
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Thanks Render for the explicite answer that you given me. That is exactly the information I need. Yet my system can generate a single surface mesh if needed, I don't require any tool to do this. 0.4 seconds for a 54K mesh is really fast for me because with Newton, generating a 54K physic model takes around 10 seconds on my 2.8ghz Athlon 64, so on a 1ghz P3, it would take 30 seconds or more... With physics model loading (of pre-processed single surface source mesh), 0.4 seconds is more than just a speed up to me, it's going from impossible to very much possible usage. Btw, from the example 54K source, generating time 2.3 seconds, load time 0,03 seconde. What does it mean, the load time? Is it loading "Physic_mesh.px"? How did it determine the filename? Thanks you again for the extreme care and effort. Cheers. |
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Hi Render, Have a look at this Maybe you could post what your wrapper can and cant do concering car and particles:) |
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2 All, Ok, I shall try to realize work with PPU. PPU - should speed up physics. But, likely, it will be necessary to install official driver. _33, pxCreateTriMeshToFile (vbank, fbank, nvert, nface, File_Name $) - this function generates the data about TriMesh and save in a file with name a "File_Name". You can create the editor in which will to generate these files. pxCreateTriMeshFromFile % (File_Name $, mass *) - loads TriMesh from a file with name a "File_Name". This function is execute out for 0.04 seconds. It defines time of loading TriMesh. Therefore time of loading will be equal 0.04 seconds. Time of generation is defined by function pxCreateTriMeshToFile. Time of generation is equal 3 seconds. But this function will not be will be executed in game code.It serves for preliminary generation of files. You define names of files. Files can be as much as necessary. metal mackey, Eternal battle Blitz3D vs DB:) Thanks for assistance PhysX wrapper!!!! I should be registered at a forum what to post reply. It is very inconvenient for me. You can answer instead of me. Show them tests from Agent_J. Tell Virtual X, that he would look at the minimal system requirements. |
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Render, you''re a hard working man! Nice work there. It seems I will buy PhysX wrapper this week. :P |
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Well done moving it over to Bmax. Just a quick question, I'm getting the following error Attempt to call uninitiazed function pointer, at these lines. jo = pxJointCreateHinge(cubeBody, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 1) If KeyDown(KEY_A) pxBodyAddForce(cubeBody,0,0,200,0) I'm new with Bmax so you will need to bare with me. Thanks. |
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_33 Thanks Verfum, I have checked up these functions. They well work. Probably you where that have made a mistake. Example. Start file TriMesh > I'm new with Bmax so you will need to bare with me. Thanks. I also badly know Bmax:) |
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The pxBodyAddForce was a silly mistake, I didn't make the cubeBody Global. But the other one simply doesn't like it, it's taken directly from the B3D examples, is it okay to have cubeBody, 0 because your function is asking for a body2, is it that the hinge function requires a second body? |
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Here is another, Can't convert from TMesh to Int.Global body=PxBodyCreateCube(7,2,5, 100) Global cube:TMesh=CreateCube() pxBodySetEntity(cube, body) 'Points here I'm trying to convert your example. Thanks. |
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I changed your function:Global pxBodySetEntity%(entity:TMesh,body%) "win32" Would this be good enough, I need to know if this sort of stuff will work in BlitzMax, before buying the engine? |
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Ah, sorry noticed that you changed the way you set the bodies, sorry forget that :( |
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pxBodySetEntity () is a special function for Blitz3D. pxBodySetEntity works from memory Blitz3D. Structure of memory Blitz3D and BMax differ. Therefore this function in BMax does not work. |
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I've just purchased pro, it's a very nice wrapper. Could do with some reference docs though. It's a bit tricky to know where to put each function, i.e. wheel functions, do some go in the loop and others outside? |
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If to documentation write each trifle I will spend more time for the documentation, than for working out PhysX wrapper and user support. There are many examples. On a site download 2 examples of the car from Rams. If you have questions write to me, I will be always glad to answer you ;) P.S. Check up mail |
