Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Userlibs/ODE + T.ED

Al Meyer(Posted 2008) [#1]
Please, I need a code about using JV-ODE using a terrain generated by T.ED. I know there�s a file, ODEMARS, that do it. Any one can send it to me, by e-mail or post in Rapidshare? I think it�s just what i need. Thanks a lot in advance.

Al Meyer(Posted 2008) [#2]

This is what I found on Google.

Links is not valid for download.

VIP3R(Posted 2008) [#3]
Hi Al,

It was created by Blitz user Wayne Gray... http://www.blitzmax.com/Account/showuser.php?id=794

Btw, the 'CarDemo-AnimTriMesh' demo included with JV-ODE uses a terrain mesh generated by T.ED.

Al Meyer(Posted 2008) [#4]
Thanks VIP3R, i will check it out. The profile of Wayne is off. Maybe he can send it to me.

Wayne(Posted 2008) [#5]
Hey the link doesn't work, what's up with that anyway ?


Al Meyer(Posted 2008) [#6]
I�m waiting for someone who has this file.

Wayne(Posted 2008) [#7]
I'll take look and see if I still have the ODEMARS file.

I can list the source code here and discuss if you like ?

Wayne(Posted 2008) [#8]
Here is the link with odemars running with latest B3d and JV/ODE.


Al Meyer(Posted 2008) [#9]

Access to the URL has been denied!
Warning: The content of this website is part of a unwanted category: Malware

Requested URL: http://www.box.net/index.php?rm=box_download_shared_file&file_id=f_185112942&shared_name=k6yttfa38s


CAn you send it to alberto.meyer@...



Wayne(Posted 2008) [#10]
I emailed all the source code with instructions, sans the ode.exe, and jvode.dll

if you require the exe let me know and I'll send.

Al Meyer(Posted 2008) [#11]
Thanks a lot Wayne. I have JVODE. I will try later this night, after day job. Thank you very much again. I will post my comments here.