You have to either create it in your code by rendering 6 sides of the cubemapped mesh or load a custom pre-rendered cube map.
Here is the B3D cubemapping example code;
Function UpdateCubemap(tex,camera,entity,ocam,flat=True,refraction=True)
If tex<>0
CameraProjMode ocam,0
CameraRange camera,1.0,10000.0
; Show the camera we have specifically created for updating the cubemap
ShowEntity camera
; Hide entity that will have cubemap applied to it. This is so we can get cubemap from its position, without it blocking the view
HideEntity entity
; Position camera where the entity is - this is where we will be rendering views from for cubemap
If flat
PositionEntity camera,EntityX#(ocam,True),EntityY#(entity,True)-(EntityY(ocam,True)-EntityY(entity,True)),EntityZ(ocam,True)
PositionEntity camera,EntityX#(entity,True),EntityY#(entity,True),EntityZ#(entity,True)
End If
CameraClsMode camera,False,True
; Set the camera's viewport so it is the same size as our texture - so we can fit entire screen contents into texture
CameraViewport camera,0,0,tex_sz,tex_sz
; Update cubemap
; do left view
SetCubeFace tex,0
RotateEntity camera,0,90,0
CopyRect 0,0,tex_sz,tex_sz,0,0,BackBuffer(),TextureBuffer(tex)
; do forward view
SetCubeFace tex,1
RotateEntity camera,0,0,0
CopyRect 0,0,tex_sz,tex_sz,0,0,BackBuffer(),TextureBuffer(tex)
; do right view
SetCubeFace tex,2
RotateEntity camera,0,-90,0
CopyRect 0,0,tex_sz,tex_sz,0,0,BackBuffer(),TextureBuffer(tex)
; do backward view
SetCubeFace tex,3
RotateEntity camera,0,180,0
CopyRect 0,0,tex_sz,tex_sz,0,0,BackBuffer(),TextureBuffer(tex)
; do up view
SetCubeFace tex,4
RotateEntity camera,-90,0,0
CopyRect 0,0,tex_sz,tex_sz,0,0,BackBuffer(),TextureBuffer(tex)
; do down view
SetCubeFace tex,5
RotateEntity camera,90,0,0
CopyRect 0,0,tex_sz,tex_sz,0,0,BackBuffer(),TextureBuffer(tex)
; Show entity again
ShowEntity entity
; Hide the cubemap camera
HideEntity camera
CameraProjMode ocam,1
End If
End Function
I don't know what kind of texture I must use when I need cubic environment.
Here, it's what it looks like;