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How could I create a nice FPS camera? Similar to the one in the demo level but with some bounce when it moves around to simulate a walking motion? |
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I have made the camera in some minutes. It very much was pleasant to met. Other examples now at me are not present. Also there is no time to make these examples. I do not know what camera to you is necessary. And it depends on the programmer. I specialise on Physx wrapper. Camera adjustment is a little connected with Physx wrapper. If there will be questions on wrapper, I will help you. Now I work over PPU. Has already received the first results. The productivity gain is very small, but I will work in future. |
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Update 1.1 The basic changes and innovations: 1. Support PPU (Physical Processor Unit) is added pxChekPPU % () - the command checks presence PPU in your computer. If the command returns 1 PPU it is established and works. If 0 - PPU it is not found out pxChekPPUMode % () - checks a mode of processing of a scene. 1 - Hardware, 0 - Software. pxSetHardwareSimulation (mode %) - establishes simulation type. Mode = 0 - Software, Mode = 1 - Hardware. This command is carried out before any other function of Physics. If you wish to change a simulation mode it is necessary to create the physical world anew! 2. 2 functions for work with TriangleMesh are added pxCreateTriMeshToFile % (vbank *, fbank *, MESH_NBVERTICES %, MESH_NBFACES %, fname $) - function save in a file all data about TriangleMesh. After that 3D Model it is not so necessary. pxCreateTriMeshFromFile % (fname $, mass #) - function loads from a file «fname» TriangleMesh. This function works very quickly (about 0.04 seconds on loading of 54 000 polygons). She allows to create sector systems and to load them in RealTime. 3. It is finished RaycastCar for BMax pxWheelUpdateSpec (wheel %, mode %) - function is carried out to pxWheelGetPosition and pxWheelGetRotation. Allows to accelerate a code strongly. Approximately in 6-8 times. Mode - a synchronisation mode. In PhysX the update of cloths delay behind on one frame. If for the car to use Metall Cloth wheels will go forward, and the Cloth will lag behind. Mode - disable \enable off synchronisation. Following commands returns current position and turn of wheels. Are used for BMax: pxWheelGetPositionXSpec # (wheel %) pxWheelGetPositionYSpec # (wheel %) pxWheelGetPositionZSpec # (wheel %) pxWheelGetRotationPitchSpec # (wheel %) pxWheelGetRotationYawSpec # (wheel %) pxWheelGetRotationRollSpec # (wheel %) 4. Functions for Cloths are added. Also work with BMax is completed pxClothSetVertexPos (Cloth %, vbank *, numVert %) - function establishes a position to vertices of a Cloth from bank vbank. pxClothGetVertexPos (Cloth %, vbank *, numVert %) - function fills bank vbank with positions of all Cloth vertices. These two functions are used for loading and preservation of data about a Cloth. pxCreateClothSpec % (vbank *, fbank *, MESH_NBVERTICES %, MESH_NBFACES %) - creates a Cloth for BMax pxCreateMetalClothSpec % (vbank *, fbank *, MESH_NBVERTICES %, MESH_NBFACES %, coreActor %, impThr #, depth #) - creates the Metal Cloth for BMax pxClothGetNormals (Cloth %, nbank *) - fills bank nbank with normals of Cloth vertices. It is used for an update of Cloth in BMax. See example! - PhysX wrapper - Samples New examples in a folder «PhysX_samples» - Hardware - Trimesh\54k - car\Pobeda_Special(BMax).bb - Cloth(PRO)\ - Cloth(PRO)\ BMax examples and files: |
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Thanks for the update Render :) Do I need to uninstall previous version first? Also,have you got any test results showing if the PPU is that much faster? Thanks |
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>Do I need to uninstall previous version first? It is desirable. >Also,have you got any test results showing if the PPU is that much faster? I have very fast processor. Therefore I cannot correctly measure a gain of speed. I received a prize at use of cloths and very much a considerable quantity of bodies (approximately 1000-2000 bodies) |
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Does an AMD FX-57 count as a fast cpu? :) |
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Yes. PPU has been created for SDK 2.3.2. Now it is possible to load SDK 2.7.0. Since then technologies strongly have gone forward. Modern processors which cost 150-250$ - very fast. Ageia financed PPU2. About date of appearance of it it is not known. |
| || your wrapper can use Aigea physics hardware?? |
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Hey Render, am I right that the only thing that can't be done in sofware and you need the PPU for is fluids (like dripping water)? |
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Naughty Alien, YES. Hardware scene works in a master mode. This mode not the fastest. It is possible to make professional adjustment. But it will be very difficult even for professionals! metal mackey, fluids work in Software Scene since SDK 2.7.0. In Software Scene I have received 83 FPS at 10 000 fluids. |
