debug with sysinternals debugview
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Userlibs/debug with sysinternals debugview
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Global hWnd=Systemproperty("ApphWnd") graphics3d 800,600,0,2 apptitle" Dbgview Sample" while not keyhit(1) if mousehit(1) api_OutputDebugString("left mousebutton hit") elseif mousehit(2) api_OutputDebugString("right mousebutton hit") elseif mousehit(3) api_OutputDebugString("middle mousebutton hit") elseif keyhit(57) api_OutputDebugString("hwnd=" +hwnd) endif text(10,10,".) start Dbgview.exe once") text(10,25,".) press left, right or middle mousebutton") text(10,40,".) press space for hwnd") flip wend end .lib "kernel32.dll" api_OutputDebugString (lpOutputString$) : "OutputDebugStringA" DebugView DebugView_Sample cheers chi |