Easy way to create windows menus & buttons?

Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Userlibs/Easy way to create windows menus & buttons?

Ekix(Posted 2008) [#1]
Is there any good tool or whatsoever (possibly with design option) to create menus & buttons ito a Blitz3D application.
The tools in the toolbox seems not to be so good, or they are just demos and I think there should be a free tool for this available (like in PureBasic) or dead links like WinBlitz3D by Kev.

What are you guys using for this?


Naughty Alien(Posted 2008) [#2]
AlphaGui..fully featured editor and stuff..

John Blackledge(Posted 2008) [#3]
The Toolbox link is wrong.
Try this:

Ekix(Posted 2008) [#4]
Jee, thanks,

But all the examples end up to an error like "Function WB3D_InitializeGUI not found" or something else not found:
Maybe I did miss something or what went wrong, have you got errors like this with WinBlitz3D?

I also tried to find this AlphaGui, not could not find it, just a web page with losts of Google Ads...


stayne(Posted 2008) [#5]
For WinBlitz3D make sure you put blitz3d_gui_dll.dll in your Blitz3D userlibs folder. By the way your signature is a bit odd for this forum in my opinion.

Ekix(Posted 2008) [#6]
I did put the DLL (blitz3d_gui_dll.dll) as you told into C:\Program Files\Blitz3D\userlibs folder, but for some reason it just does not work.

Any idea why?


Kev(Posted 2008) [#7]
what verion of blitz3d are you using, update to the latest version should work.


Ekix(Posted 2008) [#8]
It,s the latest one 1.98. I also installled the latest 1.99 update but the About popup says its 1.98 for some funny reason?


Kev(Posted 2008) [#9]
and you have copyed Blitz3D_GUI_DLL.decls to your blitz3d userlibs folder?

Ekix(Posted 2008) [#10]
Yep, as I told you...

I did put the DLL (blitz3d_gui_dll.dll) as you told into C:\Program Files\Blitz3D\userlibs folder, but for some reason it just does not work.


Kev(Posted 2008) [#11]
ok can you provide some extra info system spec and os system your using, winblitz3d has been available for over 2 years without any problems.

i notice you refer to 'blitz3d_gui_dll.dll' have you copyed the .decls as well you should have 2 files within the blitz3d userlibs folder. blitz3d_gui_dll.dll and blitz3d_gui_dll.decls

sorry if you mean this its no so clear you have copyed both dll and decls to userlibs


Ekix(Posted 2008) [#12]
Thanks Kev

blitz3d_gui_dll.decls I missed to put into same directory as the dll file, now it's working and look's cool.

Is there somewhere an example of using menus also, at least I could not find one?
And is there some place (like forum or whatsoever) to ask in case I don't understand everything?

I think someone should also correct the download link in toolbox...

Thanks a lot for your help so far :=)

John Blackledge(Posted 2008) [#13]
Yeah, it helps to put the decls in the userlibs folder.

As an alternative to putting the dll in there as well (-you will want to issue it one day) I always create a folder next to my engine e.g. TLA\sys\ and drop the dll in there, then in the decls rename the .lib line to .lib "TLA\sys\WB3D.DLL".

Kev(Posted 2008) [#14]
Ekix, I have no forum but posting here with any problems normal results in help from myself or someone else that uses winblitz3d.

see examples folder


Ekix(Posted 2008) [#15]
I did go troug all the examples, but for some reason could not find a windows menu example, is it possible to create menus with WinBlitz3D?

Kev(Posted 2008) [#16]
quick example i just grabbed from my un-released examples

Include "WB3DStyles.bb"

; setup gfx mode.
Graphics3D 640,480,16,3

Global RuntimeWindow_hWnd = WB3D_InitializeGUI(SystemProperty("AppHwnd"),10,10,800,600)

; hot key events
WB3D_HotKeyEvent MOD_ALT,78,1	; alt+n
WB3D_HotKeyEvent MOD_CONTROL,76,25	; ctrl+l

; menus
menus = WB3D_WindowMenu(RuntimeWindow_hWnd)
file = WB3D_CreateMenu("&File",0,menus,0)
	NewItem = WB3D_CreateMenu("&New... "+WB3D_MENUHOTKEY_SPACER+"Alt+N",1,file,0) ;: WB3D_AddMenuIcon(file,1,"menuBMPS/MENUNEW.BMP")
	OpenItem = WB3D_CreateMenu("Open",2,file,1) ;: WB3D_AddMenuIcon(file,2,"menuBMPS/MENULOAD.BMP")
		OpenItem_1 = WB3D_CreateMenu("Open Sub Item 1",43,OpenItem,0) 
		OpenItem_2 = WB3D_CreateMenu("Open Sub Item 2",20,OpenItem,0) 
			SUBOpenItem_1 = WB3D_CreateMenu("Sub Item 1",44,OpenItem_2,0) ;: WB3D_AddMenuIcon(file,44,"menuBMPS/MENULOAD.BMP") 
			SUBOpenItem_2 = WB3D_CreateMenu("Sub Item 2",45,OpenItem_2,1) 
				SUBOpenItem_5 = WB3D_CreateMenu("Sub Item 2",46,SUBOpenItem_2,0)
	SaveItem = WB3D_CreateMenu("Save",3,file,0) ; : WB3D_AddMenuIcon(file,3,"menuBMPS/MENUSAVE.BMP")
	QuitItem = WB3D_CreateMenu("Quit",4,file,0) ;: WB3D_AddMenuIcon(file,4,"menuBMPS/MENUQUIT.BMP")