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Cool:) Have you got a demo or example of fluids? |
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Fluids????? Demo please. ;-) |
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Fluids are yet ready. At present I am engaged in their working out. There it is a many work!!! Creation of a water drop very difficult. Look image. For creation of liquids it is necessary to build Implicit Meshes. Then to Implicit Meshes it is necessary to add Blitz3D Mesh. It is very difficult for realising. And resources it is necessary much. Also Fluids it is possible to use in other purposes which it is much easier to do. And these possibilities will be more demanded than water imitation. (Special generators of particles which can create on 10 000 particles) |
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Good luck. ;-) |
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Render, this looks like marching cubes!ù Great work! I was willing to write something for my game to emulate puddles, bnut it seems you have the answer for that also! Good show. Cheers. |
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Hey Render, good luck with the fluids:) Is it possible to have a cloth or metal cloth object "spring" back to it's origonal shape? Kinda like a bouncy castle:) |
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Hi, Blitz3d's Sprite routine is very low. A solution to use 'quad' with Physx? JP |
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ZJP, _33, Thanks! metal mackey, For metal cloth I have not found such possibility. It is possible to save an initial position of all tops pxClothGetVertexPos. And then into the necessary moment to load back. Thus you receive the origonal shape. P.S. Using compound geometry for a Coreof a metal cloth, it is possible to receive very interesting possibilities ;) ZJP, I did not try. On idea should work. You can check up. If not work, I will busy with this problem ;) |
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;-) |
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Are you still there Render? The site seems to have vanished. |
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"ZJP, I did not try. On idea should work. You can check up. If not work, I will busy with this problem ;) " Stupid me. Works well with all Blitz3D entity. ;-) |
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Interested in this working with blizmax+blitz3dsdk... possible? |
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Yeah me too..blizmax+blitz3dsdk... possible? |
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blitzmax+blitz3dsdk... possible? Yep, I have converted Render's "TriMesh" BlitzMax demo, to work with the Blitz3DSDK (instead of MiniB3D): |
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Ha ha ha - give Avon a new toy and he'll sort it all out for you... What a chap! That's excellent work Avon - excellent! IPete2. |
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> Interested in this working with blizmax+blitz3dsdk... possible? Yes. Version 1.1 can be used with any other graphic engines (including BMax and blitz3dsdk). Please, write the questions here You receive the fast and true answer. Mr. Render constantly watches for his forum! |
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Is there a direct correlation between the following? If I create a Blitz3d Cube and a pxBody... Will they encompass the same world space? Mesh=CreateCube () Body=pxBodyCreateCube(1,1,1,10) Then This... Mesh=CreateCube () ScaleMesh (Mesh,.1,.1,.1) Body=pxBodyCreateCube(.1,.1,.1,10) Should this work? Where will the Physics Body be in comparison to the B3d Cube. Is anyone using this wrapper? Eric |
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So you will create two physical bodies and two Mesh, they will simultaneously exist and will be is in in one scene. Variable Body will save the pointer on last body. That Mesh was position where a physical body, it needs to be adhered to this body. There are two variants: Write in a cycle 1. pxBodySetEntity(Mesh, Body) 2. PositionEntity (Mesh, pxBodyGetPositionX(Body), pxBodyGetPositionY(Body), pxBodyGetPositionZ(Body)) RotateEntity (Mesh, pxBodyGetRotationPitch(Body), pxBodyGetRotationYaw(Body), pxBodyGetRotationRoll(Body)) Please, write the questions here |
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I've seen a few references to BlitzMax here. For clarification, when you say there are some compatibility issues with Blitzmax, do you mean BlitzMax + MiniB3D specifically? In other words are there also issues with BlitzMax + B3DSDK? Thanks. I purchased a few days ago and I 've had a lot of fun with it already! Mike |
