Fractal noise!
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Userlibs/Fractal noise!
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This is to continue the discussion from the code archives. (it's very confusing there :( ) so long and no pages :( . To download the Latest Lib (version Final): Please post your Fractal Noise algorithms here for others to use. Thanks! |
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ummm.... |
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Updated NoiseGens library, this is the final release. I cannot add any more to it. All examples should be clear, if not then I can help. There is a lot in this update. nothing new to the engine other then added the nameing conventions of Init_Noise(seed) or CreateNoiseGenerator(seed) to mean the same thing. As well as Free_Noise(NoiseID) or FreeNoiseGenerator(NoiseID) there are some simple math functions included within the Library it's self. Have fun and enjoy |
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Amazing noise library! I've started using it to make a large, randomly generated world using all of the various noise functions. I posted it in another thread ( actually looking for help on it. I'm curious if you have any plans to perhaps port this to Blitzmax? It would be infinitely useful- seeing as how Blitz3D is slowly becoming more and more antiquated as time goes on. |
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Is there a way to ensure that a noisemap will tile? I am trying to generate textures for spheres (planets) procedurally based on the Perlin Noise function. Perhaps Krischan may know the technique... Function PerlinNoiseInitialisation(Seed%=0) If (Seed=0) Seed=MilliSecs() End If InitPerlinNoise(Seed) Return Seed End Function Function PerlinNoiseMap(Size=128) Local Image=CreateImage(Size,Size) Local Buffer=ImageBuffer(Image) Local X Local Y Local aRGB# Local Component Local NoiseLevel# Local Resolution=Size*Size LockBuffer Buffer For Y = 0 To Size-1 For X = 0 To Size-1 NoiseLevel# = Perlin3D(X,Y,Size,Size,0,Resolution) If NoiseLevel# < 0 Then NoiseLevel# = 0 If NoiseLevel# > 1 Then NoiseLevel# = 1 Component=NoiseLevel# * 255 aRGB = GetBGRa(Component,Component,Component) WritePixelFast X,Y,aRGB,Buffer Next Next UnlockBuffer Buffer Return Image End Function Function GetBGRa(R,G,B,a=255) Return (B And 255) + ((G And 255) Shl 8)) + ((R And 255) Shl 16) + ((a And 255) Shl 24)) End Function Function GetA(RGBa) Return (RGBa Shr 24)And 255 End Function Function GetR(RGBa) Return (RGBa Shr 16)And 255 End Function Function GetG(RGBa) Return (RGBa Shr 8)And 255 End Function Function GetB(RGBa) Return RGBa And 255 End Function |