editmenu_window_1 = WB3D_CreateMenu("&Edit",0,menus,0)
	CutItem = WB3D_CreateMenu("Cut"+WB3D_MENUHOTKEY_SPACER+"Ctrl+C",5,editmenu_window_1,0) ;: WB3D_AddMenuIcon(editmenu_window_1,5,"menuBMPS/MENUCUT.BMP")
	CopyItem = WB3D_CreateMenu("Copy"+WB3D_MENUHOTKEY_SPACER+"Alt+C",6,editmenu_window_1,0) ;: WB3D_AddMenuIcon(editmenu_window_1,6,"menuBMPS/MENUCOPY.BMP")
	PasteItem = WB3D_CreateMenu("Paste"+WB3D_MENUHOTKEY_SPACER+"Ctrl+P",7,editmenu_window_1,0) ;: WB3D_AddMenuIcon(editmenu_window_1,7,"menuBMPS/menupaste.BMP")

	WB3D_RadiocheckMenu editmenu_window_1,5,7,6

statusbar = WB3D_CreateStatusBar(RuntimeWindow_hWnd,"")
WB3D_SetStatusParts statusbar,4
WB3D_SetStatusText statusbar,0,"part 0"
WB3D_SetStatusText statusbar,1,"part 1"
WB3D_SetStatusText statusbar,2,"part 2"
WB3D_SetStatusText statusbar,3,"part 3"
WB3D_SetStatusText statusbar,4,"part 4"
WB3D_UpdateStatusbar statusbar

; cleanup any old creation events, its better to do this before we enter the main
; event loop, when some gadgets are created they generate events.

; setup out quit flag, and loop until the flag is set.
QUIT = 0
While Not QUIT = 1
	; get an event of the event queue.
	event = WB3D_WaitEvent()
	Select event
			Select WB3D_EventSource()	

			End Select			

			WB3D_Notify "menu item","Menu selected: "+WB3D_EventData(),0
			; wb_eventdata holds the key code that was pressed.
			keypressed = WB3D_EventData()
			Select keypressed
					; set the flag to leave the loop.
					QUIT = 1
			End Select
			;WB3D_ShowGadget RuntimeWindow_hWnd

			Select WB3D_EventSource()
				Case RuntimeWindow_hWnd
					QUIT = 1
					;state = WB3D_Notify("Quit","Save changes",MB_YESNOCANCEL)
					;Select state
					;	Case IDCANCEL
					;	Case IDYES	
					;	Case IDNO
					;		QUIT = 1
					;End Select
			End Select
	End Select
	; generate an internal blitz event


; use notify using external winapi constants. 
WB3D_Notify "WB3D GUI Window Example","Bye, Thats It I Quit",MB_OK Or MB_ICONASTERISK

i do plan on adding these examples to the download its finding the time.


Ekix(Posted 2008) [#17]
Thanks Kevin

It tolds me that "Not enough parameters" even that I did put it to the same folder as the include file....?

Did I miss something once again?

Kev(Posted 2008) [#18]
download beta v1.1, the example possable needs beta v1.1


what wb3d function call gives "Not enough parameters"?

rember to ovewrite the .decls and .dll with the new beta version.


Ekix(Posted 2008) [#19]
Thanks Kevin

All the other examples wors now exept that WebBrowser.bb, which gives an error as below. Looks like its because of one line in the include file in
"status_text$ = status_text$ + Chr(PeekByte"(bank,loop)) line.

Runtime Error
Offset out of range

Kev(Posted 2008) [#20]
Function WB3D_GetBrowserStatusText$()
	bank = CreateBank(2001)
	For loop = 0 To 2000
		status_text$ = status_text$ + Chr(PeekByte(bank,loop))
	FreeBank bank
	Return status_text$
End Function

does this function correct?


Ekix(Posted 2008) [#21]
Yep, works :=)

Thanks Kev

Ekix(Posted 2008) [#22]
By the way, in case you have time, could you create a simple example like just only menus:

File Help
Exit About

Exit ends the program and About opens a small popup window which could be used for copyright etc.... purposes.

There could be a small 3d cube rotating, so it would be easier to see where to put your own staff... or something like this.

Thanks for your help anyway :=)

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2008) [#23]
Can you add tabs, spinners, a position window function, and / or tree views?

Guy Fawkes(Posted 2008) [#24]
Sorry. misread. Didnt see the function "CreateTabbers" :P

Kryzon(Posted 2008) [#25]
Is there a GUI Editor for WinBlitz3D so you can visually create the windows? kinda like the one you see on BlitzUI (being the BlitzUI Editor).

Shouldn't be hard to make one... :rolleyes:

John Blackledge(Posted 2008) [#26]
Kryzon, search this forum.
I think someone _did_ make one, but I don't think it was completely finished.

Danny(Posted 2008) [#27]
Yeah I made one called "Schnok!" - It's not the best or the most rubust, but saves you tons of manual work at least..
I don't know if Kev still has it online somewhere - if not, I'll post it tomorrow (I'm at work at the moment)..