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pxSetTiming(maxTimeStep#, maxIter%, StepMethod%) Does anyone have good examples or explanations on this command. I tried to register at the RUBUX website but every username I selected was used... Hmm are there that many users. :) |
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(from render) Morbius, Eric, See answer here Please, write the questions here !!!! |
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pxGetBodyName(RayBody) Why does this return a Byte Pointer instead of a String? I would post on your website if I could register. And also I'm already here, why not just have a sticky post here. |
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This is Bmax package: dll's and Documentation Examples (source) 1.5 Mb Examples (exe) 5.0 Mb C++ header and Lib: OR from ZJP972 Loading sample |
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Hi, Maybe a pb with the BLITZPX.DLL . It's different of the Blitz3D dll's wrapper, BUT, SAME NAME !!! JP Edit : My test code works well with the "official" header without any change . This is a...what can i say...a "sort of validation" of my DECLS converter. Ho, IT'S WORKS...surprise.... ;-) // Test Blitz3D SDK and PhysX'S Rubux wrapper #include <Windows.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <Blitzpx.h> // Official Rubux header file. #include <blitz3dsdk.h> int main( int argc, char** argv ){ // #include "INCLUDE_physx.cpp" // My Physx declaration srand(time(NULL)); // random generator bbBeginBlitz3D(); // Init SDK bbSetBlitz3DDebugMode(1); bbGraphics3D(800, 600, 32, 0); int cam = bbCreateCamera(); bbPositionEntity (cam,0,3,-10); int plane = bbCreatePlane(); int Texture = bbLoadTexture("cell.bmp"); bbEntityTexture (plane,Texture); int miroir = bbCreateMirror(plane) int light = bbCreateLight(); bbRotateEntity (light,0,0,140); pxCreateWorld(1, "key"); pxSetGravity(0, -10, 0); int entity = bbCreateCube(); bbScaleMesh (entity,0.5,0.5,0.5); bbEntityColor(entity,rand() % 255,rand() % 255,rand() % 255); bbEntityTexture (entity,Texture); int body = pxBodyCreateCube(1,1,1,5); // Create body. Size==> Blitz_Size*2 pxBodySetPosition(body,0,7,0); pxBodySetRotation(body,rand() % 360,rand() % 360,rand() % 360); while (!bbKeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)) { if (bbKeyHit(KEY_1)) { pxBodyAddForce(body, 5, 0, 0, 2); } if (bbKeyHit(KEY_2)) { pxBodyAddForce(body, 0, 5, 0, 2); } if (bbKeyHit(KEY_3)) { pxBodyAddForce(body, 0, 0, 5, 2); pxBodyAddLocalForceAtLocalPos(body,0,0,3,-1,-1,-2,2); } bbUpdateWorld(); pxRenderPhysic(30,0); bbPositionEntity (entity,pxBodyGetPositionX(body),pxBodyGetPositionY(body),pxBodyGetPositionZ(body)); bbRotateEntity (entity, pxBodyGetRotationPitch(body),pxBodyGetRotationYaw(body),pxBodyGetRotationRoll(body)); bbRenderWorld(); bbFlip(); } bbEndBlitz3D(); return 0; } |
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Hi Guys, I just switch from Newton to PhysX today. I bought Pro version to use with B3D SDK. Now, I'm really appreciated PhsyX :-) Keep on good working, Cheers! |
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Hi, I have a question. I think the coordinate of Blitz's and PhysX of a Cylinder does not refer to the same point. Blitz's cylinder refers at exact cylinder center but PhysX refer to cylinder base??? I've tried to figure it out because the mesh and physic body did not match. - -" anyone has suggestion? Thank you, |
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Render asked me to post this reply here:Coordinate of Blitz's mesh and physical body of a Cylinder DOES REFER TO THE SAME POINT. Example for Blitz3d: Graphics3D 800, 600, 32, 2 SetBuffer BackBuffer() PxCreateWorld(1, "key") pxSetGravity(0, -10, 0) camera=CreateCamera() light=CreateLight() PositionEntity camera,0,20,-40 RotateEntity camera,30,0,0 plane=CreatePlane( ) EntityColor plane,0,100,200 EntityAlpha plane,0.5 mir = CreateMirror () cyl = pxBodyCreateCylinder( 1, 3, 8, 1) pxBodySetPosition(cyl,0,15,0) pxBodySetRotation(cyl,30,30,0) cyl_mesh = CreateCylinder(8) ScaleEntity cyl_mesh,1,3,1 While Not KeyDown( 1 ) pxRenderPhysic(60,0) Update_Px_Cube() PositionEntity (cyl_mesh, pxBodyGetPositionX(cyl),pxBodyGetPositionY(cyl),pxBodyGetPositionZ(cyl)) RotateEntity (cyl_mesh, pxBodyGetRotationPitch(cyl),pxBodyGetRotationYaw(cyl),pxBodyGetRotationRoll(cyl)) UpdateWorld () RenderWorld Flip Wend End Please, write your questions here: !!!! |
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Thank you for the sample. ;Update_Px_Cube() << should be removed? <<I love PhysX>> |
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Hi, Any news on the progress of the new update? Can't wait to see the new faster particle system:) |
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I downloaded the Wrapper ( ) and i think i didn't understand something: It's a trail version, is it? When i start the exe, there stands: This demo version of Blitz3D is limited to 16K source files and lacks the ability to create executables, but is otherwise a fully functional version of Blitz3D But these are the limitations of the normal blitz3d demo. And they have no effect also! So, what are the limitations of the wrapper? |
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@elcoo It's a bug with the doc file that I think brings up the trial B3D help page (B3D is still full version). The limits of the trial version of the wrapper is that it only runs for about 5 minutes. |
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Uhm, i let the wrapper run for 10 minuts now, but it doesn't seem to stop^^ Did i something wrong? I've got yet another question: In this topic i read, that the wrapper doesnt use the ppu. Are you working on that, render? Or does the wrapper use the ppu now? If it would use it, i'd buy it! |
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>> Any news on the progress of the new update? Can't wait to see the new faster particle system In September there will be version 1.2. The basic feature are the advanced soft bodies. You can make a football, palm tree, grass, soft wheels and many other different objects. The system of particles is planned little bit later. She demands a lot of time. >> Uhm, i let the wrapper run for 10 minuts now, but it does not seem to stop ^^ Restriction on 20 000 cycles. It approximately 5 minutes. Also there is a restriction on amount of bodies created in a scene. >> In this topic i read, that the wrapper doesnt use the ppu. Wrapper works with ppu. A gain of speed the small. PhysX a multithreading engine. The usual two-core processor (Core 2 Duo, Athlon X2) gives the big productivity, as time for synchronisation CPU and PPU is not necessary. Please, write your questions here: !!!! |
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Just have to say that the new softbodies demo is bloody amazing:D Render is the man:) |
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Hi Render, Will the wrapper work with Knightmares DX9 Userlib? Thanks |
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Yes! |
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Cool:) I should be building my new quad-core PC soon, does the wrapper take advantage of duel/quad core CPUs? |
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Physx is orient for dual core systems. You receive a huge gain of productivity. Please, write your questions here: !!!! I come on this forum seldom and you will wait to answer some days.. |
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Site offline ? or i'm wrong. |
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I think the site is being upgraded ;) |
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I am unlucky i want see it just now! I must wait... |
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The old site has been corrupted. Regret. Our new site will surprise you not only with beautiful design, but also with the new features. You can post your questions at new forum or in feedback. - New site - New forum - Added sections at a forum |
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We can't login with our old account, can we? Or i've forgotten my password... :P |
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I have tested the wrapper in Blitz3d with a big scenery (static mesh) and a vehicle, and this ( the car) go through the walls,...It is like not all the mesh´s triangles are solid for the PhysX engine. Is there a demo limitation in the number of triangles for static meshes? Thanks. |
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elcoo, The old site has been corrupted. Please register again. angel martinez, I tested a wrapper on a mesh (3 000 000 000 triangles). All works. Maybe you use MultiSurface mesh. It often causes an error Please, write your questions here: |
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in the supplied samples, why am I getting a memory access violation in line: PxCreateWorld(1,"key") ? |
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Chwaga, Did you read this?... IPete2. |
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But the first time ever using physx this happens, I don't get to run anything at all once even. |
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chwaga, Give your e-mail to me. Or write to Render rrenderr@... It has some variants of elimination of a problem. Please, write your questions here: |
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OK Just bought the PhysX engine, great :) Took longer than it should, but I'm short on cash. Good! And now that I got the key, it's all good. With the latest version,do we ha fluid? You know, the one that looks like blobs? I need that for my project! Cheers. |
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Fluids are not realised yet. They demand a lot of time. There is one lack. Ageia has removed a ImplicitMesh. You should create it for fluids oneself. - You can use soft bodies (look examples). - You can simulate fluids usual bodies the connected joints. Now the new version of wrapper prepares. It can work without drivers. This version very convenient in use. As the version under DX9 engine prepares. Please, write your questions here: Support: |
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"It can work without drivers." Great ! :) |
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Can someone explain why changing the value from 60 to 120 in pxRenderPhysics() uses LESS CPU and gives a better framerate. I was testing on my new PC (QX6850, 8800Ultra) and I changed the stack size to 50 to push the PC. I got 24fps. I then changed the first value in pxRenderPhysics to 120 and to my surprise the dll time went way down and framerate shot up. Can someone explain please? Thanks |
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Hmm no answer? that would interest me too. Is it possible to let several magnets interact? I didn't succeed in doing so. |
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First question answered here I think:,com_fireboard/Itemid,4/func,view/id,171/catid,3/ |
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don't you think this is not a blitz3d bug, but a PhysxWrapper fault?,com_fireboard/Itemid,4/func,view/id,511/catid,3/ |
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...uhm the site seems dead...I think it has been discontinued... |
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As its looking like this wrapper is no more, can someone tell me which is the best alterative physics engine/wrapper to go for? Thanks |
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Metal Mackey, Take a look at JV-ODE physics wrapper, It is in its 10th thread!, so it is active, I've just played an order for it. |
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Looks good but doesnt have cloth. Is it updated often? |
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That's pretty bad, the support has been dropped, site is down, no more updates. Well, that's 30$ not too well spent... |
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Is the site just down or has there been word from Render that this is finished? |
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Email from RENDER: I now on business trip! Temporarily I do not have access to the project. When I will return job it will be continued!! Pleas sorry... |
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That sounds like good news:) |
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anyone having a demoversion for me (site is down....)? i bought the newton wrapper, but i have some issues with newton, so i would like to test physx. but i cannot download the demo. can anyone send it to me please? |
| || again works |
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uh nice ;) |
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Anyone else getting a virus warning on the wrappers site? |
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Yep, with Avira: TR/Dldr.Agent.blv.1 |
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same here... |
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I need help, i have a charachter i need to create a body for it and add a force.. Can you help me? P.s. I speak with render he say to me that will create a new site for physx Aza |
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I need help, i have a charachter i need to create a body for it and add a force.. Can you help me? Here a simple way. Jug\Phys = pxBodyCreateCapsule(2,1.5,1) pxBodySetPosition Jug\Phys,10,30,0 pxBodySetFrozenRot(Jug\Phys, 1) pl_mat = pxCreateMaterial%() pxMaterialSetDyFriction(pl_mat, 1) pxMaterialSetToBody(Jug\Phys, pl_mat) Then, you can move the player with... pxBodySetLocalLinearSpeed(Jug\Phys, X, Y, Z) |
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Version 1.3 |
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Does it support Nidvia hardware physics? |
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Anyone? |
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Does it support Nidvia hardware physics? Yes..and..NO Answer here: |
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No response. Render is not VIP3R ;) . He takes his time. @#&£ù% :( JP |
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How can I get the wrapper ? The website does not appear to be functional. |
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PhysX Wrapper :!Cgp0XDiT!TKuX-EPjjMalroFSjmj42nrsEz1fzJ0193h5Za1gYnc |
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ZJP: You are the man. Thank you for coming to rescue. It was an wonderful surprise. |
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You're welcome. ;) |
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Someone can reupload the file please, it is the professionnal version ? |
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Here's my odd collection of materials(uncleaned, bit messy with double entries probably). Should contain pro stuff also if I'm correct. See the file link in thread post here: |
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Thanks Rick, i will take a look on this. |